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Python implementation of FILM GLS algorithm
"""Python implementation of FILM GLS algorithm.
Plans for development:
We will need the following functionality:
GLS fit for 4D timeseries (i, j, k, t), with smoothing in volume or on surface
GLS for for 2D array (time x vox) array, with single prewhitening matrix
We'll call the first "local" and the latter "regional" prewhitening
Which means we'll want the following functions:
- Interface for 4D data
- Interface for 2D data
- General interface?
- Autocorrelation estimation
- Autocorrelation smoothing
- Prewhitening 4D data
- Prewhitening 2D data
- Iterative OLS fit for locally prewhitened data
- Single step (?) OLS fit for regionally prewhitened data
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
def fit_film_gls(ts_img, X, tcon, mask=None,
smooth_struct=None, smooth_fwhm=None):
from numpy import dot
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
from numpy.linalg import lstsq, pinv
ts_vol = ts_img.get_data()
if mask is None:
mask = ts_vol.var(axis=-1) > 0
nvox = mask.sum()
ntp = ts_vol.shape[-1]
nev = X.shape[1]
ncon = len(tcon)
assert X.shape[0] == ntp
Y = ts_vol[mask].T
Y = Y - Y.mean(axis=0)
# Fit initial iteration OLS model in one step
B_ols, _, _, _ = lstsq(X, Y)
Yhat_ols =
resid_ols = Y - Yhat_ols
assert resid_ols.shape == (ntp, nvox)
# Estimate the residual autocorrelation function
tukey_m = int(np.round(np.sqrt(ntp)))
acf_pad = ntp * 2 - 1
resid_fft = fft(resid_ols, n=acf_pad, axis=0)
acf_fft = resid_fft * resid_fft.conjugate()
acf = ifft(acf_fft, axis=0).real[:tukey_m]
acf /= acf[0]
assert acf.shape == (tukey_m, nvox)
# Regularize the autocorrelation estimates with a tukey taper
lag = np.arange(tukey_m)
window = .5 * (1 + np.cos(np.pi * lag / tukey_m))
acf_tukey = acf * window[:, np.newaxis]
assert acf_tukey.shape == (tukey_m, nvox)
# Smooth the autocorrelation estimates
# Compute the autocorrelation kernel
w_pad = ntp + tukey_m
acf_kernel = np.zeros((w_pad, nvox))
acf_kernel[:tukey_m] = acf_tukey
acf_kernel[-tukey_m + 1:] = acf_tukey[:0:-1]
assert (acf_kernel != 0).sum() == (nvox * (tukey_m * 2 - 1))
# Compute the prewhitening kernel in the spectral domain
acf_fft = fft(acf_kernel, axis=0).real
W_fft = np.zeros((w_pad, nvox))
W_fft[1:] = 1 / np.sqrt(np.abs(acf_fft[1:]))
W_fft /= np.sqrt(np.sum(W_fft[1:] ** 2, axis=0, keepdims=True)) / w_pad
# Prewhiten the data
Y_fft = fft(Y, axis=0, n=w_pad)
WY = ifft(W_fft * Y_fft.real
+ W_fft * Y_fft.imag * 1j,
# Prewhiten the design
X_fft = fft(X, axis=0, n=w_pad)
X_fft_exp = X_fft[:, :, np.newaxis]
W_fft_exp = W_fft[:, np.newaxis, :]
WX = ifft(W_fft_exp * X_fft_exp.real
+ W_fft_exp * X_fft_exp.imag * 1j,
# Fit the GLS model at each voxel
B = np.empty((nvox, nev))
G = np.empty((nvox, ncon))
V = np.empty((nvox, ncon))
for i in range(nvox):
Wyi, WXi = WY[..., i], WX[..., i]
XtXinv = pinv(dot(WXi.T, WXi))
bi = dot(XtXinv, dot(WXi.T, Wyi))
Ri = np.eye(ntp) - dot(WXi, dot(XtXinv, WXi.T))
ri = dot(Ri, Wyi)
ssi = dot(ri, ri.T) / Ri.trace()
for j, cj in enumerate(tcon):
keff = dot(cj, dot(XtXinv, cj))
gij = dot(cj, bi)
vij = keff * ssi
G[i, j] = gij
V[i, j] = vij
B[i] = bi
T = G / np.sqrt(V)
# Deal with the outputs
ni, nj, nk = ts_img.shape[:-1]
beta_vol = np.zeros((ni, nj, nk, nev))
beta_vol[mask] = B
beta_img = nib.Nifti1Image(beta_vol, ts_img.affine, ts_img.header)
cope_vol = np.zeros((ni, nj, nk, ncon))
cope_vol[mask] = G
cope_img = nib.Nifti1Image(cope_vol, ts_img.affine, ts_img.header)
varcope_vol = np.zeros((ni, nj, nk, ncon))
varcope_vol[mask] = V
varcope_img = nib.Nifti1Image(varcope_vol, ts_img.affine, ts_img.header)
t_vol = np.zeros((ni, nj, nk, ncon))
t_vol[mask] = T
t_img = nib.Nifti1Image(t_vol, ts_img.affine, ts_img.header)
return beta_img, cope_img, varcope_img, t_img
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
_, ts_fname, dmat_fname, tcon_fname, thresh = sys.argv
ts_img = nib.load(ts_fname)
X = np.loadtxt(dmat_fname, comments="/")
tcon = np.loadtxt(tcon_fname, comments="/")
mask = ts_img.get_data().mean(axis=-1) > float(thresh)
results = fit_film_gls(ts_img, X, tcon, mask)
beta_img, cope_img, varcope_img, t_img = results
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