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Created May 5, 2019 22:06
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from threading import Thread
import requests
from multithreading import Channel
def fetch_all_with_pool(iterable_of_urls, pool_size=20):
Fetches URLs with a thread pool.
:param iterable_of_urls:
Some iterable that yields URLs to fetch.
:param pool_size:
Number of threads to use.
Yields all the responses from the URLs.
url_channel = Channel(maxsize=pool_size)
output_channel = Channel(maxsize=pool_size)
def worker():
for url in url_channel:
def fetch_pipeline():
Runs the actual thread pool that processes from the url channel
into the output channel.
thread_pool = [Thread(target=worker) for _ in range(pool_size)]
for thread in thread_pool:
# Process all the URLs
# Wait for the fetching to be done
for thread in thread_pool:
# Signal that the pipeline is done
# Yield all the results from the main thread as a generator.
yield from output_channel
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