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Created July 26, 2020 19:10
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import Base.Math: rem_pio2_kernel, sin_kernel, cos_kernel
function nansin(x::T) where T<:Union{Float64}
absx = abs(x)
if absx < T(pi)/4 #|x| ~<= pi/4, no need for reduction
if absx < sqrt(eps(T))
return x
return sin_kernel(x)
elseif isnan(x)
return T(NaN)
elseif isinf(x)
return T(NaN)
n, y = rem_pio2_kernel(x)
n = n&3
if n == 0
return sin_kernel(y)
elseif n == 1
return cos_kernel(y)
elseif n == 2
return -sin_kernel(y)
return -cos_kernel(y)
using StaticArrays, BenchmarkTools
x = 2.3
# minimum times are exactly the same
@benchmark sin($(Ref(x))[])
@benchmark nansin($(Ref(x))[])
const v = @SVector(rand(20))
function test1(x)
sinx = nansin(x)
return v .+ sinx
function test2(x)
sinx = sin(x)
return v .+ sinx
# minimum times are exactly the same
@benchmark test1((Ref(2.2))[]);
@benchmark test2((Ref(2.2))[]);
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