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Last active June 20, 2022 22:57
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IPFS Docker Config Setting Fatal Error - how do I reset it?
### ipfs ###
container_name: ipfs-node
image: ipfs/go-ipfs:latest
- ./ipfs:/ipfs
# IPFS Swarm
- '4001:4001'
# Local Gateway
- '8080:8080'
# Websocket listener
- '8081:8081'
# API Server
- '5001:5001'
# this is the problematic config setting I injected manually
# I only injected this first time and I have since removed all
# containers and volumes + restart but it seems to still crash
# on this even though I am not injecting this config setting
# at startup or anything. Am I misunderstanding IPFS or Docker here?
# docker-compose exec ipfs ipfs config --bool Swarm.EnableAutoRelay true
# Log after a fresh teardown + restart of all containers/volumes
$ docker-compose logs ipfs
Attaching to ipfs-node
ipfs-node | Changing user to ipfs
ipfs-node | ipfs version 0.13.0
ipfs-node | Found IPFS fs-repo at /ipfs
ipfs-node | Initializing daemon...
ipfs-node | go-ipfs version: 0.13.0-c9d51bb
ipfs-node | Repo version: 12
ipfs-node | System version: amd64/linux
ipfs-node | Golang version: go1.18.3
ipfs-node | 2022-06-20T22:53:51.617Z FATAL core:constructor node/groups.go:136 The 'Swarm.EnableAutoRelay' config field was removed.Use the 'Swarm.RelayClient.Enabled' instead.
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