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Created April 21, 2014 13:34
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import TagField
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Aeson
data Banana = Banana
{ shape :: Field "banana-shape" Text
, size :: Field "banana size" (Maybe Int)
, name :: Field "banana's name" Text
} deriving Show
deriveToJSONFields ''Banana
b = Banana (Field "foo") (Field (Just 2)) (Field "bar")
module TagField where
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, toJSON, object, (.=))
import Language.Haskell.TH
newtype Field (n :: Symbol) v = Field { unField :: v }
deriving Show
deriveToJSONFields ty = do
t <- reify ty
case t of
TyConI (DataD _ _ ts [cs] _) -> do
let (n, cs') = case cs of
NormalC n xs -> (n, [t | (_, t) <- xs])
RecC n xs -> (n, [t | (_, _, t) <- xs])
fs <- sequence [(,) (fieldName x) `fmap` newName "a" | x <- cs']
sequence [instanceD (return []) (appT (conT ''ToJSON) (conT ty)) [
funD 'toJSON [clause [conP n (map (varP . snd) fs)] (normalB (
appE (varE 'object) (listE [
appE (appE (varE '(.=)) (litE (StringL fk)))
(appE (varE 'unField) (varE fv))
| (fk, fv) <- fs ])
)) []]
_ -> error "single constr only for now"
fieldName :: Type -> String
fieldName (AppT (AppT (ConT _Name) (LitT (StrTyLit s))) _) = s
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