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Module Evote.
Require Import Notations.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Le.
Require Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Compare_dec.
Require Import
Require Import Bool.Sumbool.
Require Import Bool.Bool.
Import ListNotations.
(* type level existential quantifier *)
Notation "'existsT' x .. y , p" :=
(sigT (fun x => .. (sigT (fun y => p)) ..))
(at level 200, x binder, right associativity,
format "'[' 'existsT' '/ ' x .. y , '/ ' p ']'")
: type_scope.
(* candidates are a finite type with decidable equality *)
Parameter cand : Type.
Parameter cand_all : list cand.
Hypothesis cand_fin : forall c: cand, In c cand_all.
Hypothesis dec_cand : forall n m : cand, {n = m} + {n <> m}.
(* edge is the margin in Schulze counting, i.e. edge c d is the number of
voters that perfer c over d *)
(* TODO: possibly rename? *)
Parameter edge: cand -> cand -> nat.
(* prop-level path *)
Inductive Path (k: nat) : cand -> cand -> Prop :=
| unit c d : edge c d >= k -> Path k c d
| cons c d e : edge c d >= k -> Path k d e -> Path k c e.
(* type-level path *)
Inductive PathT (k: nat) : cand -> cand -> Type :=
| unitT : forall c d, edge c d >= k -> PathT k c d
| consT : forall c d e, edge c d >= k -> PathT k d e -> PathT k c e.
(* winning condition in Schulze counting *)
Definition wins (c: cand) :=
forall d : cand, exists k : nat,
((Path k c d) /\ (forall l, Path l d c -> l <= k)).
(* auxilary functions: all pairs that can be formed from a list *)
Fixpoint all_pairs {A: Type} (l: list A): list (A * A) :=
match l with
| [] => []
| c::cs => (c, c)::(all_pairs cs) ++ (map (fun x => (c, x)) cs)
++ (map (fun x => (x, c)) cs)
(* boolean equality on candidates derived from decidable equality *)
Definition cand_eqb (c d: cand) := proj1_sig (bool_of_sumbool (dec_cand c d)).
(* boolean membership in lists of pairs *)
Definition bool_in (p: (cand * cand)%type) (l: list (cand * cand)%type) :=
existsb (fun q => (andb (cand_eqb (fst q) (fst p))) ((cand_eqb (snd q) (snd p)))) l.
(* towards the definition of co-closed sets *)
(* el is a boolean function that returns true if the edge between two cands is <= k *)
Definition el (k: nat) (p: (cand * cand)%type) := Compare_dec.leb (edge (fst p) (snd p)) k.
(* mp k (a, c) l (for midpoint) returns true if there's a midpoint b st. either the edge between
a and b is <= k or else the pair (b, c) is in l *)
Definition mp (k: nat) (p: (cand * cand)%type) (l: list (cand *cand)%type) :=
let a := fst p in
let c := snd p in
fold_left (fun x => fun b => andb x (orb (bool_in (b, c) l) (el k (a,b)))) cand_all true.
(* W k is the dual of the operator the least fixpoint of which inductively defines paths *)
(* W_k (l) = {(a, c) : edge a c <= k /\ forall b: (b, c) \in l \/edge a c <= k } *)
(* Wf is the boolean predicate that expresses the operator *)
Definition Wf k l := (fun p => andb (el k p) (mp k p l) ).
Definition W (k: nat) : list (cand * cand)%type -> list (cand *cand)%type :=
fun l => filter (Wf k l) (all_pairs cand_all).
(* a k-coclosed set is a set that is co-closed under W_k *)
(* idea: the greatest co-closed (and indeed any co-closed set) only *)
(* contains pairs (x, y) s.t. there's no path of strength >= k between x and y *)
Definition coclosed (k: nat) (l: list (cand * cand)%type) :=
forall x, In x l -> In x (W k l).
(* evidence for winning a Schulze election. *)
Definition ev (c: cand) := forall d : cand, existsT (k: nat),
(PathT k c d) * (existsT (l: list (cand * cand)%type), In (d, c)l /\ coclosed k l).
(* type-level paths allow to construct evidence for the existence of paths *)
(* TODO: change name of lemma? *)
Lemma equivalent : forall c d k , PathT k c d -> Path k c d.
intros. induction X. apply unit. assumption.
apply cons with (d := d). assumption.
(* logical interpretation of the midpoint function *)
(* TODO: change name of lemma? *)
Lemma edge_prop : forall a b k, el k (a, b) = true -> edge a b <= k.
intros a b k H; unfold el in H; simpl in H;
apply leb_complete in H; assumption.
Lemma boolin_prop : forall a b l, bool_in (a, b) l = true -> In (a, b) l.
Proof. Admitted.
Lemma fold_left_true :
forall (p : cand * cand) (l : list (cand * cand)) (k : nat),
fold_left (fun (x : bool) (b : cand)
=> andb x (orb (bool_in (b, snd p) l)
(el k (fst p, b)))) cand_all true = true ->
forall c , (bool_in (c, snd p) l) = true \/ (el k (fst p, c)) = true.
Program Lemma forthemoment : forall k p l, mp k p l = true ->
forall b, In (b, snd p) l \/ edge (fst p) b <= k.
intros k (u, v) l H b. unfold mp in H.
apply fold_left_true with (c := b) in H.
simpl in H; simpl. destruct H as [H | H].
apply boolin_prop in H. left; assumption.
apply edge_prop in H. right; assumption.
(* generic property of coclosed sets as commented above *)
Lemma coclosednow : forall k l, coclosed k l -> forall s x y,
Path s x y -> In (x, y) l -> s <= k.
intros k l Hcc.
intros s x y.
intro p.
induction p.
(* path of length one *)
intro Hin.
unfold coclosed in Hcc.
specialize (Hcc (c, d)).
specialize (Hcc Hin).
unfold W in Hcc.
Check filter_In.
assert (HW: In (c, d) (all_pairs cand_all) /\ (Wf k l) (c, d) = true).
apply filter_In.
destruct HW as [HW1 HW2].
unfold Wf in HW2.
assert ( el k (c, d) = true /\ mp k (c, d) l = true).
apply andb_true_iff. assumption.
destruct H0 as [He Hc].
unfold el in He.
simpl in He.
assert (Hle: edge c d <= k). apply leb_complete. assumption.
(* non-unit path *)
intro Hin.
unfold coclosed in Hcc.
specialize (Hcc (c, e)). specialize (Hcc Hin).
unfold W in Hcc.
assert (HW: In (c, e) (all_pairs cand_all) /\ (Wf k l) (c, e) = true).
apply filter_In. assumption.
destruct HW as [HW1 HW2].
unfold Wf in HW2.
assert ( el k (c, e) = true /\ mp k (c, e) l = true).
apply andb_true_iff. assumption.
destruct H0 as [He Hc].
unfold el in He.
simpl in He.
assert (Hle: edge c e <= k). apply leb_complete. assumption.
(* forall b, In (b, snd p) l \/ edge (fst p) b <= k. *)
assert (Hmp: forall m, In (m, (snd (c, e))) l \/ edge (fst (c, e)) m <= k).
apply forthemoment. assumption.
simpl in Hmp.
specialize (Hmp d).
destruct Hmp as [Hm1 | Hm2].
(* case 2nd part of path in coclosed list *)
specialize (IHp Hm1).
(* case first edge of small weight *)
Theorem th1: forall c, ev c -> wins c.
intros c H.
unfold wins. unfold ev in H.
intro d.
specialize (H d).
destruct H as [k H].
destruct H as [Hp Hc].
exists k.
apply equivalent. assumption.
intros s p.
destruct Hc as [l Hc].
destruct Hc as [Hin Hcc].
apply coclosednow with (x := d) (y := c) (l := l).
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