- Emulation (Not virtualization)
- Hardware: x86_64
- Directoruy Share Mode: VirtFS (https://docs.getutm.app/guest-support/linux/#virtfs)
- Network Mode: Emulated VLAN
- Port Fowarding: TCP 22:22
- CD/DVD: Download the ISO of Ubuntu Server x64 (https://ubuntu.com/download/server)
Step 1: On macOS host, Test password authentication
ssh ubuntu@localhost
Step 2: On macOS host, copy public key to Open SSH Server
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 ubuntu@localhost
Step 3: On macOS host, test SSH key-based authentication
ssh ubuntu@localhost
Step 4: On Ubuntu guest, verify authorized_keys
and disable password authentication
cat .ssh/authorized_keys