December 13, 2021 17:55
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Scripts for 3D YouTube Video
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
# rm(list=ls()) | |
convert_index <- function(infile="index_original.html", outfile = "index.html"){ | |
trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x) | |
ff <- file(infile) | |
dat <- readLines(ff) | |
close(ff) | |
where.scene <- which(dat == " r0 = new X.renderer('r0');") | |
dat[where.scene] <- " renderer0 = new X.renderer3D();" | |
dat[where.scene+1] <- " renderer0.container = 'r0';" | |
dat[where.scene+2] <- " renderer0.init();" | |
dat <- sub(x=dat, pattern="", replacement = "", fixed=TRUE) | |
dat <- gsub(x=dat, pattern=" r0.", replacement = " renderer0.", fixed=TRUE) | |
### () denotes what you want to match | |
dat <- gsub(x=dat, pattern="\\.setColor\\((.*)\\)", replacement = "\\.color = \\[\\1\\]") | |
dat <- gsub(x=dat, pattern="\\.setUp\\((.*)\\)", replacement = "\\.up = \\[\\1\\]") | |
dat <- gsub(x=dat, pattern="\\.setPosition\\((.*)\\)", replacement = "\\.position = \\[\\1\\]") | |
dat <- gsub(x=dat, pattern="\\.setOpacity\\((.*)\\)", replacement = "\\.opacity = \\1") | |
dat <- gsub(x=dat, pattern="\\.load\\((.*)\\)", replacement = "\\.file = \\1") | |
dat <- gsub(x=dat, pattern="\\.setVisible\\((.*)\\)", replacement = "\\.visible = \\1") | |
dat <- gsub(x=dat, pattern="\\.setCaption\\((.*)\\)", replacement = "\\.caption = \\1") | |
### making models meshes | |
dat <- gsub(x=dat, pattern="vtkMRMLModelNode(.*) = new X\\.object\\(\\);", replacement = "vtkMRMLModelNode\\1 = new X\\.mesh\\(\\);") | |
dat <- gsub(x=dat, pattern=".children().push", replacement = ".children.push", fixed=TRUE) | |
dat <- gsub(x=dat, pattern=".camera()", replacement = ".camera", fixed=TRUE) | |
# parents <- dat[grepl(x=dat, pattern=".children.push", fixed=TRUE)] | |
# parents <- unique(trim(gsub(x=parents, pattern=".(.*)\\.children\\.push.*", replacement = "\\1", fixed=FALSE))) | |
# parents <- parents[parents != "scene"] | |
# for(iparent in 1:length(parents)){ | |
# dat <- gsub(x=dat, pattern=paste(parents[iparent], ".children.push", sep=""), replacement = "scene.children.push", fixed=TRUE) | |
# } | |
#children.push(vtkMRMLModelNode | |
#outfile <- file.path(moddir, "index.html") | |
ff <- file(outfile) | |
writeLines(dat, con=ff) | |
close(ff) | |
} |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
rm(list=ls()) | |
ids <- c( "238-4136", "238-4160") | |
for (id in ids){ | |
basedir <- "~/Dropbox/Public" | |
codedir <- file.path(basedir, "Scripts_for_Slicer_Export") | |
moddir <- file.path(basedir, paste(id, "_Full_Model", sep="")) | |
## index is already converted | |
index <- file.path(moddir, "index.html") | |
ff <- file(index) | |
dat <- readLines(ff) | |
close(ff) | |
index <- file.path(codedir, "Brain_Slice_Code_revised.txt") | |
ff <- file(index) | |
code <- readLines(ff) | |
close(ff) | |
type <- "checkbox" | |
getitem <- file.path(codedir, "getItem.txt") | |
if (type== "checkbox") getitem <- file.path(codedir, "getItem_checkbox.txt") | |
ff <- file(getitem) | |
getitem <- readLines(ff) | |
close(ff) | |
html.end <- grep(pattern="</body>", x=dat, fixed=TRUE) | |
java.end <- grep(pattern="renderer0.render();", x=dat, fixed=TRUE) | |
script.end <- grep(pattern="</script>", x=dat, fixed=TRUE)[2] | |
dat <- data.frame(cbind(dat=dat, obj_num=cumsum(grepl(x=dat, pattern="new X\\."))), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) | |
dropper <- function(x) return(x[x != ""]) | |
trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x) | |
getInfo <- function(x, info) { | |
# print(x) | |
if (info == "object"){ | |
x <- x[grep(x=x, pattern="(.*) = new X.*")] | |
x <- gsub(x=trim(x), pattern="(.*) = new X.*", replacement = "\\1") | |
} else { | |
x <- x[grep(x=x, pattern=paste("\\.", info, sep=""))] | |
x <- trim(gsub(x=x, pattern=paste("vtk.*.", info, " =(.*);", sep=""), replacement = "\\1")) | |
x <- gsub(x=x, pattern="'", replacement = "") | |
x <- gsub(x=x, pattern=".vtk", replacement = "", fixed=TRUE) | |
} | |
if (length(x) == 0) x <- NA | |
# print(length(x)) | |
return(x) | |
} | |
info <- sapply(c("caption", "file", "object"), function(type) tapply(dat$dat, dat$obj_num, getInfo, info=type)) | |
info <- info[![, "file"]), ] | |
## making all rois invisible | |
ROIS <- info[grepl(x=c(info[, "caption"]), pattern="ROI"), "object"] | |
for (iROI in 1:length(ROIS)) { | |
dat$dat <- gsub(x=dat$dat, pattern = paste(ROIS[iROI], ".visible = true;", sep=""), replacement = paste(ROIS[iROI], ".visible = false;", sep=""), fixed=TRUE) | |
# gsub(x=dat, pattern = paste(ROIS[iROI], ".opacity = .*;"), replacement = paste(ROIS[iROI], ".opacity = 0.0;"), fixed=TRUE) | |
} | |
ROIS <- paste(paste("'", ROIS, "'", sep=""), collapse= ", ") | |
addscript <- paste("ROIS = [", ROIS, "];", sep="") | |
info <- info[order(info[, "caption"]),] | |
brains <- info[grepl(x=c(info[, "caption"]), pattern="_SS"), "object"] | |
opac_brain <- c('function opac_brain(sliderID, textbox) {', ' var x = document.getElementById(textbox);', ' var y = document.getElementById(sliderID);', | |
' var val = y.value;', | |
' x.value = val;', | |
' low = Math.floor(val);', | |
' op_low = (val - low);', | |
paste(brains[1], '.opacity = op_low;', sep=""), | |
paste(brains[1], '.visible = true;', sep=""), | |
'};') | |
## making all dup brains invisible and making one visible | |
dat$dat <- gsub(x=dat$dat, pattern = paste(brains[1], ".visible = false;", sep=""), replacement = paste(brains[1], ".visible = true;", sep=""), fixed=TRUE) | |
if (length(brains) > 1){ | |
for (ibrain in 2:length(brains)) { | |
dat$dat <- gsub(x=dat$dat, pattern = paste(brains[ibrain], ".visible = true;", sep=""), replacement = paste(brains[ibrain], ".visible = false;", sep=""), fixed=TRUE) | |
# gsub(x=dat, pattern = paste(ROIS[iROI], ".opacity = .*;"), replacement = paste(ROIS[iROI], ".opacity = 0.0;"), fixed=TRUE) | |
} | |
# stop("me") | |
} | |
brains <- paste(paste("'", brains, "'", sep=""), collapse= ", ") | |
if (length(brains) == 1) code <- gsub(x=code, pattern="o = eval(brains[1]);", replacement="o = eval(brains);", fixed=TRUE) | |
addscript <- c(addscript, paste("brains = [", brains, "];", sep="")) | |
info <- info[grepl(x=c(info[, "caption"]), pattern="ROI"),] | |
info <- cbind(info, obj_num = rownames(info)) | |
tmp <- matrix(unlist(info), nrow=nrow(info), ncol=ncol(info)) | |
colnames(tmp) <- colnames(info) | |
rownames(tmp) <- rownames(info) | |
info <- tmp | |
info <- data.frame(info, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) | |
info <- info[order(info$caption),] | |
addhtml <- c('<FORM NAME = f1>', '<P align="center">') | |
if (type== "checkbox") addhtml <- c(addhtml, apply(info, 1, function(x) paste('<Input type = checkbox Name = r1 Value = "', x["object"], '" onClick =GetSelectedItem()>', x["caption"], sep="")), '</P>', '</FORM>') | |
else addhtml <- c(addhtml, apply(info, 1, function(x) paste('<Input type = radio Name = r1 Value = "', x["object"], '" onClick =GetSelectedItem()>', x["caption"], sep="")), '</P>', '</FORM>') | |
# addhtml <- c(addhtml, "<div id='ROIS' class=\"anatomyBox\" onClick=\"show('ROIS');\" onMouseover=\"show('ROIS');\">", | |
# " <span><img", | |
# " src=\"viewall.png\" style=\"vertical-align: right\"> ROIs</span>", | |
# " </div>" | |
# ) | |
addmore <- NULL | |
# addmore <- c('<fieldset>', '<div id="slider-v1-verticalWrapper" class="verticalWrapper">', '<input maxlength="6" name="slider1" id="slider-v1" type="text" title="Range: -10 to 10" class="" value="0" />', '</div>', '<script type="text/javascript" src="slider.js"></script>', '<script type="text/javascript">', '//<![CDATA[', | |
# '/*******************************************************************************', | |
# ' Create the slider using JS', | |
# ' ******************************************************************************/', | |
# '// Remove the onload event as we are creating the sliders with a JS call', | |
# 'fdSliderController.removeOnLoadEvent();', | |
# '// Create an Object to hold the sliders initialisation data', | |
# 'var options = {', | |
# ' // A reference to the input', | |
# ' inp: document.getElementById("slider-v1"),', | |
# ' // A String containing the increment value (and the return precision, in this case 2 decimal places "x.20")', | |
# ' inc: "0.10",', | |
# ' // Maximum keyboard increment (automatically uses double the normal increment if not given)', | |
# ' maxInc: "1",', | |
# ' // Numeric range', | |
# paste(' range: [1,', nrow(info), '],',sep=""), | |
# ' // Callback functions', | |
# ' callbacks: { "update":[myObject.callback], "create":[setUpVerticalSliderOutput, myObject.callback] },', | |
# ' // String representing the classNames to give the created slider', | |
# ' classNames: "verticalclass",', | |
# ' // Tween the handle onclick?', | |
# ' tween: true,', | |
# ' // Is this a vertical slider', | |
# ' vertical: true,', | |
# ' // Do we hide the associated input on slider creation', | |
# ' hideInput: true,', | |
# ' // Does the handle jump to the nearest click value point when the bar is clicked (tween cannot then be true)', | |
# ' clickJump: true,', | |
# ' // Full ARIA required', | |
# ' fullARIA: false,', | |
# ' // Do we disable the mouseWheel for this slider', | |
# ' noMouseWheel: false', | |
# '};', | |
# '// Create the slider', | |
# 'fdSliderController.createSlider(options);', | |
# '//]]>', | |
# '</script></fieldset>') | |
#printValue('slider2','rangeValue2'); | |
top <- nrow(info)-1 | |
step <- top/ 100 | |
addmore <- c(addmore, paste('<input id="slider2" type="range" min="0" max="', top, '" step="', step, "\" value=\"0\" onchange=\" show2('slider2','rangeValue2');\"/>", sep=""), '<input id="rangeValue2" type="text" size="10"/>') | |
addmore <- c(addmore, paste('<input id="slider_brain" type="range" min="0.01" max="0.99" step="', 0.01, "\" value=\"0.50\" onchange=\"opac_brain('slider_brain','range_brain');\"/>", sep=""), '<input id="range_brain" type="text" size="10"/>') | |
# addmore <- c(addmore, "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> show2('slider2','rangeValue2') </script>") | |
dat <- dat$dat | |
dat <- c(dat[1:java.end], dat[(java.end+1):(script.end-1)], addscript, getitem, code, opac_brain, dat[script.end], dat[(script.end+1):(html.end-1)], addhtml, addmore, dat[html.end:length(dat)]) | |
outfile <- file.path(moddir, "index_jsed.html") | |
ff <- file(outfile) | |
writeLines(dat, con=ff) | |
close(ff) | |
} |
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