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Created November 14, 2017 19:16
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EDD Recurring Emails 2
* Register our settings section
* @since 2.4
* @return array
function edd_recurring_settings_section( $sections ) {
$sections['recurring'] = __( 'Recurring Payments', 'edd-recurring' );
return $sections;
add_filter( 'edd_settings_sections_extensions', 'edd_recurring_settings_section' );
* Register our settings
* @since 1.0
* @return array
function edd_recurring_settings( $settings ) {
$recurring_settings = array(
'recurring' => array(
'id' => 'recurring_download_limit',
'name' => __( 'Limit File Downloads', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Check this if you\'d like to require users have an active subscription in order to download files associated with a recurring product.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'checkbox'
'id' => 'recurring_show_terms_notice',
'name' => __( 'Display Subscription Terms', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'When selected, the billing times and frequency will be shown below the purchase link.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'id' => 'recurring_show_signup_fee_notice',
'name' => __( 'Display Signup Fee', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'When selected, signup fee associated with a subscription will be shown below the purchase link.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'checkbox'
'id' => 'recurring_signup_fee_label',
'name' => __( 'Signup Fee Label', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'The label used for signup fees, if any. This is shown on checkout and on individual purchase options if "Display Signup Fee" above is checked.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'text',
'std' => __( 'Signup Fee', 'edd-recurring' )
'id' => 'recurring_one_time_discounts',
'name' => __( 'One Time Discounts', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Check this if you\'d like discount codes to apply only to the initial subscription payment and not all payments. <strong>Note</strong>: one-time discount codes will not apply to free trials.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'tooltip_title' => __( 'One Time Discounts', 'edd-recurring' ),
'tooltip_desc' => __( 'When one time discounts are enabled, only the first payment in a subscription will be discounted when a discount code is redeemed on checkout. Free trials and one time discounts, however, cannot be combined. If a customer purchases a free trial, discount codes will always apply to <em>all</em> payments made for the subscription.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ),
'id' => 'recurring_one_time_trials',
'name' => __( 'One Time Trials', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Check this if you\'d like customers to be prevented from purchasing a free trial multiple times.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'checkbox'
'id' => 'enable_payment_received_email',
'name' => __( 'Payment Received Email', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Check this if you\'d like customers to be sent an email notice each time a renewal payment is processed.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'checkbox'
'id' => 'payment_received_subject',
'name' => __( 'Renewal Payment Received Subject', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Enter the subject line of the email sent when a renewal payment is processed.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'text',
'std' => __( 'Renewal Payment Received', 'edd-recurring' )
'id' => 'payment_received_message',
'name' => __( 'Renewal Payment Received Message', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Enter the body text of the email sent when a renewal payment is processed.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'rich_editor',
'std' => __( "Hello {name}\n\nYour renewal payment in the amount of {amount} for {subscription_name} has been successfully processed.", 'edd-recurring' )
'id' => 'enable_payment_failed_email',
'name' => __( 'Payment Failed Email', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Check this if you\'d like customers to be sent an email notice each time a payment fails to be processed.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'checkbox'
'id' => 'payment_failed_subject',
'name' => __( 'Renewal Payment Failed Subject', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Enter the subject line of the email sent when a renewal payment fails to be processed.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'text',
'std' => __( 'Renewal Payment Failed', 'edd-recurring' )
'id' => 'payment_failed_message',
'name' => __( 'Renewal Payment Failed Message', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Enter the body text of the email sent when a renewal payment fails to be processed.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'rich_editor',
'std' => __( "Hello {name}\n\nYour renewal payment in the amount of {amount} for {subscription_name} has been failed to be processed.", 'edd-recurring' )
'id' => 'enable_subscription_cancelled_email',
'name' => __( 'Subscription Cancelled Email', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Check this if you\'d like customers to be sent an email notice when they cancel a subscription.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'checkbox'
'id' => 'enable_subscription_cancelled_email_admin',
'name' => __( '', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Check this if you\'d like admin to be sent an email notice when a subscription has been cancelled.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'checkbox'
'id' => 'subscription_cancelled_subject',
'name' => __( 'Subscription Cancelled Subject', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Enter the subject line of the email sent when a subscription is cancelled.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'text',
'std' => __( 'Subscription Cancelled', 'edd-recurring' )
'id' => 'subscription_cancelled_message',
'name' => __( 'Subscription Cancelled Message', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Enter the body text of the email sent when a subscription is cancelled.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'rich_editor',
'std' => __( "Hello {name}\n\nYour subscription for {subscription_name} has been successfully cancelled.", 'edd-recurring' )
'id' => 'recurring_send_renewal_reminders',
'name' => __( 'Send Renewal Reminders', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Check this box if you want customers to receive a reminder when their subscription is about to renew.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'checkbox'
'id' => 'recurring_renewal_reminders',
'name' => __( 'Subscription Renewal Reminders', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Configure the subscription renewal notice emails', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'hook'
'id' => 'recurring_send_expiration_reminders',
'name' => __( 'Send Expiration Reminders', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Check this box if you want customers to receive a reminder when their subscription is about to expire or complete.', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'checkbox'
'id' => 'recurring_expiration_reminders',
'name' => __( 'Subscription Expiration Reminders', 'edd-recurring' ),
'desc' => __( 'Configure the subscription expiration notice emails', 'edd-recurring' ),
'type' => 'hook'
return array_merge( $settings, $recurring_settings );
add_filter( 'edd_settings_extensions', 'edd_recurring_settings' );
* Displays the subscription renewal reminders options
* @since 2.4
* @param $args array option arguments
* @return void
function edd_recurring_renewal_reminders_settings( $args ) {
$reminders = new EDD_Recurring_Reminders();
$notices = $reminders->get_notices( 'renewal' );
ob_start(); ?>
<table id="edd_recurring_renewal_reminders" class="wp-list-table widefat fixed posts">
<th scope="col" style="padding-left: 10px" class="edd-recurring-reminder-subject-col"><?php _e( 'Subject', 'edd-recurring' ); ?></th>
<th scope="col" class="edd-recurring-reminder-period-col"><?php _e( 'Send Period', 'edd-recurring' ); ?></th>
<th scope="col" class="edd-recurring-reminder-action-col"><?php _e( 'Actions', 'edd-recurring' ); ?></th>
<?php if ( ! empty( $notices ) ) : $i = 1; ?>
<?php foreach ( $notices as $key => $notice ) : $notice = $reminders->get_notice( $key ); ?>
<tr <?php if ( $i % 2 == 0 ) {
echo 'class="alternate"';
} ?>>
<td><?php echo esc_html( $notice['subject'] ); ?></td>
<td><?php echo esc_html( $reminders->get_notice_period_label( $key ) ); ?></td>
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-subscription-reminder-notice&edd_recurring_action=edit-recurring-reminder-notice&notice=' . $key ) ); ?>" class="edd-recurring-edit-reminder-notice" data-key="<?php echo esc_attr( $key ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Edit', 'edd-recurring' ); ?></a>&nbsp;|
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-subscription-reminder-notice&edd_action=recurring_send_test_reminder_notice&notice-id=' . $key ) ) ); ?>" class="edd-recurring-send-test-reminder-notice"><?php _e( 'Send Test Email', 'edd-recurring' ); ?></a>&nbsp;|
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-subscription-reminder-notice&edd_action=recurring_delete_reminder_notice&notice-id=' . $key ) ) ); ?>" class="edd-delete"><?php _e( 'Delete', 'edd-recurring' ); ?></a>
<?php $i ++; endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-subscription-reminder-notice&edd_recurring_action=add-recurring-reminder-notice&edd_recurring_reminder_type=renewal' ) ); ?>" class="button-secondary" id="edd_recurring_add_renewal_notice"><?php _e( 'Add Renewal Reminder', 'edd-recurring' ); ?></a>
echo ob_get_clean();
add_action( 'edd_recurring_renewal_reminders', 'edd_recurring_renewal_reminders_settings' );
* Displays the subscription expiration reminders options
* @since 2.4
* @param $args array option arguments
* @return void
function edd_recurring_expiration_reminders_settings( $args ) {
$reminders = new EDD_Recurring_Reminders();
$notices = $reminders->get_notices( 'expiration' );
ob_start(); ?>
<table id="edd_recurring_expiration_reminders" class="wp-list-table widefat fixed posts">
<th scope="col" style="padding-left: 10px" class="edd-recurring-reminder-subject-col"><?php _e( 'Subject', 'edd-recurring' ); ?></th>
<th scope="col" class="edd-recurring-reminder-period-col"><?php _e( 'Send Period', 'edd-recurring' ); ?></th>
<th scope="col" class="edd-recurring-reminder-action-col"><?php _e( 'Actions', 'edd-recurring' ); ?></th>
<?php if ( ! empty( $notices ) ) : $i = 1; ?>
<?php foreach ( $notices as $key => $notice ) : $notice = $reminders->get_notice( $key ); ?>
<tr <?php if ( $i % 2 == 0 ) {
echo 'class="alternate"';
} ?>>
<td><?php echo esc_html( $notice['subject'] ); ?></td>
<td><?php echo esc_html( $reminders->get_notice_period_label( $key ) ); ?></td>
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-subscription-reminder-notice&edd_recurring_action=edit-recurring-reminder-notice&notice=' . $key ) ); ?>" class="edd-recurring-edit-reminder-notice" data-key="<?php echo esc_attr( $key ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Edit', 'edd-recurring' ); ?></a>&nbsp;|
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-subscription-reminder-notice&edd_action=recurring_send_test_reminder_notice&notice-id=' . $key ) ) ); ?>" class="edd-recurring-send-test-reminder-notice"><?php _e( 'Send Test Email', 'edd-recurring' ); ?></a>&nbsp;|
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-subscription-reminder-notice&edd_action=recurring_delete_reminder_notice&notice-id=' . $key ) ) ); ?>" class="edd-delete"><?php _e( 'Delete', 'edd-recurring' ); ?></a>
<?php $i ++; endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-subscription-reminder-notice&edd_recurring_action=add-recurring-reminder-notice&edd_recurring_reminder_type=expiration' ) ); ?>" class="button-secondary" id="edd_recurring_add_expiration_notice"><?php _e( 'Add Expiration Reminder', 'edd-recurring' ); ?></a>
echo ob_get_clean();
add_action( 'edd_recurring_expiration_reminders', 'edd_recurring_expiration_reminders_settings' );
* Add menu page for reminder emails
* *
* @access private
* @since 2.4
* @return void
function edd_recurring_add_notices_page() {
global $edd_recurring_reminders_page;
$edd_recurring_reminders_page = add_submenu_page(
__( 'Subscription Reminder', 'edd-recurring' ),
__( 'Subscription Reminder', 'edd-recurring' ),
add_action( 'admin_head', 'edd_recurring_hide_reminder_notice_page' );
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'edd_recurring_add_notices_page', 10 );
* Removes the Subscription Reminder Notice menu link
* @since 2.4
* @return void
function edd_recurring_hide_reminder_notice_page() {
remove_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=download', 'edd-subscription-reminder-notice' );
* Renders the add / edit subscription reminder notice screen
* @since 2.4
* @param array $input The value inputted in the field
* @return string $input Sanitizied value
function edd_recurring_subscription_reminder_notice_edit() {
$action = isset( $_GET['edd_recurring_action'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['edd_recurring_action'] ) : 'add-recurring-reminder-notice';
if ( 'edit-recurring-reminder-notice' === $action ) {
include EDD_Recurring::$plugin_path . '/includes/admin/edit-reminder-notice.php';
} else {
include EDD_Recurring::$plugin_path . '/includes/admin/add-reminder-notice.php';
* Processes the creation of a new reminder notice
* @since 2.4
* @param array $data The post data
* @return void
function edd_recurring_process_add_reminder_notice( $data ) {
if ( ! is_admin() ) {
if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) {
wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to add reminder notices', 'edd-recurring' ), __( 'Error', 'edd-recurring' ), array( 'response' => 401 ) );
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $data['edd-recurring-reminder-notice-nonce'], 'edd_recurring_reminder_nonce' ) ) {
wp_die( __( 'Nonce verification failed', 'edd-recurring' ), __( 'Error', 'edd-recurring' ), array( 'response' => 401 ) );
$subject = isset( $data['subject'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $data['subject'] ) : __( 'Your Subscription is About to Renew', 'edd-recurring' );
$period = isset( $data['period'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $data['period'] ) : '+1month';
$message = isset( $data['message'] ) ? wp_kses( stripslashes( $data['message'] ), wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' ) ) : false;
$type = isset( $data['type'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $data['type'] ) : 'renewal';
if ( empty( $message ) ) {
$message = 'Hello {name},
Your subscription for {subscription_name} will renew on {expiration}.';
$reminders = new EDD_Recurring_Reminders();
$notices = $reminders->get_notices();
$notices[] = array(
'subject' => $subject,
'message' => $message,
'send_period' => $period,
'type' => $type
update_option( 'edd_recurring_reminder_notices', $notices );
wp_redirect( admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-settings&tab=extensions&section=recurring' ) );
add_action( 'edd_recurring_add_reminder_notice', 'edd_recurring_process_add_reminder_notice' );
* Processes the update of an existing reminder notice
* @since 2.4
* @param array $data The post data
* @return void
function edd_recurring_process_update_reminder_notice( $data ) {
if ( ! is_admin() ) {
if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) {
wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to add reminder notices', 'edd-recurring' ), __( 'Error', 'edd-recurring' ), array( 'response' => 401 ) );
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $data['edd-recurring-reminder-notice-nonce'], 'edd_recurring_reminder_nonce' ) ) {
wp_die( __( 'Nonce verification failed', 'edd-recurring' ), __( 'Error', 'edd-recurring' ), array( 'response' => 401 ) );
if ( ! isset( $data['notice-id'] ) ) {
wp_die( __( 'No reminder notice ID was provided', 'edd-recurring' ) );
$subject = isset( $data['subject'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $data['subject'] ) : __( 'Your Subscription is About to Renew', 'edd-recurring' );
$period = isset( $data['period'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $data['period'] ) : '+1month';
$message = isset( $data['message'] ) ? wp_kses( stripslashes( $data['message'] ), wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' ) ) : false;
$type = isset( $data['type'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $data['type'] ) : 'renewal';
if ( empty( $message ) ) {
$message = 'Hello {name},
Your subscription for {subscription_name} will renew on {expiration}.';
$reminders = new EDD_Recurring_Reminders();
$notices = $reminders->get_notices();
$notices[ absint( $data['notice-id'] ) ] = array(
'subject' => $subject,
'message' => $message,
'send_period' => $period,
'type' => $type
update_option( 'edd_recurring_reminder_notices', $notices );
wp_redirect( admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-settings&tab=extensions&section=recurring' ) );
add_action( 'edd_recurring_edit_reminder_notice', 'edd_recurring_process_update_reminder_notice' );
* Processes the deletion of an existing reminder notice
* @since 2.4
* @param array $data The post data
* @return void
function edd_recurring_process_delete_reminder_notice( $data ) {
if ( ! is_admin() ) {
if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) {
wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to delete reminder notices', 'edd-recurring' ), __( 'Error', 'edd-recurring' ), array( 'response' => 401 ) );
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $data['_wpnonce'] ) ) {
wp_die( __( 'Nonce verification failed', 'edd-recurring' ), __( 'Error', 'edd-recurring' ), array( 'response' => 401 ) );
if ( empty( $data['notice-id'] ) && 0 !== (int) $data['notice-id'] ) {
wp_die( __( 'No reminder notice ID was provided', 'edd-recurring' ), __( 'Error', 'edd-recurring' ), array( 'response' => 409 ) );
$reminders = new EDD_Recurring_Reminders();
$notices = $reminders->get_notices();
unset( $notices[ absint( $data['notice-id'] ) ] );
update_option( 'edd_recurring_reminder_notices', $notices );
wp_redirect( admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-settings&tab=extensions&section=recurring' ) );
add_action( 'edd_recurring_delete_reminder_notice', 'edd_recurring_process_delete_reminder_notice' );
* Sends a test email for a reminder notice
* @since 2.4
* @param array $data The post data
* @return void
function edd_recurring_process_send_test_reminder_notice( $data ) {
if ( ! is_admin() ) {
if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) {
wp_die( __( 'You do not have permission to send test email reminder notices', 'edd-recurring' ), __( 'Error', 'edd-recurring' ), array( 'response' => 401 ) );
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $data['_wpnonce'] ) ) {
wp_die( __( 'Nonce verification failed', 'edd-recurring' ), __( 'Error', 'edd-recurring' ), array( 'response' => 401 ) );
if ( empty( $data['notice-id'] ) && 0 !== (int) $data['notice-id'] ) {
wp_die( __( 'No reminder notice ID was provided', 'edd-recurring' ), __( 'Error', 'edd-recurring' ), array( 'response' => 409 ) );
$reminders = new EDD_Recurring_Reminders();
$notices = $reminders->get_notices();
$reminders->send_test_notice( absint( $data['notice-id'] ) );
wp_redirect( admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-settings&tab=extensions&section=recurring' ) );
add_action( 'edd_recurring_send_test_reminder_notice', 'edd_recurring_process_send_test_reminder_notice' );
* Add additional text to Item Quantities setting to explain why it is sometimes disabled
* @since 2.5.2
* @param array $settings
* @return array
function edd_recurring_item_quantities_description( $settings ) {
$settings['main']['item_quantities']['desc'] .= ' <strong>' . __( 'Note: Item Quantities will be disabled for all products in the cart if the cart contains a recurring product.', 'edd-recurring' ) . '</strong>';
return $settings;
add_filter( 'edd_settings_misc', 'edd_recurring_item_quantities_description', 10 );
* Add additional text to Guest Checkout setting to explain why it is disabled
* @since 2.5.2
* @param array $settings
* @return array
function edd_recurring_guest_checkout_description( $settings ) {
$settings['checkout']['logged_in_only']['desc'] .= ' <strong>' . __( 'Guest checkout is not permitted when purchasing subscriptions.', 'edd-recurring' ) . '</strong>';
return $settings;
add_filter( 'edd_settings_misc', 'edd_recurring_guest_checkout_description', 10 );
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