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Last active December 16, 2015 18:29
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# subtree merge with branches
rm -rf commcare-hq core-hq
git clone git://
git clone git://
cd core-hq
git checkout master
git rm .gitignore README.rst
git commit -m "remove .gitignore in preparation for merge"
branches=$(git branch --remote --no-merged | cut -d/ -f 2)
for branch in $branches; do
git checkout -b $branch origin/$branch
git rm .gitignore README.rst
git rm
git commit -m "remove .gitignore in preparation for merge"
branches="master $branches"
cd ../commcare-hq
git rm submodules/core-hq-src
git commit -m "remove core-hq-src submodule"
git remote add -f core-hq ../core-hq/.git
for branch in $branches;
echo subtree merging $branch
git checkout master
git checkout -b core-hq-$branch
git merge -s ours --no-commit core-hq/$branch
git read-tree --prefix= -u core-hq/$branch
git commit -m "subtree merged in core-hq ($branch branch)"
git checkout master
git merge core-hq-master
for branch in $branches;
git checkout -f core-hq-$branch
git merge --no-edit master
# git push --all origin
exit 0
# anyone with a fork of core-hq can do the following to merge their changes into their fork of commcare-hq
cd core-hq-src
git rm .gitignore README.rst
git commit -m "remove conflicting files"
cd ../../
git remote add -f core-hq submodules/core-hq-src/.git
git merge -s ours --no-commit core-hq/mybranch
git read-tree --prefix= -u core-hq/mybranch
git commit -m "subtree merged in core-hq (mybranch branch)"
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