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Created March 24, 2019 12:27
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Learning Summary of pipenv and poetry
# Install pipenv by
>pip install pipenv
>move to working dir
>pipenv install requests python-box # install 2 packages
you can specify the version of python by
pipenv install --three
# --three means to use python 3
it will create the virutal env somewhere it resides in .local dir or whatever
it will install dependencies in the virtual env.
it will create a pipfile for the project.
it will create a pipfile.lock too.
the pip file will contain the 2 dependencies we installed
you can see the pipfile by >type pipfile
pipenv run python it will run the program
pipenv shell will get on in a virtual shell like workon
type > exit to deactive
create a new project
>poetry new currencies
# currencies is the name of project.
# it will create a new folder with .toml files and others. Folder would be named currencies and it will have currencies subfolder having .init files and stuff
>cd currencies
>poetry add requests python-box
>poetry run python currencies/
>poetry shell
.lock files make stuff deterministic and complete.
Personal Opinion is to go for virtualenv
On windows.
>pip install virtualenv
>pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
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