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Created May 5, 2019 01:11
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# coding=utf-8
"""Lazy hacks to enable easier usage of async functions, context managers, and iterators in the REPL."""
from asyncio import set_event_loop
import uvloop as loop_maker
except ImportError:
import asyncio as loop_maker
loop = loop_maker.new_event_loop()
def aw8(task):
return loop.run_until_complete(task)
class awith(object):
def __init__(self, async_context):
self.wrapped = async_context
def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return aw8(self.wrapped.__aenter__(*args, **kwargs))
def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return aw8(self.wrapped.__aexit__(*args, **kwargs))
def aiter(async_iterable):
ait = aw8(async_iterable.__aiter__())
while True:
yield aw8(ait.__anext__())
except StopAsyncIteration:
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