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Created January 29, 2022 22:41
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Wang's algorithm in Coq.
Require Import List.
Require Import Datatypes.
Require Export Coq.Strings.String.
Require Export Coq.Lists.List.
Inductive CL: Type :=
| var (a: string)
| CLNot (a: CL)
| CLAnd (a1 a2: CL)
| CLOr (a1 a2: CL)
| CLImp (a1 a2: CL).
Notation "x '" := (var x) (at level 59).
Notation "~! x" := (CLNot x) (at level 60).
Notation "x &! y" := (CLAnd x y) (at level 62).
Notation "x |! y" := (CLOr x y) (at level 63).
Notation "x ->! y" := (CLImp x y) (at level 61).
Definition CLSet: Type := list CL.
Definition Sequent: Type := (CLSet * CLSet).
Definition eqclb (a b: CL): bool :=
match a, b with
| (var v1), (var v2) => (eqb v1 v2)
| _, _ => false
Definition initialSequent (l1 l2: CLSet): bool :=
(existsb (fun x => (existsb (eqclb x) l2)) l1).
Theorem aboutInitialSequent: forall x y: CLSet, (initialSequent x y) = true <-> exists c: CL, In c x /\ In c y.
Fixpoint wang (Gam Del: CLSet) (d: nat): bool :=
match Gam, Del, d with
| _, _, 0 => false
| G, (~!a)::D, S d' => wang (a::G) D d'
| (~! a)::G, D, S d' => wang G (a::D) d'
| G, (a &! b)::D, S d' => (wang G (a::D) d') && (wang G (b::D) d')
| (a &! b)::G, D, S d' => (wang (a::b::G) D d')
| G, (a |! b)::D, S d' => (wang G (a::b::D) d')
| (a |! b)::G, D, S d' => (wang (a::G) D d') && (wang (b::G) D d')
| G, (a ->! b)::D, S d' => (wang (a::G) (b::D) d')
| (a ->! b)::G, D, S d' => (wang G (a::D) d') && (wang (b::G) D d')
| a::G, b::D, S d' => initialSequent (a::G) (b::D) || wang (G ++ (a::nil)) (D ++ (b::nil)) d'
| G, b::D, S d' => initialSequent G (b::D) || wang G (D ++ (b::nil)) d'
| a::G, D, S d' => initialSequent (a::G) D || wang (G ++ (a::nil)) D d'
| _, _, _ => false
Eval compute in (wang nil (("a"' |! ~! "a"')::nil) 1000).
Eval compute in (wang (("a"' |! "b"')::nil) (("b"' |! "a"')::nil) 1000).
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