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# coding=utf-8
from collections import Mapping, Iterable
from operator import attrgetter
from struct import pack, unpack
__doc__ = """
Pure python tools for inspecting unknown protobuf data. Written for py3.6+.
Author: Kent Ross
License: MIT
To parse a proto, pass a bytes-like object to ProtoMessage.parse(), with an
optional offset. This returns a ProtoMessage object with a fields attribute
that contains all the fields of the message in the exact order they appeared.
No assumptions are made about the actual schema of the message. Protobufs are
fully parseable without knowledge of the meaning of their contents, and that's
where this library comes in: allowing you to deserialize, inspect, modify, and
re-serialize proto values, fields, and messages at will with various partially-
and non-supported variations.
Parsing methods:
Whole messages can be parsed via ProtoMessage.parse(), which attempts to consume
the entire bytes-like object passed to it.
The method parse_field(data, offset=0) parses a single field or group from the
given data and offset, returning a 2-tuple of the resulting object and the
number of bytes consumed.
Field.parse(...) and Group.parse(...) are not useful for typical consumption;
use parse_field() instead.
Value type .parse(data, offset=0): Likewise to parse_field, returns a 2-tuple
of the parsed value and the number of bytes consumed from the given data and
Every message, field, value, and group has some variation of the following APIs:
* operators ==, hash()
Note: These objects are mutable, and hash() is not safe if you plan to
change their values.
* byte_size()
Returns the exact number of bytes when serialized as an int.
* total_excess_bytes()
Returns the number of bytes the message would be shortened by if all
extraneous varint bytes are removed as an int.
Most protobuf varints have multiple valid representations because they
are little-endian and trailing zeros are still interpreted as valid.
Varints are used extensively: for tags, many integer value types, and
the byte length of blob values. One of the unique features of this lib
is that any proto value it manages to parse, it should re-serialize with
the EXACT bytes it originated from, including extra bytes in varints.
(It is not designed to be performant; if you need to strip these bytes,
you should probably use the official protobuf libraries to de-and-re-
serialize the message.)
* strip_excess_bytes()
Recursively removes all excess varint bytes from this value, field,
group, or message.
* serialize()
Serializes the value, field, group, or message and returns it as a bytes
* iter_serialize()
Returns constituent chunks of the serialization as a generator. Used
internally by serialize().
APIs unique to values (Varint, Blob, Fixed32, Fixed64):
* excess_bytes
If a value contains a varint, it will have this attribute. It can be set
to arbitrary non-negative integers; however, values that result in a
serialized varint length of over 10 bytes may not be valid or readable
at all by other proto parsing libraries.
* parse(data, offset=0)
Returns an instance of the value read from the given data and offset,
and the number of bytes consumed (as a 2-tuple).
* parse_repeated(data, offset=0)
Returns a generator that repeatedly consumes from the given data and
offset, returning only the data each time. Terminates when it reads to
the end of the data cleanly. Used for reading the values from e.g.
packed repeated fields, which are stored with variable-length (Blob)
wire type and contain only the values concatenated together, omitting
the tags.
Typed access properties:
Provides get/set views of the values translated for the given
unsigned, signed, boolean,
uint32, int32, sint32,
uint64, int64, sint64
value: un-translated int value
float4 (alias single), fixed32, sfixed32
value: 4-character bytes object
float8 (alias double), fixed64, sfixed64
value: 8-character bytes object
text (utf-8), message (nested protobuf message)
value: plain bytes object
Blobs also have methods for getting and setting as repeated values of
specified types and interpretations, and for translating to and from packed
standard maps (maps are implemented as repeated message types with key as
field 1 and value as field 2).
APIs unique to fields:
* is_default()
Returns a boolean value, true if this value is its proto3 default.
APIs common to fields, messages, and groups:
* autoparse_recursive()
Recursively parse Blob values if they look like valid messages.
APIs unique to messages and groups:
* Access by index
Accessing by index yields the field or fields with that id in the order
they appear in the message (`msg[1]`). If there is only one, it is
returned without wrapping in a list for convenience. If you always
need a list, use the value_list(field_id) function instead.
* Setting by index
Likewise, iterables of values and groups can be assigned to existing or
new field ids through setting by index (`msg[1] = Varint(2)`),
overwriting any existing fields.
* pack_repeated(field_ids_to_pack)
Converts all fields with ids from the given iterable or scalar int to
packed-repeated format.
* unpack_repeated(fields_with_value_klass_dict)
Performs the reverse operation of pack_repeated. The argument given is
a dict mapping from field id to the type of value packed (Varint, Blob,
* field_as_map(field_id, ...)
Convenience method that returns an iterable of the given field as if it
were a repeated map item.
* defaults_byte_size()
Returns the total byte size of serialized values that could be omitted
as defaults in proto3.
Proto3 fields are typically not serialized at all when they manifest
their default values, which are always the zero representation. Proto2
differs from this in that defaults may not be zero and the presence or
absence of a default- or zero-valued field conveys additional value by
(controversial, deprecated) design.
* strip_defaults()
Removes all default-valued fields from the message or group (non-
recursively: does not propagate to lower groups).
Note that this will also remove zero values from e.g. repeated fields,
zero-length serialized sub-message fields, and other values that are
still serialized in proto3 even when they are default; exercise caution.
NoneType = type(None)
def uint_to_signed(n):
Convert a non-negative integer to the signed value with zig-zag decoding.
return (n >> 1) ^ (0 - (n & 1))
def signed_to_uint(n):
Convert a signed integer to the non-negative value with zig-zag encoding.
if n < 0:
return ((n ^ -1) << 1) | 1
return n << 1
def write_varint(value, excess_bytes=0):
"""Converts an unsigned varint to bytes."""
def varint_bytes(n):
while n:
more_bytes = (n > 0x7f) or (excess_bytes > 0)
yield (0x80 * more_bytes) | (n & 0x7f)
n >>= 7
if excess_bytes > 0:
for _ in range(excess_bytes - 1):
yield 0x80
yield 0x00
if value < 0:
raise ValueError('Encoded varint must be positive')
elif value == 0:
return b'\0'
return bytes(varint_bytes(value))
def read_varint(data, offset=0):
Read a varint from the given offset in the given byte data.
Returns a tuple containing the numeric value of the varint and
the number of bytes consumed.
If the varint representation does not end before the end of the data,
a ValueError is raised.
result = 0
bytes_read = 0
while True:
byte = data[offset + bytes_read]
result |= (byte & 0x7f) << (7 * bytes_read)
bytes_read += 1
if byte & 0x80 == 0:
except IndexError:
raise ValueError(f'Data truncated in varint at position {offset}')
return result, bytes_read
def bytes_to_encode_varint(n):
Return the minimum number of bytes needed to represent a number in varint
if n < 0:
raise ValueError('Encoded varint must be positive')
return max(1, (n.bit_length() + 6) // 7)
def bytes_to_encode_tag(tag_id):
Return the minimum number of bytes needed to represent a tag with a given
return (tag_id.bit_length() + 9) // 7
def _recursive_autoparse(fields, parse_empty):
Auto-parses a field into submessages recursively, returning the number
of submessages successfully parsed.
num_parsed = 0
for field in fields:
if field.parse_submessage(parse_empty):
num_parsed += 1 + _recursive_autoparse(
except ValueError:
return num_parsed
class _Serializable(object):
__slots__ = ()
def _iter_pretty(self, indent, depth):
raise NotImplementedError
def pretty(self, indent=4):
return ''.join(self._iter_pretty(' ' * indent, 0))
def byte_size(self):
raise NotImplemented
def total_excess_bytes(self):
return 0
def strip_excess_bytes(self):
def iter_serialize(self):
raise NotImplemented
def serialize(self):
return b''.join(self.iter_serialize())
class _FieldSet(_Serializable):
__slots__ = ('fields',)
def __init__(self, fields):
if not isinstance(fields, Iterable):
raise TypeError(f'Cannot create fieldset with non-iterable type '
self.fields = list(fields)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Calculate equality ignoring excess varint bytes."""
if type(other) is not type(self):
return NotImplemented
return other.fields == self.fields
def __hash__(self):
return hash((type(self), self.fields))
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.fields)
def __repr__(self):
return (
def _iter_pretty(self, indent, depth):
if self.fields:
yield f'{type(self).__name__}('
yield from self._pretty_extra_pre()
yield '[\n'
for field in self:
yield indent * (depth + 1)
yield from field._iter_pretty(indent, depth + 1)
yield ',\n'
yield f'{indent * depth}]'
yield from self._pretty_extra_post()
yield ')'
yield repr(self)
def _pretty_extra_pre(self):
return ()
def _pretty_extra_post(self):
return ()
def __getitem__(self, field_id):
result = self.value_list(field_id)
if not len(result):
raise KeyError(f'Field not found: {repr(field_id)}')
if len(result) == 1:
return result[0]
return result
def value_list(self, field_id):
return [field.value for field in self if == field_id]
def __setitem__(self, field_id, values):
def to_field(value):
"""Wrap the value in a field only if it isn't a group."""
if isinstance(value, Group):
return Group(
return Field(field_id, value)
if not isinstance(values, Iterable):
fields_to_add = [to_field(values)]
fields_to_add = [to_field(value) for value in values]
new_fields = []
for field in self:
# Replace the existing fields with this id at the position it's
# first encountered
if == field_id:
fields_to_add = ()
if fields_to_add:
# If no fields with this id existed yet, add them to the end
self.fields = new_fields
def __delitem__(self, field_id):
self.fields = [field for field in self if != field_id]
def field_as_map(self, field_id, *args, **kwargs):
Return a generator of (key, value) pairs for the given unpacked repeated
map item field id in this message.
Extra arguments are the same as those for "as_map_item", applied to each
value in the given field id. All values under the specified field id
must be of type Blob, and will be parsed as messages.
Example: dict(m.field_as_map(5, Blob, 'text', Varint, 'signed'))
values = self.value_list(field_id)
if all(isinstance(val, (Blob, SubMessage)) for val in values):
return (
val.message.as_map_item(*args, **kwargs)
for val in self.value_list(field_id)
raise ValueError('Non-Blob values found at the specified field id')
def sort(self):
"""Order the fields in this message by id"""
def parse_submessages(
Parse Blob values in the given field ids into messages and return the
number of values parsed thus. If every parse is successful, replaces the
fields with the parsed version.
If auto is set to True, blob values in field ids that are NOT specified
will also be converted to SubMessage type if and only if they appear to
be valid protobuf messages. In this case, field ids that ARE specified
are interpreted as required, and if any are not valid an error will
be raised.
if not isinstance(field_ids, Iterable):
field_ids = (field_ids,)
num_parsed = 0
new_fields = []
for field in self:
if in field_ids:
if not isinstance(field.value, (Blob, SubMessage)):
raise ValueError(
f'Encountered field at specified id {} with '
f'non-Blob type {type(field.value).__name__}'
if isinstance(field.value, Blob):
num_parsed += 1
elif auto:
if (
isinstance(field.value, Blob) and
(len(field.value.value) > 0 or auto_parse_empty)
num_parsed += 1
except ValueError:
self.fields = new_fields
return num_parsed
def autoparse_recursive(self, parse_empty=False):
Recursively parse submessages whenever possible, returning the total
number of submessages parsed thusly.
return _recursive_autoparse(self.fields, parse_empty)
def unparse_submessages(self, field_ids=None):
Replace SubMessage fields at the specified ids with their serialized
Blob values.
If field_ids is None, performs this action on all submessages.
if field_ids is not None and not isinstance(field_ids, Iterable):
field_ids = (field_ids,)
num_unparsed = 0
new_fields = []
for field in self:
if isinstance(field.value, SubMessage):
if field_ids is None or in field_ids:
num_unparsed += 1
self.fields = new_fields
return num_unparsed
def pack_repeated(self, field_ids_to_pack):
if not isinstance(field_ids_to_pack, Iterable):
ids_to_pack = (field_ids_to_pack,)
ids_to_pack = set(field_ids_to_pack)
def new_fields():
def build_packed(values):
for value in values:
yield from value.iter_serialize()
values_to_pack = {}
for field in self:
if in ids_to_pack:
if not in values_to_pack:
values_to_pack[] = [field.value]
current_type = type(values_to_pack[][0])
if type(field.value) is not current_type:
raise ValueError(
f'Fields with id {} have heterogenous '
f'types and cannot be packed together: found '
f'{current_type.__name__} and '
for field in self:
if in ids_to_pack:
if in values_to_pack:
# Only the first time we encounter an original field,
# emit the packed field
yield Field(,
yield field
return ProtoMessage(new_fields())
def unpack_repeated(self, fields_with_value_klass_dict):
def new_fields():
for field in self:
unpack_klass = fields_with_value_klass_dict.get(
if unpack_klass:
if type(field.value) is not Blob:
raise TypeError(
f'Field id {} exists with non-Blob '
f'type {type(field.value).__name__}, cannot unpack'
for val in unpack_klass.parse_repeated(field.value.value):
yield Field(, val)
yield field # yield original field unchanged
return ProtoMessage(new_fields())
def byte_size(self):
Return the total length this message will occupy when serialized in
return sum(field.byte_size() for field in self)
def defaults_byte_size(self):
Return the total number of bytes used to serialize fields that are
assigned default values.
return sum(
for field in self
if field.is_default()
def strip_defaults(self):
Strip all fields from the message that are assigned default values,
returning the number of fields so removed.
Note: This will also strip submessages, even though empty submessages
may be represented intentionally.
old_len = len(self.fields)
self.fields = [field for field in self if not field.is_default()]
return old_len - len(self.fields)
def total_excess_bytes(self):
Return the total number of excess bytes used to encode varints (tags,
varint values, and lengths).
return sum(field.total_excess_bytes() for field in self)
def strip_excess_bytes(self):
"""Strip all excess bytes from this message's fields and values."""
for field in self:
def iter_serialize(self):
for field in self:
yield from field.iter_serialize()
class ProtoMessage(_FieldSet):
__slots__ = ()
def __init__(self, fields=()):
Create a new ProtoMessage with the given iterable of protobuf Fields.
def __repr__(self):
return f'{type(self).__name__}({repr(self.fields)})'
def parse(cls, data, allow_orphan_group_ends=False):
"""Parse a complete ProtoMessage from a bytes-like object."""
def get_fields():
offset = 0
while offset < len(data):
field, bytes_read = parse_field(data, offset)
if (
isinstance(field.value, GroupEnd) and
not allow_orphan_group_ends
raise ValueError(f'Orphaned group end with id {} '
f'at position {offset}')
yield field
offset += bytes_read
return cls(get_fields())
def message(self):
return self
def as_map_item(
key_klass=NoneType, key_interpretation='value',
value_klass=NoneType, value_interpretation='value',
key_fields = self[1]
if isinstance(key_fields, list):
raise ValueError('Map item has multiple fields with map "key" id 1')
value_fields = self[2]
if isinstance(value_fields, list):
raise ValueError(
'Map item has multiple fields with map "value" id 2'
if (
and len(self.fields) > 2
raise ValueError('Map item has extra fields')
key = key_fields if key_fields else key_klass()
value = value_fields if value_fields else value_klass()
if key_klass is NoneType:
map_key = key
if not isinstance(key, key_klass):
if key_klass is Blob and isinstance(key, SubMessage):
if fail_on_submessage_type:
raise ValueError('Blob expected but SubMessage found')
raise ValueError(
f'Map key is of the wrong type: got '
f'{type(key).__name__}, expected {key_klass.__name__}'
map_key = getattr(key, key_interpretation)
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(
f'Invalid interpretation {repr(key_interpretation)} for '
f'key klass {key_klass.__name__}'
if value_klass is NoneType:
map_value = value
if not isinstance(value, value_klass):
if value_klass is Blob and isinstance(value, SubMessage):
if fail_on_submessage_type:
raise ValueError('Blob expected but SubMessage found')
raise ValueError(
f'Map value is of the wrong type: got '
f'{type(value).__name__}, expected '
map_value = getattr(value, value_interpretation)
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(
f'Invalid interpretation {repr(value_interpretation)} for '
f'value klass {value_klass.__name__}'
return map_key, map_value
def parse_field(data, offset=0):
tag, tag_bytes = read_varint(data, offset)
field_id = tag >> 3
wire_type = tag & 7
excess_tag_bytes = tag_bytes - bytes_to_encode_tag(field_id)
value_klass = VALUE_TYPES.get(wire_type)
if not value_klass:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid or unsupported field wire type '
f'{wire_type} in tag at position {offset}')
field, field_bytes = FIELD_TYPES.get(wire_type, Field).parse(
field_id, wire_type, excess_tag_bytes,
offset + tag_bytes
return field, field_bytes + tag_bytes
class Field(_Serializable):
__slots__ = ('id', 'value', 'excess_tag_bytes',)
def __init__(self, field_id, value, excess_tag_bytes=0): = field_id
self.value = value
self.excess_tag_bytes = excess_tag_bytes
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(other) is not type(self):
return NotImplemented
return == and other.value == self.value
def __hash__(self):
return hash((type(self),, self.value))
def __repr__(self):
if self.excess_tag_bytes:
return (
f'{repr(}, '
f'{repr(self.value)}, '
return (
f'{repr(}, '
def _iter_pretty(self, indent, depth):
yield f'{type(self).__name__}({repr(}, '
yield from self.value._iter_pretty(indent, depth)
if self.excess_tag_bytes:
yield f', excess_tag_bytes={repr(self.excess_tag_bytes)}'
yield ')'
def parse(cls, field_id, wire_type, excess_tag_bytes, data, offset):
value_klass = VALUE_TYPES.get(wire_type)
if not value_klass:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid or unsupported field wire type '
f'{wire_type} in tag at position {offset}')
value, value_bytes = value_klass.parse(data, offset)
return cls(field_id, value, excess_tag_bytes), value_bytes
def parse_submessage(self, parse_empty=False):
Parse the value of this field as a submessage, change its value from a
Blob to a SubMessage type. Does nothing if the field is already a
parsed submessage. Returns True if the value parsed successfully.
Raises an error if the field is of the wrong type or does not parse
if isinstance(self.value, Blob):
if len(self.value.value) > 0 or parse_empty:
self.value = SubMessage(
return True
return False # not parsing empty value
elif isinstance(self.value, SubMessage):
return True # already parsed
raise ValueError('Cannot parse non-Blob field value')
def autoparse_recursive(self, parse_empty=False):
Recursively parse submessages whenever possible, returning the total
number of submessages parsed thusly.
return _recursive_autoparse((self,), parse_empty)
def unparse_submessage(self):
Convert this field from a parsed SubMessage to an opaque Blob.
Noop if this field is already a Blob type.
if isinstance(self.value, SubMessage):
self.value = Blob(self.value.serialize(), self.value.excess_bytes)
def is_default(self):
return self.value.value == self.value.default_value
def total_excess_bytes(self):
return self.excess_tag_bytes + self.value.total_excess_bytes()
def strip_excess_bytes(self):
self.excess_tag_bytes = 0
def byte_size(self):
return (
bytes_to_encode_tag( +
self.excess_tag_bytes +
def iter_serialize(self):
yield write_varint(
( << 3) | self.value.wire_type,
yield from self.value.iter_serialize()
class Group(_FieldSet):
__slots__ = ('id', 'excess_tag_bytes', 'excess_end_tag_bytes')
def __init__(
self, group_id, fields=(),
excess_tag_bytes=0, excess_end_tag_bytes=0
super().__init__(fields) = group_id
self.excess_tag_bytes = excess_tag_bytes
self.excess_end_tag_bytes = excess_end_tag_bytes
def __repr__(self):
if self.excess_tag_bytes + self.excess_end_tag_bytes:
return (
f'{repr(}, {repr(self.fields)}, '
f'excess_tag_bytes={repr(self.excess_tag_bytes)}, '
return (
f'{repr(}, {repr(self.fields)}'
def _pretty_extra_pre(self):
yield f'{repr(}, '
def _pretty_extra_post(self):
if self.excess_tag_bytes:
yield f', excess_tag_bytes={repr(self.excess_tag_bytes)}'
if self.excess_end_tag_bytes:
yield f', excess_end_tag_bytes={repr(self.excess_end_tag_bytes)}'
def parse(cls, _wire_type, field_id, excess_tag_bytes, data, offset):
excess_end_tag_bytes = 0
total_bytes_read = 0
def get_fields(offset_):
nonlocal excess_end_tag_bytes, total_bytes_read
while offset_ < len(data):
field, bytes_read = parse_field(data, offset_)
offset_ += bytes_read
total_bytes_read += bytes_read
if isinstance(field.value, GroupEnd):
if != field_id:
raise ValueError(f'Non-matching group end tag with id '
f'{} at position {offset}')
excess_end_tag_bytes = field.excess_tag_bytes
yield field
# Reached the end of the data without closing the group
raise ValueError('Message truncated')
fields = list(get_fields(offset))
except ValueError as ex:
# Append info about this group context to parsing errors
raise ValueError(
ex.args[0] + f' in group with id {field_id}'
f' which began at position {offset}'
return cls(
), total_bytes_read
def parse_submessage(self):
raise ValueError('Groups cannot be parsed')
def unparse_submessage(self):
raise ValueError('Groups cannot be unparsed')
def value(self):
This property is used when fields are gotten by id with indexing.
It makes the most sense to work with an entire group, since it
manages its own 'value' in the fields attribute.
return self
def is_default(self):
return len(self.fields) == 0
def byte_size(self):
return (
bytes_to_encode_tag( * 2 +
self.excess_tag_bytes + self.excess_end_tag_bytes +
def total_excess_bytes(self):
return (
super().total_excess_bytes() +
self.excess_tag_bytes +
def strip_excess_bytes(self):
self.excess_tag_bytes = 0
self.excess_end_tag_bytes = 0
def iter_serialize(self):
yield write_varint(
( << 3) | GroupStart.wire_type,
yield from super().iter_serialize()
yield write_varint(
( << 3) | GroupEnd.wire_type,
class ProtoValue(_Serializable):
__slots__ = ('value',)
def __init__(self, value=None):
if value is None:
self.value = self.default_value()
self.value = value
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(other) is not type(self):
return NotImplemented
return other.value == self.value
def __hash__(self):
return hash((type(self), self.value))
def __repr__(self):
excess_bytes = getattr(self, 'excess_bytes', None)
if excess_bytes:
return (
f'{type(self).__name__}({repr(self.value)}, '
return f'{type(self).__name__}({repr(self.value)})'
def _iter_pretty(self, indent, depth):
yield repr(self)
def parse(cls, data, offset=0):
raise NotImplementedError
def parse_repeated(cls, data):
offset = 0
while offset < len(data):
value, bytes_read = cls.parse(data, offset)
yield value
offset += bytes_read
def default_value(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def wire_type(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class Varint(ProtoValue):
__slots__ = ('excess_bytes',)
wire_type = 0
default_value = 0
def __init__(self, value=None, excess_bytes=0):
self.excess_bytes = excess_bytes
def parse(cls, data, offset=0):
value, value_bytes = read_varint(data, offset)
excess_bytes = value_bytes - bytes_to_encode_varint(value)
return cls(value, excess_bytes), value_bytes
def byte_size(self):
return bytes_to_encode_varint(self.value) + self.excess_bytes
def total_excess_bytes(self):
return self.excess_bytes
def strip_excess_bytes(self):
self.excess_bytes = 0
def iter_serialize(self):
yield write_varint(self.value, self.excess_bytes)
def unsigned(self):
return self.value
def unsigned(self, value):
self.value = value
def signed(self):
return uint_to_signed(self.value)
def signed(self, value):
self.value = signed_to_uint(value)
def boolean(self):
return bool(self.value)
def boolean(self, value):
self.value = int(bool(value))
def uint32(self):
if self.value not in range(0x1_0000_0000):
raise ValueError('Varint out of range for uint32')
return self.value
def uint32(self, value):
if value not in range(0x1_0000_0000):
raise ValueError('Value out of range for uint32')
self.value = value
def int32(self):
if self.value not in range(0x1_0000_0000):
raise ValueError('Varint out of range for int32')
if self.value & 0x8000_0000:
return self.value - 0x1_0000_0000
return self.value
def int32(self, value):
if value not in range(-0x8000_0000, 0x8000_0000):
raise ValueError('Value out of range for int32')
self.value = value & 0xffff_ffff
def sint32(self):
if self.value not in range(0x1_0000_0000):
raise ValueError('Varint out of range for sint32')
return uint_to_signed(self.value)
def sint32(self, value):
if value not in range(-0x8000_0000, 0x8000_0000):
raise ValueError('Value out of range for sint32')
self.value = signed_to_uint(value)
def uint64(self):
if self.value not in range(0x1_0000_0000_0000_0000):
raise ValueError('Varint out of range for uint64')
return self.value
def uint64(self, value):
if value not in range(0x1_0000_0000_0000_0000):
raise ValueError('Value out of range for uint64')
self.value = value
def int64(self):
if self.value not in range(0x1_0000_0000_0000_0000):
raise ValueError('Varint out of range for int64')
if self.value & 0x8000_0000_0000_0000:
return self.value - 0x1_0000_0000_0000_0000
return self.value
def int64(self, value):
if value not in range(-0x8000_0000_0000_0000, 0x8000_0000_0000_0000):
raise ValueError('Value out of range for int64')
self.value = value & 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff
def sint64(self):
if self.value not in range(0x1_0000_0000_0000_0000):
raise ValueError('Varint out of range for sint64')
return uint_to_signed(self.value)
def sint64(self, value):
if value not in range(-0x8000_0000_0000_0000, 0x8000_0000_0000_0000):
raise ValueError('Value out of range for sint64')
self.value = signed_to_uint(value)
class Blob(ProtoValue):
__slots__ = ('excess_bytes',)
wire_type = 2
default_value = b''
def __init__(self, value=None, excess_bytes=0):
self.excess_bytes = excess_bytes
def parse(cls, data, offset=0):
length, length_bytes = read_varint(data, offset)
excess_bytes = length_bytes - bytes_to_encode_varint(length)
start = offset + length_bytes
value = data[start:start + length]
if len(value) < length:
raise ValueError(f'Data truncated in length-delimited data '
f'beginning at position {start} '
f'(was {length} long)')
return cls(value, excess_bytes), length_bytes + length
def for_repeated(cls, *args, **kwargs):
val = cls()
val.set_as_repeated(*args, **kwargs)
return val
def for_map(cls, *args, **kwargs):
val = cls()
val.set_as_map(*args, **kwargs)
def byte_size(self):
length = len(self.value)
return bytes_to_encode_varint(length) + self.excess_bytes + length
def total_excess_bytes(self):
return self.excess_bytes
def strip_excess_bytes(self):
self.excess_bytes = 0
def iter_serialize(self):
yield write_varint(len(self.value), self.excess_bytes)
yield self.value
def text(self):
return self.value.decode('utf-8')
def text(self, value):
self.value = value.encode('utf-8')
def bytes(self):
return self.value
def bytes(self, value):
self.value = value
def message(self):
return ProtoMessage.parse(self.value)
def message(self, value):
self.value = value.serialize()
def get_as_repeated(self, value_klass, interpretation):
return [
getattr(value, interpretation)
for value in value_klass.parse_repeated(self.value)
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(f'Invalid interpretation {repr(interpretation)} '
f'for value klass {value_klass.__name__}')
def set_as_repeated(self, values, value_klass=None, interpretation='value'):
def emitter():
if value_klass is None:
for value in values:
yield from value.iter_serialize()
value_writer = value_klass()
if not hasattr(value_writer, interpretation):
raise TypeError(
f'Invalid interpretation {repr(interpretation)} for '
f'value klass {value_klass.__name__}'
for value in values:
setattr(value_writer, interpretation, value)
yield from value_writer.iter_serialize()
self.value = b''.join(emitter())
def get_as_repeated_with_excess_bytes(
return [
(getattr(value, interpretation), value.total_excess_bytes())
for value in value_klass.parse_repeated(self.value)
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(f'Invalid interpretation {repr(interpretation)} '
f'for value klass {value_klass.__name__}')
def set_as_repeated_with_excess_bytes(
def emitter():
value_writer = value_klass()
if not hasattr(value_writer, interpretation):
raise TypeError(
f'Invalid interpretation {repr(interpretation)} for value '
f'klass {value_klass.__name__}'
if not hasattr(value_writer, 'excess_bytes'):
raise TypeError(f'Value klass {value_klass.__name__} cannot '
f'have excess bytes')
for (value, excess_bytes) in values_with_excess_bytes:
setattr(value_writer, interpretation, value)
value_writer.total_excess_bytes = excess_bytes
yield from value_writer.iter_serialize()
self.value = b''.join(emitter())
def get_as_map(self, *args, **kwargs):
return [
item_msg.as_map_item(*args, **kwargs)
for item_msg in self.get_as_repeated(Blob, 'message')
def set_as_map(
key_klass=None, key_interpretation='value',
value_klass=None, value_interpretation='value',
if isinstance(mapping, Mapping):
items = mapping.items()
items = mapping
def build_result():
key_writer = key_klass() if key_klass is not None else None
value_writer = value_klass() if value_klass is not None else None
key_field = Field(1, key_writer)
value_field = Field(2, value_writer)
item_msg = ProtoMessage((key_field, value_field))
for key, value in items:
if key_klass is None:
key_field.value = key
setattr(key_writer, key_interpretation, key)
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(
f'Invalid interpretation '
f'{repr(key_interpretation)} '
f'for key klass {key_klass.__name__}'
if value_klass is None:
value_field.value = value
setattr(value_writer, value_interpretation, value)
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(
f'Invalid interpretation '
f'{repr(value_interpretation)} '
f'for value klass {value_klass.__name__}'
yield item_msg
self.set_as_repeated(build_result(), Blob, 'message')
class SubMessage(ProtoMessage):
"""Represents a Blob field interpreted as a valid sub-message."""
__slots__ = ('excess_bytes',)
wire_type = 2
def __init__(self, fields=(), excess_bytes=0):
self.excess_bytes = excess_bytes
def _pretty_extra_post(self):
if self.excess_bytes:
yield f', excess_bytes={repr(self.excess_bytes)}',
def default_value(self):
return ProtoMessage()
def parse(cls, data, offset=0):
length, length_bytes = read_varint(data, offset)
excess_bytes = length_bytes - bytes_to_encode_varint(length)
start = offset + length_bytes
value = ProtoMessage.parse(data[start:start + length])
return cls(value.fields, excess_bytes), length_bytes + length
def byte_size(self):
length = super().byte_size()
return bytes_to_encode_varint(length) + self.excess_bytes + length
def total_excess_bytes(self):
return self.excess_bytes + super().total_excess_bytes()
def strip_excess_bytes(self):
self.excess_bytes = 0
def iter_serialize(self):
yield write_varint(super().byte_size(), self.excess_bytes)
yield from super().iter_serialize()
def bytes(self):
return b''.join(super().iter_serialize())
def bytes(self, value):
self.fields = ProtoMessage.parse(value).fields
def message(self):
return self
def message(self, value):
self.fields = list(value)
def text(self):
return self.bytes.decode('utf-8')
class Fixed32(ProtoValue):
__slots__ = ()
wire_type = 5
default_value = b'\0' * 4
def parse(cls, data, offset=0):
value = data[offset:offset + 4]
if len(value) < 4:
raise ValueError(f'Data truncated in fixed32 value beginning at '
f'position {offset}')
return cls(value), 4
def byte_size(self):
return 4
def iter_serialize(self):
yield self.value
def float4(self):
result, = unpack('<f', self.value)
return result
def float4(self, value):
self.value = pack('<f', value)
single = float4
def fixed32(self):
result, = unpack('<L', self.value)
return result
def fixed32(self, value):
self.value = pack('<L', value)
def sfixed32(self):
result, = unpack('<l', self.value)
return result
def sfixed32(self, value):
self.value = pack('<l', value)
class Fixed64(ProtoValue):
__slots__ = ()
wire_type = 1
default_value = b'\0' * 8
def parse(cls, data, offset=0):
value = data[offset:offset + 8]
if len(value) < 8:
raise ValueError(f'Data truncated in fixed64 value beginning at '
f'position {offset}')
return cls(value), 8
def byte_size(self):
return 8
def iter_serialize(self):
yield self.value
def float8(self):
result, = unpack('<d', self.value)
return result
def float8(self, value):
self.value = pack('<d', value)
double = float8
def fixed64(self):
result, = unpack('<Q', self.value)
return result
def fixed64(self, value):
self.value = pack('<Q', value)
def sfixed64(self):
result, = unpack('<q', self.value)
return result
def sfixed64(self, value):
self.value = pack('<q', value)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
class _TagOnlyValue(_Serializable):
__slots__ = ()
value = None
default_value = NotImplemented
def __repr__(self):
return f'{type(self).__name__}()'
def _iter_pretty(self, indent, depth):
yield repr(self)
def parse(cls, _data, _offset=0):
return cls(), 0
def byte_size(self):
return 0
def iter_serialize(self):
return () # nothing
class GroupStart(_TagOnlyValue):
__slots__ = ()
wire_type = 3
class GroupEnd(_TagOnlyValue):
__slots__ = ()
wire_type = 4
# Mapping from wire type to value klass.
klass.wire_type: klass
for klass in [
# These are overrides for the klass of field that parses a given wiretype.
# If a wiretype is not present, defaults to Field.
# Currently only applies to groups. Setting this to an empty dict and passing
# allow_orphan_group_ends=True to ProtoMessage.parse() will return messages
# parsed with explicit GroupStart/GroupEnd fields instead of actual groups.
GroupStart.wire_type: Group
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