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Last active November 26, 2024 22:39
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import os,time
# {"seg":{"i":[0,"FF0000",1,"00FF00",2,"FFFFFF",3,"FF0000"]}}
led_count = 200
wled_ip = ''
#curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
#--request POST \
#--data "$DATA" \
color_array = ['"FF0000"', '"00FF00"', '"FFFFFF"']
while True:
output_prefix = '{"seg":{"i":['
output_suffix = ']}}'
output_colors = ''
for led in range(0,led_count):
if led > 0:
output_colors = output_colors+","
output_colors = output_colors+str(led)+","+color_array[led % 3]
output_string = (output_prefix+output_colors+output_suffix).replace('"','\\"')
os.system('curl -s -o /dev/null --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data "'+output_string+'" http://'+wled_ip+'/json')
color_array = color_array[1:] + color_array[: 1]
time.sleep (1)
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