This document has been succeeded by the one here.
Perform partitioning with cfdisk
and verify with lsblk
before proceeding.
Format the first partition as EFI (boot)
mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/nvme0n1p1
Create a swap
mkswap /dev/nvme0n1p2
Prepare the main encrypted partition
cryptsetup -y -v luksFormat --type luks1 /dev/nvme0n1p3
Respond with a "YES" and enter a passphrase twice.
Open the main partition with a name "mirage"
cryptsetup open /dev/nvme0n1p3 mirage
Format the main partition as btrfs
mkfs.btrfs /dev/mapper/mirage
Mount main partition temporarily
mount /dev/mapper/mirage /mnt
Create subvolumes for root, home, var and snapshots
btrfs su cr /mnt/@
btrfs su cr /mnt/@home
btrfs su cr /mnt/@var
btrfs su cr /mnt/@snapshots
Unmount the partition
umount /mnt
mount -o noatime,nodiratime,compress=lzo,space_cache,subvol=@ /dev/mapper/mirage /mnt
mkdir -p /mnt/{boot,home,var,.snapshots}
mkdir /mnt/boot/efi
mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot/efi
mount -o noatime,nodiratime,compress=lzo,space_cache,subvol=@home /dev/mapper/mirage /mnt/home
mount -o noatime,nodiratime,compress=lzo,space_cache,subvol=@var /dev/mapper/mirage /mnt/var
mount -o noatime,nodiratime,compress=lzo,space_cache,subvol=@snapshots /dev/mapper/mirage /mnt/.snapshots
swapon /dev/nvme0n1p2
Depending on the running platform, obtain debootstrap
On Debian: apt install debootstrap
On Arch: pacman -S debootstrap
With all partitions mounted, run
debootstrap --include linux-image-amd64,grub-efi,locales --arch amd64 bullseye /mnt
Copy the mounted file systems table
cp /etc/mtab /mnt/etc/mtab
Bind the pseudo-filesystems for chroot
mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev
mount -o bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts
mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc
mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys
Install arch-install-scripts
apt install arch-install-scripts
Run genfstab
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
chroot /mnt
Update /etc/apt/sources.list
to contain the following:
deb bullseye main contrib non-free
deb bullseye-security main contrib non-free
deb bullseye-updates main contrib non-free
Update packages list
apt update
apt install firmware-linux firmware-linux-nonfree sudo vim git wget
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Choose an appropriate region.
dpkg-reconfigure locales
Choose en_US.UTF-8
from the list of locales.
echo "excelsior" > /etc/hostname
Place below content in the file /etc/hosts localhost
::1 localhost excelsior.localdomain excelsior
Place the below content in /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
Install a few network related packages
apt install dhcpcd5 network-manager wireless-tools wpasupplicant dialog
Create user
useradd ismail -m -c "Mohammed Ismail Ansari" -s /bin/bash
Set password for user
passwd ismail
Add user to sudo group
usermod -aG sudo ismail
apt install efibootmgr btrfs-progs os-prober cryptsetup ntfs-3g mtools dosfstools
Use blkid
to get the UUID
of the encrypted partition
Create an entry in the /etc/crypttab
mirage <tab> UUID=[uuid-of-encrypted-partition] <tab> none <tab> luks
Make GRUB aware of the encrypted partition
vim /etc/default/grub
= "cryptdevice=UUID=[uuid-of-encrypted-partition]:mirage root=/dev/mapper/mirage"
to allow us to install GRUB on an encrytped boot.
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=DEBIAN
update-initramfs -u -k all
Exit chroot
Unmount all mounted partitions
umount -a
reboot now
dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
apt install firmware-iwlwifi
systemctl enable dhcpcd
systemctl enable NetworkManager
Use nmtui
for a text-based interface.
Can you update the link to the updated guide? I'm interested in this since I use Arch and wanted similar steps for a minimal CLI install that can potentially be automated. I was looking into pre-seeding a file with netinstall image but it's not as straightforward as doing it in the CLI. I came across this from your video.