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-- many tomorrows
-- norns study 1
-- KEY 2 toggle sound on/off
-- KEY 3 toggle octave
-- ENC 2 randomize amplitude
-- ENC 3 change frequency
-- first turn on AUX reverb!
-- many tomorrows
-- norns study 1
-- KEY 2 toggle sound on/off
-- KEY 3 toggle octave
-- ENC 2 randomize amplitude
-- ENC 3 change frequency
-- first turn on AUX reverb!
URL = '<nightscout url>/api/v1/entries.json'.freeze
def index
response = JSON.parse(HTTParty.get(URL).body)
chart_data = {|r| r["glucose"].to_i}
payload = {
"frames": [
"text": response[0]['glucose'].to_s,
"icon": 'i20045', # Blue circle logo
mwilliams / gist:d6c3370a8c24d8498f92e89b9f0ff2ae
Created December 15, 2016 17:31
Flashing an Edison with jubilinux from OSX
# Connect to the Edison
sudo screen /dev/tty.usbserial-A900UH7Z 115200
# Jump into the jubilinux directory
cd /Users/mwilliams/Downloads/jubilinux
# Install the appropriate usb libraries
brew update && brew tap jlhonora/lsusb && brew install lsusb
# Run flashall from the jubilinux directory
Okay, lets see if anyone wants one of these things :)
Since the last time I requested only first time buyers order and this is a new release, only experienced builders should order this time. I'll up load the more or less final version of the manual later too. I haven't gotten the edited version back yet so there will be one final version coming.
Send an email to me at [email protected]
Subject line : MTR-5B order
Rext body:
Your call
Your mailing address. (in a format I can cut and paste for the mailing label)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Check DNS records against two authoritative nameservers
# usage: $ ruby record-checker.rb --input_file record-checker.csv --nameserver
require 'csv'
require 'optparse'
require 'table_print'
options = {}

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am mwilliams on github.
  • I am mwilliams ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is CDF4 4D58 4DAF 03D0 8B0E 9BEE A8F1 8CA7 79A1 EEC7

To claim this, I am signing this object:

mwilliams / gist:6613649
Last active December 23, 2015 09:19
Having issues installing Elm with homebrew's haskell-platform & ghc? Here's you answer! Kudos to @dysinger for getting me in the right direction!
cabal update
cabal install Cabal
cabal install cabal-install
cabal sandbox init (in your project workspace)
cabal install elm
cabal install elm-server
(defn dispatch-generator
"Return a fn to handle a completed response."
[feed-key feed-url response-callback]
(fn [state]
(let [code (-> (c/status state) :code)
headers (c/headers state)
body (-> (c/body state) .toString)]
(response-callback feed-key