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Created March 2, 2016 09:36
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import cairocffi as cairo
import collections
from itertools import chain
from nengo_spinnaker.partition import divide_slice
from nengo_spinnaker.utils.itertools import flatten
import numpy as np
import pygraphviz as pgv
import random
from rig.machine import Cores, Machine
from rig.netlist import Net
from rig.place_and_route.constraints import ReserveResourceConstraint
from rig.place_and_route import place
from rig.place_and_route import allocate
from rig.place_and_route import route
from rig_par_diagram import Diagram
from import Style
from six import iteritems, itervalues
import seaborn as sns
def make_cconv_net(max_cols, max_rows):
"""Make a circular convolution net, save a DOT file description of the
network, a representative place-and-route diagram and return an indication
of the traffic density.
# Compute the number of matrix decompositions
assert 512 < max_cols or 512 % max_cols == 0
assert 512 < max_rows or 512 % max_rows == 0
in_col_divs = 512 // max_cols + (1 if 512 < max_cols else 0)
in_row_divs = (1028 // max_rows) + (1 if 1028 % max_rows else 0)
out_col_divs = (1028 // max_cols) + (1 if 1028 % max_cols else 0)
out_row_divs = 512 // max_rows + (1 if 512 < max_rows else 0)
print(max_cols, max_rows, in_col_divs, in_row_divs,
out_col_divs, out_row_divs)
# Create the original ensemble-arrays
input_a = [object() for _ in range(32)]
input_b = [object() for _ in range(32)]
# Create the input passthrough Node(s)
in_ptn_a = [[object() for _ in range(in_col_divs)]
for _ in range(in_row_divs)]
in_ptn_b = [[object() for _ in range(in_col_divs)]
for _ in range(in_row_divs)]
# Create the ensembles in the product net
ens = [object() for _ in range(2056)]
# Create the output passthrough Node
out_ptn = [[object() for _ in range(out_col_divs)]
for _ in range(out_row_divs)]
# Create the output ensemble array
output_ens = [object() for _ in range(32)]
# Create the nets
nets = list()
# Input connections
in_col_slices = divide_slice(slice(0, len(input_a)), in_col_divs)
for i, cols in enumerate(in_col_slices):
in_row_slices = divide_slice(slice(0, len(ens)), in_row_divs)
for j, rows in enumerate(in_row_slices):
for ptns, ins in [(in_ptn_a, input_a), (in_ptn_b, input_b)]:
ptn = ptns[j][i]
nets.extend(Net(e, ptn, weight=16) for e in ins[cols])
nets.extend(Net(ptn, e, weight=1) for e in ens[rows])
# Output connections
cols_slices = list(divide_slice(slice(0, 1028), out_col_divs))
for i, cols in enumerate(cols_slices):
col_indices = list(flatten((x, x+1) for
x in range(cols.start, cols.stop)))
out_row_slices = divide_slice(slice(0, len(output_ens)), out_row_divs)
for j, rows in enumerate(out_row_slices):
ptn = out_ptn[j][i]
# Construct the Ensemble -> passthrough Node nets
indices = flatten((x, x+1) for x in col_indices)
nets.extend(Net(ens[e], ptn, weight=1) for e in indices)
# Construct the passthrough Node -> output nets
nets.extend(Net(ptn, e, weight=16) for e in output_ens[rows])
# Create the vertices resources
in_ptn = list(flatten([in_ptn_a, in_ptn_b]))
vertices_resources = collections.OrderedDict()
for vx in chain(input_a, input_b, ens, output_ens,
in_ptn, flatten(out_ptn)):
vertices_resources[vx] = {Cores: 1}
# Create the graph representation
all_nodes = dict()
all_nodes.update({a: 'A{}'.format(i) for i, a in enumerate(input_a)})
all_nodes.update({b: 'B{}'.format(i) for i, b in enumerate(input_b)})
all_nodes.update({ptn: 'Acconv[{},{}]'.format(i, j) for i, cols in
enumerate(in_ptn_a) for j, ptn in enumerate(cols)})
all_nodes.update({ptn: 'Bcconv[{},{}]'.format(i, j) for i, cols in
enumerate(in_ptn_b) for j, ptn in enumerate(cols)})
all_nodes.update({e: 'Cconv{}'.format(i) for i, e in enumerate(ens)})
all_nodes.update({ptn: 'CconvC[{}, {}]'.format(i, j) for i, cols in
enumerate(out_ptn) for j, ptn in enumerate(cols)})
all_nodes.update({c: 'C{}'.format(i) for i, c in enumerate(output_ens)})
g = pgv.AGraph(directed=True)
for n in itervalues(all_nodes):
g.get_node(n).attr['label'] = ""
g.get_node(n).attr['shape'] = "point"
for net in nets:
for sink in net.sinks:
so = all_nodes[net.source]
si = all_nodes[sink]
g.add_edge(so, si)
g.get_edge(so, si).attr['weight'] = net.weight
# Create the core and net styles
core_style = Style(fill=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
stroke=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
net_style = Style(stroke=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
cols = sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=4)
for col, vxs in zip(
(0.75, ) * 3,
(0.0, ) * 3,
[flatten([input_a, in_ptn_a]),
flatten([input_b, in_ptn_b]),
ens, output_ens, flatten(out_ptn)]):
# Format the colour
html_col = "#" + "".join("{:02x}".format(int(c * 255)) for c in col)
col = col + (1.0, )
for vx in vxs:
core_style.set(vx, "fill", col)
vn = all_nodes[vx]
g.get_node(vn).attr["color"] = html_col
for net in nets:
if net.source is vx:
net_style.set(net, "stroke", col)
for sink in net.sinks:
un = all_nodes[sink]
g.get_edge(vn, un).attr["color"] = html_col + "7f"
# Draw the functional representation
print("Writing DOT representation...")
g.write("net_{}_{}.dot".format(max_cols, max_rows))
# Create the machine
machine = Machine(24, 12)
# Place and route, do this a few times
exp_packets_all = np.zeros((10, machine.height, machine.width))
for exp_packets in exp_packets_all:
constraints = [ReserveResourceConstraint(Cores, slice(0, 1))]
rng = random.Random()
placements = place(vertices_resources, nets, machine,
constraints, random=rng)
allocations = allocate(vertices_resources, nets, machine,
constraints, placements)
routes = route(vertices_resources, nets, machine, constraints,
placements, allocations)
# Compute the number of packets to expect at each chip per timestep
print("Extracting traffic...")
for net, tree in iteritems(routes):
# Traverse the tree adding the net weight at every visited chip
unvisited = collections.deque([tree])
while unvisited:
node = unvisited.pop()
# Add the packet count
x, y = node.chip
exp_packets[y, x] += net.weight
# Traverse onward
for r, tree in node.children:
if r is not None and r.is_link:
exp_packets_all *= 1e3 # Convert to packets per second
exp_packets_all *= 1e-6 # To millions of packets per second
# Create the diagram
d = Diagram(machine, vertices_resources, nets, constraints, placements,
allocations, routes, core_style=core_style,
# Calculate height and width
width = 4000
x1, y1, x2, y2 = d.bbox
w = x2 - x1
h = y2 - y1
ratio = h / w
if ratio < 1.0:
height = int(width * ratio)
height, width = width, int(width / ratio)
# Create the Cairo context and draw
surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height)
ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
d.draw(ctx, width, height)
surface.write_to_png("cconv_{}_{}.png".format(max_cols, max_rows))
return exp_packets_all
if __name__ == "__main__":
dp = (2056, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32)
max_cols_rows = np.array([[a, b] for a in dp for b in dp],
traffic = list()
for max_cols, max_rows in max_cols_rows:
traffic.append(make_cconv_net(max_cols, max_rows))
"traffic.npz", max_cols_rows=max_cols_rows, traffic=traffic
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