You want the most up-to-date shapefile of Congressional districts, but you don't want Michigan to be a giant blob.
(The Census Bureau offers some cartographic boundary shapefiles without this problem, but they aren't always the most current.)
You'll need two source files:
The TIGER/Line shapefile of Congressional districts, from the Census Bureau:
The 10-meter Natural Earth shapefile of countries without "boundary lakes":
You'll need ogr2ogr installed, which is
part of GDAL. If you're on a Mac and have Homebrew,
brew install gdal
should do the trick.
I'm assuming you'll have downloaded both of those ZIP files to the current directory, and that you'll have unzipped them with their directory structures preserved.
In other words, you should have:
$ tree .
├── ne_10m_admin_0_countries_lakes
│ ├── ne_10m_admin_0_countries_lakes.README.html
│ ├── ne_10m_admin_0_countries_lakes.VERSION.txt
│ ├── ne_10m_admin_0_countries_lakes.cpg
│ ├── ne_10m_admin_0_countries_lakes.dbf
│ ├── ne_10m_admin_0_countries_lakes.prj
│ ├── ne_10m_admin_0_countries_lakes.shp
│ └── ne_10m_admin_0_countries_lakes.shx
├── tl_2016_us_cd115
│ ├── tl_2016_us_cd115.cpg
│ ├── tl_2016_us_cd115.dbf
│ ├── tl_2016_us_cd115.prj
│ ├── tl_2016_us_cd115.shp
│ ├── tl_2016_us_cd115.shp.ea.iso.xml
│ ├── tl_2016_us_cd115.shp.iso.xml
│ ├── tl_2016_us_cd115.shp.xml
│ └── tl_2016_us_cd115.shx
Extract just the U.S. from the Natural Earth file:
ogr2ogr -where "ADM0_A3='USA'" us_only.shp ne_10m_admin_0_countries_lakes/ne_10m_admin_0_countries_lakes.shp
Use that to clip the original Census shapefile:
ogr2ogr -clipsrc us_only.shp clipped_districts.shp tl_2016_us_cd115/tl_2016_us_cd115.shp
And then use clipped_districts.shp
however you want!
TIGER/Line shapefiles, by U.S. Census Bureau, public-domain works of U.S. federal government