For example, you want to set 40% alpha transparence to #000000 (black color), you need to add 66 like this #66000000.
- 100% — FF
- 99% — FC
- 98% — FA
- 97% — F7
- 96% — F5
- 95% — F2
android { | |
buildTypes { | |
release { | |
// Enables code shrinking, obfuscation, and optimization for only | |
// your project's release build type. | |
minifyEnabled true | |
// Enables resource shrinking, which is performed by the | |
// Android Gradle plugin. | |
shrinkResources true |
if (this.validateSignature("INSERT YOUR RELEASE SIGNATURE HERE") == Result.VALID) { | |
// Signature is valid continue using the app | |
} else { | |
// Signature is invalid likely a modded version of the app | |
} |
this.verifyInstaller(Installer.GOOGLE_PLAY_STORE)?.let { | |
if (it) { | |
// App is installed from Google Play | |
} else { | |
// App is not installed from Google Play | |
} | |
} |
guardDebugger({ | |
//No debugger tools detected continue executing the code. | |
}, { | |
//Some debugger tools were detected. | |
}) |
[user] | |
name = Mukesh Solanki | |
email = [email protected] | |
[alias] | |
co = checkout | |
cob = checkout -b | |
st = status | |
cm = commit -m | |
amend = commit --amend -m | |
pu = !git push origin `git branch --show-current` |