You will be creating a Virtual Machine containing Ubuntu 16.04.3 (AMD64) and providing me This guy the VMDK file.
- A configured FTP and SSH server listening to port 44444 for FTP and 44445 for SSH
- Configure SSH to use PGP Keys as well as Username + Password to login.
- A MongoDB server and MariaDB server with cron job and a script set to create an incremental backup of the files every day (At 00:00 AM)
- An npm app with express installed listening on port 3000
- A simple php echo script with apache2 configured to listen on port 2999
- An nginx reverse proxy server configured to listen on port 80 and redirect requests to port 3000 and 2999*
- Using pm2 package configure Fest-Manager. Keymetrics Dashboard should be integrated.
*Configure nginx is such a way that it would listen to website localhost and redirect http://localhost/node to port 3000 and http://localhost/php to port 2999.
Be sure to deny direct access to port 2999 and 3000 using IP Tables.
Be careful to not to expose .htaccess for apache2 and that static files are being served properly.
In addition to Server requirements you are also required to configure and maintain a website.
You are required to be well-versed with
- SSL Certificate Generation and Integration of SSL Certificate with nginx using Let's Encrypt
- CDN Configuration using Cloudflare
- Domain Name Records Configuration and basic understanding of how DNS Records work
- Crisis Control. Able to revert any major data loss using backups you have generated.
You will be given 2 weeks (14 days) starting from 8-11-2017 4:00 AM till 22-11-2017 11:59 PM to provide me This guy again the VMDK files with your configured server instance
Server Configurations and partition specifications
- 2 GB of RAM
- 40 GB of Disk Space with 20 GB for 'root (/)' 18 GB for Home 'home (/home)' and 2 GB for swap
- Partition format can be either ext4 or btrfs
- Ubuntu 16.04.3 (AMD64)