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Created November 8, 2011 23:10
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Using maphilight for a U.S. state choropleth map
// Naming everything under a main "choro" namespace isn't necessary, but it's a bit cleaner.
var choro = {};
choro.ctrl = {};
// One thing to keep in mind: In this data object, state names which normally have spaces
// continue to do so. In the image map (see map.html), they have underscores instead of
// spaces. (This is because the HTML class attribute treats spaces as separators so an
// element can have multiple classes.) This is why there are different .replace() calls
// throughout this script to add or remove the underscores as necessary. = {
'District of Columbia': 0.540,
'New York': 0.499,
'Connecticut': 0.481,
'Louisiana': 0.477,
'Mississippi': 0.474,
'Texas': 0.474,
'Alabama': 0.471,
'California': 0.469,
'Massachusetts': 0.465,
'Tennessee': 0.468,
'Florida': 0.469,
'Georgia': 0.465,
'Kentucky': 0.462,
'New Jersey': 0.462,
'Rhode Island': 0.452,
'New Mexico': 0.458,
'Illinois': 0.465,
'Arkansas': 0.459,
'Virginia': 0.455,
'North Carolina': 0.463,
'South Carolina': 0.460,
'Oklahoma': 0.459,
'Pennsylvania': 0.457,
'West Virginia': 0.453,
'Colorado': 0.452,
'Arizona': 0.451,
'Missouri': 0.449,
'Michigan': 0.448,
'Ohio': 0.447,
'Oregon': 0.447,
'North Dakota': 0.443,
'Kansas': 0.442,
'Washington': 0.442,
'Maryland': 0.439,
'South Dakota': 0.439,
'Montana': 0.438,
'Delaware': 0.435,
'Minnesota': 0.435,
'Maine': 0.434,
'Indiana': 0.433,
'Nevada': 0.433,
'Nebraska': 0.430,
'Vermont': 0.430,
'Hawaii': 0.427,
'Idaho': 0.426,
'Iowa': 0.426,
'Wisconsin': 0.426,
'Wyoming': 0.424,
'New Hampshire': 0.418,
'Alaska': 0.411,
'Utah': 0.411
choro.ctrl.colorMap = function(quantity) {
// Colorbrewer Purples with five classes
// See for other useful color schemes
if (quantity <= 0.433) {return 'f2f0f7';}
else if (quantity <= 0.443) {return 'cbc9e2';}
else if (quantity <= 0.457) {return '9e9ac8';}
else if (quantity <= 0.465) {return '756bb1';}
else {return '54278f';}
choro.ctrl.showChoropleth = function() {
// This actually colors the map. Here's how it works:
$('area').each(function() {
// The maphilight plugin looks for a jQuery data attribute on each region
// (state, in this case) in the image map. We use it here to set how we
// want each region to display.
$(this).data('maphilight', {
// We set the fill color for each state by looking up its name in our
// data object and passing the corresponding value to our colorMap
// function (above) to see what color to use.
fillColor: choro.ctrl.colorMap([$(this).attr('class').replace(/_/g, ' ')]),
fillOpacity: 1,
strokeColor: 'aaaaaa',
fade: false,
alwaysOn: true
// We then call the maphilight plugin itself and tell it to treat all regions
// with the same class as if they were the same thing (which helps us deal with
// states that have islands or separate peninsulas).
groupBy: 'class'
$(document).ready(function() {
// So we call that showChoropleth function to draw the map once the document
// has loaded...
// ...and then we add support for tooltips to show the state name and the
// value for that state.
// See
// for more details.
xOffset = 10;
yOffset = 20;
$('area').hover(function(e) {
var stateClass = $(this).attr('class');
var stateClassEscaped = stateClass.replace(/_/g, ' ');
$('body').append('<div id="tooltip">' +
'<h3>' + stateClassEscaped + '</h3>' +
'<div id="chart">' + '</div>' +
'<p>' + ([stateClassEscaped] * 100).toFixed(1) +
var tooltip = $('#tooltip');
if (e.pageX + tooltip.width() <= $('body').width()) {
tooltip.css('left', (e.pageX + yOffset) + 'px');
} else {
tooltip.css('left', (e.pageX - yOffset - tooltip.width()) + 'px');
if (e.pageY + tooltip.height() <= $('body').height()) {
tooltip.css('top', (e.pageY - xOffset) + 'px');
} else {
tooltip.css('top', (e.pageY - xOffset - tooltip.height()) + 'px');
}, function(e) {
$('area').mousemove(function (e) {
var tooltip = $('#tooltip');
if (e.pageX + tooltip.width() <= $('body').width()) {
tooltip.css('left', (e.pageX + yOffset) + 'px');
} else {
tooltip.css('left', (e.pageX - yOffset - tooltip.width()) + 'px');
if (e.pageY + tooltip.height() <= $('body').height()) {
tooltip.css('top', (e.pageY - xOffset) + 'px');
} else {
tooltip.css('top', (e.pageY - xOffset - tooltip.height()) + 'px');
body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 460px;
h1 {font-size: 18pt;}
#legend {
margin: 5px auto;
font-size: 0.8em;
#legend td {padding: 7px ; width: 85px; color: white; margin: 7px; text-align: center;}
.legend_color {
border: 1px solid #aaa;
padding: 0 !important;
width: 25px;
.legend_num {margin: 0 10px 0 0;}
/* Colorbrewer Purples with five classes */
.legend_1 {background-color: #f2f0f7;}
.legend_2 {background-color: #cbc9e2;}
.legend_3 {background-color: #9e9ac8;}
.legend_4 {background-color: #756bb1;}
.legend_5 {background-color: #54278f;}
caption {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.25em;
padding-bottom: 5px;
#year {
margin: 10px auto;
width: 460px;
#tooltip {
background-color: #fff;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 5px;
position: absolute;
width: 160px;
#tooltip h3 {
font-size: 14pt;
margin-top: 0;
text-align: center;
#tooltip p {
margin-bottom: 5px;
text-align: center;
.attribution {
font-size: 0.75em;
font-style: italic;
text-align: right;
text-transform: uppercase;
width: 460px;
.attribution a {text-decoration: none;}
<!-- See for the article where this was used. -->
<title>Income Inequality by State</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- Get jquery.maphilight.min.js here: -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.maphilight.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="inequality.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
<h1>Income Inequality by State</h1>
<!-- blank_480.png is just an empty (white) 480x297px image. Browsers generally won't show an image map without an image of some sort. You can add annotations in this image, which is handy. -->
<img src="blank_480.png" ismap="1" id="map_img" usemap="#map" />
<map name="map" id="map">
Map generated using
Source SVG was
<area class="Hawaii" shape="polygon" coords="116,260, 117,258, 118,258, 118,258, 117,260, 116,260"></area>
<area class="Hawaii" shape="polygon" coords="121,258, 124,259, 125,259, 126,257, 126,255, 124,255, 122,256, 121,258"></area>
<area class="Hawaii" shape="polygon" coords="137,263, 138,266, 140,265, 140,265, 141,266, 143,266, 143,265, 142,264, 141,262, 140,260, 137,262, 137,263"></area>
<area class="Hawaii" shape="polygon" coords="147,267, 147,266, 150,267, 150,266, 153,267, 153,267, 152,268, 150,268, 147,267"></area>
<area class="Hawaii" shape="polygon" coords="149,270, 150,272, 152,271, 152,270, 151,269, 149,269, 149,270"></area>
<area class="Hawaii" shape="polygon" coords="153,269, 154,268, 156,269, 159,270, 161,271, 161,272, 159,273, 157,273, 155,273, 153,269"></area>
<area class="Hawaii" shape="polygon" coords="161,277, 162,276, 164,277, 168,279, 169,280, 170,281, 171,283, 173,285, 173,285, 171,287, 169,288, 168,287, 167,288, 165,290, 164,291, 163,291, 162,290, 161,288, 162,286, 161,284, 160,283, 160,281, 161,281, 162,279, 162,279, 161,278, 161,277"></area>
<area class="Alaska" shape="polygon" coords="79,227, 78,269, 79,270, 81,270, 82,269, 83,269, 83,271, 86,274, 87,276, 88,275, 89,275, 89,273, 90,272, 90,272, 91,271, 93,272, 93,274, 94,274, 94,276, 96,277, 98,280, 99,282, 101,283, 101,285, 104,286, 106,287, 107,289, 107,290, 107,292, 106,293, 105,293, 104,291, 103,291, 102,290, 102,290, 102,292, 102,294, 102,294, 101,293, 100,292, 100,293, 101,294, 100,294, 100,294, 100,294, 100,294, 99,294, 99,292, 99,292, 98,291, 98,291, 98,292, 98,292, 97,291, 97,291, 97,291, 98,290, 97,289, 97,287, 97,287, 96,288, 96,289, 95,287, 95,285, 95,285, 95,287, 95,288, 94,287, 92,284, 91,284, 91,282, 90,281, 89,280, 89,279, 90,278, 90,278, 89,279, 87,277, 86,276, 83,275, 81,273, 82,272, 82,271, 81,272, 80,272, 78,272, 75,271, 72,271, 72,271, 69,269, 68,269, 66,266, 64,266, 63,267, 63,269, 63,267, 64,268, 63,270, 65,268, 65,269, 63,271, 63,271, 62,270, 62,270, 61,270, 60,270, 58,271, 57,272, 55,273, 53,273, 53,272, 55,271, 55,271, 54,270, 54,269, 55,267, 55,266, 55,266, 58,265, 58,265, 59,265, 59,264, 57,264, 54,265, 53,267, 52,268, 52,269, 50,270, 48,271, 48,272, 49,273, 49,274, 48,275, 45,277, 41,280, 40,280, 37,281, 35,282, 35,283, 35,283, 34,284, 33,283, 31,283, 31,285, 31,285, 31,283, 29,284, 27,284, 26,284, 24,285, 23,285, 22,285, 21,286, 20,286, 19,285, 17,285, 17,286, 16,285, 16,284, 18,284, 21,284, 23,283, 24,282, 25,282, 26,281, 28,282, 29,282, 29,282, 30,281, 32,280, 33,280, 34,280, 34,280, 35,280, 35,278, 37,277, 38,275, 40,273, 40,272, 41,271, 40,272, 38,272, 38,271, 37,271, 37,271, 36,273, 36,273, 35,270, 34,270, 34,270, 34,269, 32,269, 31,270, 29,270, 30,269, 30,268, 30,267, 31,266, 31,266, 31,265, 31,263, 30,263, 30,263, 27,263, 26,263, 26,261, 25,259, 25,258, 26,258, 26,257, 27,256, 26,256, 26,256, 25,255, 25,252, 28,251, 29,250, 30,248, 31,248, 33,248, 33,249, 34,249, 36,248, 36,248, 37,249, 38,249, 39,248, 39,246, 39,246, 39,244, 40,244, 40,244, 40,244, 40,244, 40,243, 38,243, 37,243, 36,243, 34,242, 32,242, 30,240, 30,238, 30,237, 29,236, 28,234, 29,234, 32,234, 33,234, 33,234, 34,234, 34,233, 36,233, 37,233, 38,234, 37,235, 37,236, 38,236, 41,237, 41,237, 40,235, 40,233, 40,233, 39,232, 38,231, 39,230, 38,228, 37,226, 36,224, 37,223, 39,223, 40,223, 42,223, 44,221, 44,220, 46,219, 47,219, 48,219, 50,218, 51,218, 51,218, 53,218, 55,216, 55,216, 57,218, 58,219, 58,219, 58,220, 59,219, 61,219, 61,221, 62,222, 66,222, 69,224, 69,224, 72,225, 73,225, 74,224, 76,225, 79,227"></area>
<area class="Alaska" shape="polygon" coords="21,241, 22,244, 22,244, 21,244, 20,242, 19,241, 18,241, 17,240, 18,239, 19,240, 20,241, 21,241"></area>
<area class="Alaska" shape="polygon" coords="20,258, 22,258, 23,259, 24,259, 23,261, 21,261, 20,259, 20,258"></area>
<area class="Alaska" shape="polygon" coords="9,251, 10,252, 10,253, 10,253, 9,252, 9,251, 9,251"></area>
<area class="Alaska" shape="polygon" coords="2,288, 4,286, 6,286, 7,286, 7,287, 8,287, 9,286, 9,285, 11,285, 12,286, 11,287, 9,288, 8,288, 6,287, 4,288, 3,288, 2,288"></area>
<area class="Alaska" shape="polygon" coords="27,285, 28,286, 29,285, 28,285, 27,285"></area>
<area class="Alaska" shape="polygon" coords="28,287, 29,286, 30,286, 30,287, 28,287"></area>
<area class="Alaska" shape="polygon" coords="40,286, 41,287, 41,286, 41,285, 40,286"></area>
<area class="Alaska" shape="polygon" coords="45,280, 45,283, 47,283, 49,281, 51,280, 51,279, 51,278, 50,278, 48,278, 49,277, 50,278, 52,277, 52,276, 51,276, 51,275, 50,276, 48,278, 45,279, 45,280"></area>
<area class="Alaska" shape="polygon" coords="66,270, 67,269, 67,268, 66,268, 66,270"></area>
<area class="Florida" shape="polygon" coords="380,219, 381,223, 383,228, 385,233, 387,236, 390,239, 392,240, 393,242, 392,243, 392,243, 393,247, 395,248, 396,251, 398,254, 400,258, 401,262, 401,268, 401,269, 401,270, 400,271, 400,272, 400,273, 400,274, 400,275, 399,277, 397,278, 395,278, 394,279, 393,279, 393,279, 392,278, 392,277, 391,275, 390,273, 388,271, 386,271, 386,272, 384,270, 384,268, 382,266, 382,265, 381,266, 380,266, 379,264, 377,262, 376,259, 375,258, 373,256, 374,254, 375,252, 375,251, 373,250, 372,251, 372,251, 374,252, 373,254, 373,254, 372,252, 371,250, 371,248, 372,246, 372,241, 370,239, 369,238, 367,237, 366,237, 365,235, 363,235, 363,233, 361,232, 360,231, 358,230, 357,229, 355,229, 353,230, 353,230, 354,231, 353,232, 352,231, 350,233, 348,234, 346,234, 345,235, 345,233, 344,233, 342,232, 341,231, 337,229, 334,228, 331,229, 328,229, 325,230, 324,230, 324,226, 322,225, 321,224, 322,223, 327,222, 339,221, 343,220, 346,221, 347,223, 348,223, 352,224, 357,223, 368,223, 371,222, 373,222, 373,224, 374,224, 375,222, 374,220, 374,219, 377,219, 380,219"></area>
<area class="Florida" shape="polygon" coords="386,286, 387,285, 388,285, 389,284, 390,283, 390,284, 391,284, 392,284, 390,285, 388,286, 387,286, 386,286"></area>
<area class="Florida" shape="polygon" coords="393,283, 393,284, 395,283, 397,281, 399,279, 401,275, 401,275, 401,273, 401,273, 400,274, 400,277, 398,279, 396,282, 394,282, 393,283"></area>
<area class="New_Hampshire" shape="polygon" coords="440,71, 441,70, 441,69, 440,68, 440,67, 438,66, 438,65, 434,53, 432,46, 431,46, 431,46, 431,46, 430,46, 429,47, 429,49, 430,52, 431,53, 431,55, 429,58, 427,59, 427,59, 428,60, 428,64, 428,69, 427,71, 428,72, 428,74, 428,75, 428,76, 437,73, 438,73, 439,72, 440,71"></area>
<area class="Michigan" shape="polygon" coords="349,88, 347,84, 346,80, 345,78, 344,77, 343,78, 341,79, 340,81, 338,83, 338,83, 337,83, 337,83, 336,82, 336,82, 336,82, 336,79, 336,79, 338,79, 338,77, 339,76, 340,75, 340,70, 339,69, 338,68, 338,67, 338,67, 339,67, 339,66, 338,65, 337,64, 336,64, 334,63, 331,61, 330,61, 329,62, 329,61, 327,60, 326,61, 324,62, 324,64, 325,64, 326,65, 326,65, 325,65, 324,66, 323,66, 323,67, 323,68, 323,71, 321,72, 321,72, 321,70, 322,69, 322,67, 322,67, 321,67, 320,70, 319,70, 318,71, 318,72, 318,72, 318,73, 317,74, 317,74, 317,75, 316,78, 316,80, 316,83, 316,83, 316,85, 316,85, 315,86, 317,89, 319,93, 319,95, 319,97, 319,100, 317,103, 317,104, 316,106, 318,106, 328,105, 332,104, 332,105, 336,104, 341,104, 343,103, 343,103, 343,102, 344,100, 345,100, 345,97, 346,96, 346,96, 346,94, 347,93, 347,93, 348,93, 348,94, 349,93, 349,88"></area>
<area class="Michigan" shape="polygon" coords="291,41, 292,40, 293,39, 295,37, 296,37, 297,37, 294,40, 292,41, 291,41, 291,41"></area>
<area class="Michigan" shape="polygon" coords="334,57, 334,58, 336,58, 336,57, 336,57, 336,57, 336,57, 336,57, 335,56, 335,56, 334,56, 333,56, 333,56, 334,57"></area>
<area class="Michigan" shape="polygon" coords="284,55, 284,55, 285,55, 287,53, 287,53, 287,53, 290,52, 292,51, 294,50, 294,49, 295,48, 296,48, 296,47, 297,46, 300,44, 302,44, 303,45, 302,45, 301,46, 300,47, 299,48, 298,49, 297,50, 297,52, 297,52, 298,51, 300,50, 300,51, 302,51, 303,51, 304,52, 305,53, 306,55, 308,54, 309,54, 309,55, 310,55, 311,54, 311,54, 312,54, 314,52, 316,52, 319,51, 322,50, 323,50, 324,50, 324,53, 324,53, 325,53, 326,53, 329,52, 330,52, 331,52, 331,55, 332,57, 333,57, 334,58, 333,58, 333,58, 331,58, 330,58, 328,58, 327,58, 326,58, 323,58, 320,58, 320,59, 316,60, 315,60, 314,61, 314,62, 313,62, 313,61, 310,62, 310,62, 309,62, 309,62, 308,64, 308,66, 306,69, 305,69, 305,68, 304,63, 302,62, 301,61, 295,60, 293,59, 289,58, 285,58, 284,55"></area>
<area class="Vermont" shape="polygon" coords="422,77, 422,74, 421,69, 421,68, 419,68, 420,66, 419,65, 418,63, 418,61, 418,58, 417,55, 416,53, 429,49, 430,52, 431,53, 431,55, 429,58, 427,59, 427,59, 428,60, 428,64, 428,69, 427,71, 428,72, 428,74, 428,75, 428,76, 424,76, 422,77"></area>
<area class="Maine" shape="polygon" coords="461,39, 462,40, 464,42, 464,43, 462,45, 461,46, 460,47, 457,50, 457,50, 457,50, 457,50, 456,50, 456,49, 456,49, 455,49, 455,50, 454,50, 453,51, 454,52, 454,52, 453,53, 453,53, 453,53, 452,52, 452,52, 451,50, 450,51, 450,52, 450,52, 450,53, 450,55, 450,55, 450,57, 448,57, 448,58, 445,60, 445,60, 444,59, 442,61, 443,63, 442,64, 442,66, 441,69, 440,68, 440,67, 438,66, 438,65, 434,53, 432,46, 432,46, 433,46, 433,45, 434,42, 435,40, 436,38, 435,37, 435,34, 435,33, 436,32, 436,31, 436,29, 436,26, 438,22, 439,20, 440,20, 440,20, 440,20, 441,21, 442,22, 443,21, 443,21, 445,19, 446,19, 446,19, 449,20, 450,20, 455,35, 458,35, 458,36, 458,39, 460,40, 460,40, 460,40, 460,39, 461,39"></area>
<area class="Maine" shape="polygon" coords="451,54, 452,53, 452,54, 453,55, 452,55, 451,54"></area>
<area class="Maine" shape="polygon" coords="454,51, 455,52, 455,52, 456,52, 456,52, 456,52, 456,51, 456,51, 456,51, 456,50, 455,50, 454,51"></area>
<area class="Rhode_Island" shape="polygon" coords="437,89, 435,82, 438,81, 439,82, 441,84, 442,86, 441,87, 440,87, 440,88, 438,89, 437,89"></area>
<area class="New_York" shape="polygon" coords="415,94, 415,94, 413,93, 412,92, 411,89, 410,89, 408,88, 399,90, 377,95, 373,95, 373,92, 374,91, 374,91, 375,90, 376,90, 377,89, 377,88, 378,86, 379,86, 378,85, 378,84, 377,84, 376,81, 377,80, 380,79, 382,79, 383,78, 386,78, 387,79, 388,79, 389,78, 391,78, 393,77, 394,77, 395,75, 396,74, 397,74, 398,73, 398,72, 397,71, 397,71, 398,69, 398,69, 397,69, 396,68, 395,68, 395,66, 398,64, 399,63, 399,62, 401,60, 402,58, 403,57, 404,56, 406,55, 409,54, 410,54, 413,54, 416,53, 417,55, 418,58, 418,61, 418,63, 419,65, 420,66, 419,68, 421,68, 421,68, 422,74, 422,77, 422,82, 422,85, 423,86, 423,90, 423,94, 423,95, 424,96, 424,97, 423,98, 423,99, 424,99, 425,98, 426,97, 426,96, 427,97, 428,97, 432,95, 434,93, 434,93, 437,93, 435,95, 433,97, 429,99, 428,100, 425,101, 423,101, 423,101, 422,99, 423,98, 423,97, 421,96, 419,95, 417,95, 415,94"></area>
<area class="Pennsylvania" shape="polygon" coords="412,112, 413,112, 414,111, 415,110, 416,109, 417,107, 417,107, 416,106, 414,105, 414,104, 412,103, 412,103, 412,102, 413,101, 413,100, 413,99, 413,98, 414,97, 414,95, 415,94, 415,94, 413,93, 412,92, 411,89, 410,89, 408,88, 399,90, 378,95, 373,95, 373,92, 370,95, 370,95, 368,96, 369,106, 370,111, 372,120, 374,120, 380,119, 399,116, 406,114, 410,113, 410,113, 411,112, 412,112"></area>
<area class="New_Jersey" shape="polygon" coords="415,94, 414,95, 414,97, 413,98, 413,99, 413,100, 413,101, 412,102, 412,103, 412,104, 414,104, 414,105, 416,106, 417,107, 417,107, 416,109, 415,110, 414,111, 413,112, 413,113, 413,113, 413,115, 413,116, 415,117, 417,118, 419,119, 419,119, 419,120, 419,121, 419,121, 420,120, 421,118, 422,116, 424,112, 424,110, 424,109, 424,104, 423,103, 423,103, 421,103, 421,103, 421,102, 423,102, 423,101, 422,99, 423,98, 423,97, 421,96, 419,95, 417,95, 415,94"></area>
<area class="Delaware" shape="polygon" coords="413,114, 413,113, 413,112, 412,112, 411,112, 410,113, 411,116, 412,119, 413,123, 414,127, 417,127, 420,126, 419,122, 418,122, 416,121, 416,119, 415,117, 413,116, 413,115, 413,114"></area>
<area class="Maryland" shape="polygon" coords="420,126, 417,127, 414,127, 413,123, 412,119, 411,115, 410,113, 407,114, 399,115, 380,119, 381,122, 382,125, 382,124, 383,123, 384,122, 385,122, 386,121, 387,120, 387,120, 389,120, 390,119, 391,118, 392,118, 393,118, 394,119, 395,120, 396,121, 398,121, 398,123, 401,124, 401,124, 402,123, 403,124, 403,125, 402,127, 402,128, 402,129, 402,130, 404,131, 407,131, 408,131, 409,132, 410,131, 409,130, 409,129, 408,128, 407,125, 407,122, 407,121, 407,120, 407,120, 407,120, 407,119, 407,119, 408,118, 408,118, 408,118, 409,117, 410,117, 409,118, 408,120, 408,121, 409,121, 410,123, 409,124, 409,126, 409,126, 410,125, 410,126, 410,126, 409,128, 411,130, 413,130, 413,129, 415,132, 416,132, 419,130, 420,128, 420,126"></area>
<area class="Maryland" shape="polygon" coords="412,130, 412,132, 412,133, 413,134, 413,134, 413,133, 413,133, 413,133, 413,131, 413,131, 413,130, 412,130"></area>
<area class="Virginia" shape="polygon" coords="416,133, 416,132, 419,131, 419,132, 417,134, 417,136, 417,138, 416,140, 415,141, 414,139, 415,136, 415,134, 416,133"></area>
<area class="Virginia" shape="polygon" coords="417,147, 388,153, 370,156, 366,156, 365,157, 361,157, 357,157, 352,158, 357,155, 357,154, 358,153, 363,147, 365,150, 367,150, 368,150, 369,149, 370,150, 372,149, 373,147, 375,147, 376,146, 377,146, 378,144, 379,143, 378,142, 379,142, 381,135, 382,133, 382,132, 383,133, 385,133, 386,130, 388,129, 388,128, 389,127, 391,124, 391,121, 396,123, 396,123, 396,121, 396,121, 398,122, 398,123, 401,124, 402,124, 403,125, 402,127, 401,128, 402,129, 402,130, 404,131, 407,131, 408,131, 409,132, 409,133, 411,133, 411,134, 411,136, 412,137, 412,138, 412,138, 412,139, 411,139, 411,140, 412,140, 412,141, 413,142, 413,143, 412,144, 413,145, 416,144, 417,147"></area>
<area class="West_Virginia" shape="polygon" coords="380,119, 381,122, 382,125, 383,123, 384,122, 385,122, 386,121, 387,120, 387,120, 389,120, 390,119, 391,118, 392,118, 393,118, 395,119, 396,120, 396,121, 396,123, 393,122, 391,121, 391,124, 389,127, 388,128, 387,129, 386,130, 386,131, 385,133, 383,133, 382,132, 382,133, 381,135, 381,137, 378,143, 378,143, 378,144, 377,146, 376,146, 375,147, 373,147, 372,149, 372,149, 371,150, 370,150, 370,149, 369,149, 369,149, 368,150, 367,150, 365,150, 364,149, 363,148, 362,147, 361,145, 359,143, 358,142, 357,141, 357,140, 356,138, 358,138, 359,137, 359,136, 359,135, 360,133, 360,131, 361,130, 361,131, 362,132, 362,131, 363,131, 362,130, 362,128, 363,128, 364,126, 364,125, 365,126, 367,125, 368,123, 369,121, 369,118, 370,116, 370,113, 369,112, 370,111, 370,111, 372,120, 374,120, 380,119"></area>
<area class="Ohio" shape="polygon" coords="368,96, 364,98, 363,99, 361,101, 359,103, 357,104, 356,104, 353,105, 352,105, 350,104, 348,104, 346,103, 345,103, 343,103, 338,104, 332,105, 333,112, 334,119, 335,131, 335,133, 337,133, 338,133, 340,134, 341,136, 344,136, 345,137, 346,137, 347,136, 348,136, 351,137, 352,136, 353,135, 354,135, 354,136, 355,136, 357,138, 358,138, 359,137, 359,136, 359,135, 359,133, 359,133, 360,131, 360,131, 361,130, 361,131, 362,132, 362,131, 363,131, 362,130, 362,128, 363,128, 364,126, 364,125, 365,126, 366,125, 368,123, 369,121, 369,119, 370,116, 370,113, 369,112, 369,111, 370,111, 369,106, 368,96"></area>
<area class="Indiana" shape="polygon" coords="310,150, 310,148, 310,146, 311,145, 312,143, 313,141, 313,138, 312,136, 312,135, 312,132, 312,128, 311,120, 311,113, 310,107, 312,107, 313,108, 313,108, 314,107, 316,106, 318,106, 329,105, 332,104, 333,112, 335,131, 335,134, 335,135, 336,136, 336,136, 334,137, 333,138, 331,138, 331,141, 328,142, 327,144, 327,146, 327,146, 325,146, 324,145, 323,146, 322,147, 322,148, 321,149, 321,148, 320,147, 318,148, 318,149, 317,149, 316,148, 314,148, 311,149, 310,150"></area>
<area class="Illinois" shape="polygon" coords="310,150, 310,148, 310,146, 311,145, 312,142, 313,140, 313,138, 312,136, 312,134, 312,132, 312,128, 311,120, 311,113, 310,107, 310,106, 310,105, 309,103, 308,102, 307,101, 307,98, 284,100, 285,101, 286,101, 286,102, 286,103, 288,104, 289,106, 288,107, 287,109, 287,110, 286,111, 285,112, 282,112, 282,113, 282,114, 282,115, 283,116, 283,118, 282,119, 282,119, 282,121, 281,121, 280,122, 280,122, 280,123, 279,124, 278,125, 279,127, 280,131, 283,135, 286,136, 286,139, 287,139, 290,140, 291,140, 291,142, 290,145, 289,147, 290,149, 294,151, 296,152, 297,154, 298,156, 298,157, 298,159, 299,160, 300,160, 300,159, 302,158, 303,158, 304,158, 306,159, 306,159, 306,158, 306,156, 306,155, 307,155, 308,154, 309,154, 309,153, 308,152, 309,152, 310,150"></area>
<area class="Connecticut" shape="polygon" coords="437,89, 435,82, 433,82, 422,84, 423,86, 423,90, 423,94, 423,95, 424,96, 426,94, 428,93, 429,92, 429,92, 430,91, 433,91, 437,89"></area>
<area class="Wisconsin" shape="polygon" coords="307,98, 307,97, 307,95, 306,91, 306,90, 306,89, 307,87, 307,86, 307,84, 307,82, 307,82, 308,80, 308,79, 308,78, 308,77, 308,75, 309,72, 311,69, 311,68, 311,67, 310,67, 308,70, 307,72, 306,73, 305,75, 304,75, 304,76, 303,76, 303,75, 304,74, 305,71, 306,70, 306,69, 305,68, 304,63, 302,62, 301,61, 295,60, 293,59, 289,58, 285,58, 284,55, 283,55, 283,55, 282,55, 282,55, 281,55, 280,56, 280,55, 280,54, 281,53, 281,52, 281,51, 279,52, 278,53, 274,54, 273,55, 271,55, 271,54, 270,55, 270,57, 270,61, 269,62, 267,64, 265,67, 266,67, 267,68, 267,70, 266,71, 266,73, 267,76, 268,78, 270,78, 271,80, 272,80, 274,83, 278,85, 279,86, 279,90, 280,91, 281,92, 281,93, 280,95, 280,96, 281,98, 283,99, 284,99, 285,100, 307,98"></area>
<area class="North_Carolina" shape="polygon" coords="417,147, 418,149, 420,153, 421,154, 422,155, 421,155, 421,155, 421,157, 420,158, 419,159, 419,161, 417,161, 415,161, 415,161, 414,161, 414,161, 414,162, 415,162, 415,162, 415,165, 417,165, 417,166, 418,165, 419,165, 418,167, 416,169, 416,169, 415,169, 414,169, 411,170, 408,173, 406,175, 405,179, 405,180, 403,180, 400,181, 395,177, 389,173, 387,172, 381,173, 379,174, 378,172, 376,171, 368,171, 364,172, 360,174, 357,175, 346,176, 346,174, 347,174, 349,173, 349,171, 351,170, 353,169, 355,168, 357,167, 358,165, 360,163, 360,163, 360,163, 360,164, 360,164, 361,164, 361,164, 361,164, 362,162, 364,162, 365,162, 365,160, 367,159, 367,158, 367,156, 369,156, 373,155, 381,154, 388,153, 399,151, 409,149, 415,147, 417,147"></area>
<area class="North_Carolina" shape="polygon" coords="420,164, 421,162, 422,161, 423,161, 423,160, 423,157, 422,155, 422,154, 422,154, 424,157, 424,159, 424,161, 422,162, 421,163, 420,164, 420,164"></area>
<area class="District_of_Columbia" shape="polygon" coords="403,125, 402,124, 401,124, 402,123, 403,124, 403,125"></area>
<area class="Massachusetts" shape="polygon" coords="450,86, 451,86, 451,85, 452,85, 452,86, 451,87, 450,87, 450,86"></area>
<area class="Massachusetts" shape="polygon" coords="445,87, 446,85, 447,85, 448,86, 447,87, 446,87, 445,87"></area>
<area class="Massachusetts" shape="polygon" coords="428,76, 437,73, 438,73, 439,72, 440,71, 442,73, 441,76, 441,76, 442,78, 442,77, 443,77, 444,78, 446,81, 448,82, 449,81, 450,80, 449,79, 448,78, 448,79, 447,78, 447,78, 448,78, 449,78, 450,79, 451,81, 451,82, 449,83, 447,84, 445,86, 444,87, 444,86, 445,85, 445,84, 445,83, 444,84, 443,84, 443,86, 442,86, 441,84, 439,82, 438,81, 435,82, 432,82, 422,84, 422,82, 422,77, 424,76, 428,76"></area>
<area class="Tennessee" shape="polygon" coords="348,159, 322,161, 314,162, 312,163, 310,163, 310,165, 306,165, 302,165, 298,165, 298,169, 297,171, 295,173, 294,175, 294,176, 292,177, 293,179, 293,181, 292,182, 346,176, 346,174, 347,174, 349,173, 349,171, 351,170, 353,169, 355,168, 357,167, 358,165, 360,163, 360,163, 360,163, 360,164, 360,164, 361,164, 361,164, 361,164, 362,162, 364,162, 365,162, 365,160, 367,159, 367,158, 367,156, 366,156, 365,157, 361,157, 352,158, 348,159"></area>
<area class="Arkansas" shape="polygon" coords="297,171, 295,172, 292,171, 292,171, 294,169, 294,167, 293,166, 254,167, 255,171, 255,175, 256,180, 256,199, 257,200, 258,199, 260,200, 260,203, 288,203, 289,202, 288,200, 287,198, 288,198, 287,196, 288,195, 289,192, 290,191, 289,190, 291,188, 293,187, 293,186, 292,185, 294,182, 295,182, 295,180, 296,179, 295,179, 294,177, 295,176, 296,175, 296,173, 297,171"></area>
<area class="Missouri" shape="polygon" coords="279,124, 278,122, 277,121, 245,122, 244,122, 244,124, 244,125, 246,127, 247,129, 249,130, 250,130, 251,131, 251,132, 250,133, 249,134, 250,136, 252,137, 253,138, 254,144, 254,162, 254,165, 254,167, 265,167, 277,166, 287,166, 293,166, 294,168, 294,169, 292,170, 292,171, 295,172, 297,171, 298,169, 298,166, 299,164, 300,164, 300,162, 301,161, 300,160, 299,160, 298,159, 298,157, 298,156, 297,154, 296,152, 294,151, 290,148, 289,146, 290,145, 291,142, 291,140, 290,140, 287,139, 286,138, 286,136, 283,135, 280,131, 279,127, 279,125, 279,124"></area>
<area class="Georgia" shape="polygon" coords="336,178, 336,179, 336,180, 336,181, 338,185, 339,190, 340,193, 341,196, 342,199, 343,202, 344,204, 344,206, 345,206, 345,207, 344,210, 344,211, 344,212, 345,215, 345,217, 345,218, 345,219, 346,219, 346,221, 347,223, 348,224, 352,224, 357,223, 368,223, 371,222, 373,222, 373,224, 375,224, 375,222, 374,220, 374,219, 377,219, 380,220, 379,216, 381,211, 381,209, 381,208, 383,205, 382,204, 382,205, 380,204, 380,203, 379,201, 378,200, 377,200, 376,197, 375,194, 372,193, 371,192, 371,191, 370,190, 369,189, 367,188, 366,187, 364,186, 363,185, 362,184, 362,183, 360,180, 358,180, 357,179, 356,179, 356,178, 356,177, 357,176, 357,175, 336,178"></area>
<area class="South_Carolina" shape="polygon" coords="382,204, 381,204, 380,204, 380,203, 379,201, 378,200, 377,200, 376,197, 375,194, 372,193, 371,192, 371,191, 370,190, 369,189, 367,188, 366,187, 364,186, 363,185, 362,184, 362,183, 360,180, 359,180, 357,179, 356,179, 356,178, 356,177, 357,176, 357,175, 360,174, 364,172, 368,171, 376,171, 378,172, 379,174, 381,173, 387,173, 389,173, 395,177, 400,181, 397,184, 396,187, 396,190, 395,190, 394,192, 393,192, 392,194, 391,195, 389,197, 389,197, 387,199, 385,199, 386,201, 383,203, 382,204"></area>
<area class="Kentucky" shape="polygon" coords="363,147, 362,149, 360,151, 357,153, 357,154, 357,155, 355,156, 352,158, 348,159, 322,161, 314,162, 312,163, 310,163, 310,165, 306,165, 302,165, 298,165, 299,164, 300,164, 300,162, 301,161, 300,160, 300,159, 302,158, 303,158, 304,158, 306,159, 306,159, 306,158, 306,156, 306,155, 307,155, 308,154, 309,154, 309,153, 308,152, 309,152, 309,151, 310,150, 310,150, 311,149, 314,148, 316,148, 317,149, 318,149, 318,148, 320,147, 321,148, 321,149, 322,148, 322,147, 323,146, 324,145, 325,146, 327,146, 327,146, 327,144, 328,142, 331,141, 331,138, 332,138, 334,137, 336,136, 335,136, 335,135, 335,133, 337,133, 338,133, 340,134, 341,136, 344,136, 345,137, 346,137, 347,136, 349,136, 351,137, 352,136, 353,135, 354,134, 354,136, 355,136, 357,137, 357,140, 357,141, 358,142, 359,143, 361,145, 362,147, 363,147"></area>
<area class="Alabama" shape="polygon" coords="315,230, 315,223, 313,214, 313,206, 314,191, 314,183, 314,179, 336,178, 336,179, 336,180, 336,181, 338,185, 339,190, 340,193, 341,196, 342,199, 343,202, 344,204, 344,206, 345,206, 345,207, 344,210, 344,211, 344,212, 345,215, 345,217, 345,218, 345,219, 346,219, 346,221, 343,221, 340,221, 327,222, 322,223, 322,224, 322,225, 324,226, 324,230, 321,232, 320,231, 321,230, 321,230, 320,227, 319,227, 318,229, 317,230, 317,230, 315,230"></area>
<area class="Louisiana" shape="polygon" coords="304,229, 302,228, 303,225, 302,225, 298,225, 285,225, 285,224, 285,220, 287,217, 289,213, 289,211, 290,211, 290,210, 289,209, 289,208, 288,206, 288,203, 260,203, 260,208, 260,213, 261,215, 262,217, 262,219, 265,222, 265,224, 265,224, 265,228, 263,231, 264,232, 264,233, 263,237, 263,238, 263,240, 265,239, 271,239, 276,241, 280,242, 281,241, 283,242, 285,242, 285,241, 283,240, 282,241, 281,240, 281,240, 281,239, 281,239, 282,239, 283,239, 283,239, 284,239, 285,239, 286,239, 287,240, 287,242, 289,242, 290,243, 290,243, 289,244, 290,245, 294,246, 296,246, 296,245, 298,244, 299,244, 299,244, 300,245, 299,246, 299,246, 301,246, 302,244, 302,244, 301,243, 301,243, 301,242, 302,242, 303,241, 303,241, 303,241, 303,243, 304,243, 304,243, 306,243, 306,243, 308,244, 308,245, 310,245, 310,245, 311,244, 311,243, 311,243, 309,242, 306,241, 305,240, 305,239, 306,239, 306,239, 305,238, 305,238, 307,238, 308,237, 307,236, 307,234, 306,234, 305,235, 305,237, 304,236, 303,235, 304,234, 305,233, 304,231, 304,229"></area>
<area class="Mississippi" shape="polygon" coords="316,230, 315,230, 313,230, 312,230, 311,230, 308,231, 307,230, 306,232, 305,233, 304,231, 304,229, 302,228, 303,225, 302,225, 301,225, 297,225, 285,225, 285,224, 285,220, 287,217, 289,213, 289,211, 290,211, 290,210, 289,209, 289,208, 288,206, 288,203, 289,202, 288,200, 288,198, 288,198, 287,196, 288,196, 289,192, 290,191, 289,190, 291,188, 293,187, 293,186, 292,185, 294,182, 295,182, 295,181, 314,179, 314,183, 314,191, 314,206, 313,213, 315,223, 316,230"></area>
<area class="Iowa" shape="polygon" coords="284,99, 285,101, 286,101, 286,102, 286,103, 288,104, 289,106, 288,107, 287,109, 287,110, 286,111, 285,111, 282,112, 282,114, 282,115, 283,116, 283,118, 282,119, 282,119, 282,121, 281,121, 280,122, 280,122, 280,123, 279,124, 278,122, 277,121, 244,122, 244,122, 243,120, 243,117, 242,115, 242,112, 240,110, 240,108, 239,104, 238,101, 237,100, 236,99, 237,97, 238,94, 237,93, 237,91, 237,90, 238,90, 279,89, 280,91, 281,92, 281,93, 280,95, 280,96, 281,98, 283,99, 284,99, 284,99"></area>
<area class="Minnesota" shape="polygon" coords="237,64, 237,60, 236,56, 235,49, 235,44, 234,43, 233,40, 233,35, 234,33, 233,30, 248,30, 248,26, 248,26, 249,26, 250,27, 251,30, 252,33, 252,33, 255,33, 255,34, 258,34, 258,35, 261,35, 261,35, 261,34, 262,34, 263,34, 265,34, 266,36, 269,37, 270,37, 271,37, 271,36, 272,38, 273,38, 273,38, 274,38, 274,39, 275,40, 277,40, 277,39, 279,38, 280,38, 281,38, 281,39, 281,39, 282,39, 286,39, 287,40, 288,40, 288,40, 290,39, 290,41, 288,41, 283,43, 281,44, 279,46, 278,48, 277,50, 276,50, 274,52, 273,52, 271,54, 270,55, 270,57, 270,61, 269,62, 267,64, 265,67, 267,68, 267,70, 266,71, 266,73, 267,76, 268,78, 270,78, 271,80, 272,80, 274,83, 278,85, 279,86, 279,89, 239,90, 238,72, 238,71, 236,69, 236,68, 236,67, 237,66, 237,66, 237,64"></area>
<area class="Oklahoma" shape="polygon" coords="190,160, 182,160, 181,165, 191,166, 207,166, 206,178, 206,187, 206,188, 208,190, 209,191, 210,191, 210,189, 211,190, 212,190, 212,190, 213,190, 213,192, 215,192, 216,193, 218,193, 219,194, 221,193, 222,194, 224,195, 224,195, 224,196, 225,197, 226,196, 227,196, 229,196, 229,197, 232,198, 233,198, 234,196, 234,196, 235,197, 237,197, 239,198, 240,198, 241,198, 242,197, 244,197, 245,197, 246,196, 247,196, 247,197, 249,197, 250,196, 251,196, 252,197, 253,198, 255,199, 256,199, 256,181, 255,175, 255,171, 254,167, 254,164, 254,162, 248,162, 225,162, 202,161, 190,160"></area>
<area class="Texas" shape="polygon" coords="180,165, 192,166, 207,166, 206,178, 206,187, 206,188, 208,190, 209,191, 210,190, 210,190, 211,190, 212,190, 212,190, 212,190, 213,190, 213,192, 215,192, 216,193, 218,193, 220,194, 221,193, 222,194, 224,195, 224,195, 224,196, 225,197, 226,196, 227,196, 228,196, 229,197, 232,198, 233,198, 234,196, 234,196, 234,196, 235,197, 237,197, 239,198, 240,198, 241,198, 242,197, 244,197, 245,197, 246,196, 247,196, 247,197, 249,197, 250,196, 251,196, 252,197, 254,198, 255,199, 256,199, 257,200, 258,200, 260,200, 260,203, 260,208, 260,213, 261,215, 262,217, 263,219, 265,222, 265,224, 265,224, 265,228, 263,231, 264,232, 264,233, 263,237, 263,238, 263,240, 260,241, 255,243, 255,244, 253,245, 252,246, 252,246, 249,249, 247,250, 245,252, 242,253, 239,254, 238,255, 235,257, 233,257, 231,260, 229,260, 229,261, 230,262, 229,265, 229,267, 228,269, 228,271, 228,273, 229,276, 229,279, 230,281, 230,281, 228,282, 225,280, 223,280, 222,280, 220,280, 218,278, 216,278, 212,276, 211,274, 210,271, 209,270, 208,269, 209,268, 209,267, 208,266, 208,266, 208,264, 208,262, 206,262, 204,260, 202,256, 200,255, 200,254, 198,248, 197,246, 196,245, 196,244, 193,241, 192,240, 192,239, 191,238, 187,238, 184,237, 182,236, 180,237, 178,238, 177,239, 176,241, 174,244, 173,246, 172,245, 171,245, 170,244, 168,243, 168,243, 167,242, 165,241, 161,237, 160,234, 160,230, 158,227, 158,226, 157,225, 156,224, 154,223, 153,222, 150,218, 149,217, 147,216, 146,214, 145,212, 144,212, 143,209, 147,210, 162,211, 176,212, 178,202, 180,174, 180,165, 181,165"></area>
<area class="Texas" shape="polygon" coords="231,280, 230,277, 229,273, 229,269, 229,265, 231,262, 233,259, 234,257, 235,257, 232,261, 230,264, 229,267, 229,270, 229,273, 231,277, 231,279, 231,280, 231,280"></area>
<area class="New_Mexico" shape="polygon" coords="144,212, 143,209, 148,210, 163,211, 176,212, 178,203, 179,175, 180,165, 181,165, 182,159, 129,154, 121,214, 128,215, 129,210, 144,212"></area>
<area class="Kansas" shape="polygon" coords="254,162, 247,162, 224,162, 202,161, 190,160, 192,128, 203,128, 223,129, 245,129, 248,129, 249,130, 250,130, 251,131, 250,132, 250,133, 249,134, 250,136, 252,137, 253,138, 254,144, 254,162"></area>
<area class="Nebraska" shape="polygon" coords="243,120, 244,124, 244,125, 246,127, 247,129, 245,129, 223,129, 203,128, 192,128, 192,117, 176,116, 178,94, 186,94, 196,95, 205,95, 217,96, 222,96, 223,97, 226,98, 226,99, 228,98, 230,98, 232,98, 233,98, 235,99, 236,100, 236,101, 237,102, 238,102, 238,102, 239,104, 240,108, 240,110, 242,112, 242,115, 243,117, 243,120"></area>
<area class="South_Dakota" shape="polygon" coords="238,102, 238,101, 236,99, 237,97, 238,94, 237,93, 237,91, 237,90, 239,90, 239,87, 238,72, 238,70, 236,69, 236,68, 235,67, 236,66, 237,66, 237,64, 208,63, 181,62, 178,94, 185,94, 195,95, 204,95, 216,96, 222,96, 223,97, 226,98, 226,99, 228,98, 232,98, 233,98, 235,99, 236,100, 236,101, 237,102, 238,102"></area>
<area class="North_Dakota" shape="polygon" coords="237,64, 237,60, 236,56, 235,50, 235,44, 234,43, 233,40, 233,35, 234,33, 233,30, 218,30, 209,30, 196,29, 184,28, 181,62, 208,63, 237,64"></area>
<area class="Wyoming" shape="polygon" coords="180,71, 126,65, 119,109, 176,116, 180,71"></area>
<area class="Montana" shape="polygon" coords="184,28, 169,27, 154,25, 140,23, 123,20, 114,18, 98,15, 96,26, 97,29, 97,32, 98,34, 99,35, 101,40, 103,42, 103,42, 105,43, 105,44, 101,53, 101,54, 103,56, 103,56, 106,54, 106,53, 107,54, 107,56, 108,63, 109,64, 110,64, 111,66, 111,67, 111,69, 112,69, 113,68, 114,68, 116,69, 117,69, 119,69, 121,69, 122,69, 122,68, 124,67, 125,68, 125,70, 126,70, 126,65, 180,71, 184,28"></area>
<area class="Colorado" shape="polygon" coords="190,160, 192,117, 135,111, 129,155, 190,160"></area>
<area class="Idaho" shape="polygon" coords="74,88, 78,70, 79,68, 80,65, 80,64, 78,64, 78,64, 78,63, 78,61, 80,59, 81,58, 82,58, 82,56, 83,56, 85,53, 87,51, 87,49, 85,48, 84,45, 91,14, 98,15, 96,26, 97,29, 97,32, 98,34, 99,35, 101,40, 103,42, 103,42, 105,43, 105,44, 101,53, 101,54, 103,56, 103,56, 106,54, 106,53, 107,54, 107,56, 108,63, 110,64, 111,65, 110,68, 111,69, 111,69, 113,68, 114,68, 116,69, 117,69, 119,69, 121,69, 122,69, 123,68, 124,67, 125,68, 125,70, 126,70, 121,97, 121,97, 77,89, 74,88"></area>
<area class="Utah" shape="polygon" coords="129,155, 87,149, 98,93, 121,97, 120,102, 119,109, 123,109, 131,110, 136,111, 129,155"></area>
<area class="Arizona" shape="polygon" coords="72,191, 71,192, 71,193, 71,193, 80,199, 86,203, 94,207, 102,212, 108,213, 121,214, 129,155, 87,149, 86,157, 85,157, 84,158, 83,158, 82,157, 81,157, 81,156, 80,156, 80,156, 79,157, 79,160, 78,161, 78,168, 77,169, 77,170, 79,173, 79,176, 80,176, 80,177, 80,178, 79,178, 78,179, 77,180, 76,182, 76,185, 74,186, 73,186, 73,187, 73,188, 73,188, 75,188, 75,190, 74,191, 72,191"></area>
<area class="Nevada" shape="polygon" coords="98,92, 86,157, 85,157, 84,158, 83,158, 82,157, 81,157, 81,156, 80,156, 79,157, 79,160, 78,163, 78,168, 77,169, 76,168, 42,116, 51,82, 98,92"></area>
<area class="Oregon" shape="polygon" coords="74,87, 78,70, 79,68, 80,65, 80,64, 79,64, 78,64, 78,63, 78,61, 81,58, 81,58, 82,57, 83,56, 85,53, 87,51, 87,49, 85,48, 84,46, 78,44, 70,42, 63,42, 62,41, 60,42, 57,42, 56,41, 56,42, 53,41, 52,41, 50,40, 49,40, 47,39, 46,40, 43,40, 40,38, 40,37, 41,33, 39,32, 37,31, 37,30, 36,30, 33,31, 32,34, 30,39, 29,42, 26,49, 23,56, 19,62, 18,64, 17,68, 18,74, 74,87"></area>
<area class="Washington" shape="polygon" coords="51,3, 53,4, 58,5, 62,6, 72,9, 83,12, 91,14, 84,46, 78,44, 70,42, 63,42, 62,41, 60,42, 57,42, 56,41, 56,42, 53,41, 52,41, 50,40, 49,40, 47,39, 46,40, 43,40, 40,38, 40,37, 41,33, 39,32, 37,31, 37,30, 36,30, 34,30, 33,29, 33,27, 34,27, 35,25, 34,25, 34,23, 36,22, 35,21, 34,17, 34,16, 34,12, 34,10, 35,6, 36,6, 37,7, 38,9, 40,10, 42,11, 44,11, 45,12, 47,12, 48,12, 48,11, 49,10, 50,10, 50,10, 50,11, 49,11, 49,12, 50,13, 50,14, 51,15, 51,15, 51,15, 51,14, 51,12, 51,11, 51,11, 51,10, 52,8, 51,7, 50,4, 50,4, 51,3"></area>
<area class="Washington" shape="polygon" coords="46,6, 47,6, 47,7, 48,6, 49,6, 49,7, 49,8, 49,8, 49,9, 48,9, 48,9, 48,9, 48,9, 48,9, 48,8, 48,8, 47,8, 47,8, 47,9, 46,8, 46,6"></area>
<area class="California" shape="polygon" coords="72,191, 74,191, 75,190, 75,188, 73,188, 73,188, 73,187, 73,186, 74,186, 76,185, 76,182, 77,180, 77,179, 79,178, 80,178, 80,177, 80,176, 79,176, 79,173, 77,170, 77,169, 76,168, 42,116, 51,82, 18,74, 17,77, 17,80, 14,86, 13,88, 12,88, 12,89, 11,91, 10,92, 12,94, 13,96, 13,98, 13,101, 12,103, 12,106, 11,108, 12,110, 14,112, 15,114, 15,116, 15,118, 15,118, 15,119, 18,123, 18,124, 17,125, 17,126, 17,130, 18,132, 19,133, 20,133, 21,135, 20,137, 19,137, 19,137, 18,139, 19,141, 20,143, 21,146, 22,148, 22,149, 24,152, 25,154, 25,155, 26,156, 26,157, 25,158, 25,161, 24,162, 26,164, 28,164, 30,165, 32,166, 33,166, 35,167, 36,170, 37,171, 39,172, 41,172, 42,174, 42,175, 41,175, 41,176, 43,176, 44,176, 46,176, 48,178, 48,179, 50,181, 50,183, 50,187, 50,188, 55,189, 65,190, 72,191"></area>
<area class="California" shape="polygon" coords="28,169, 28,170, 28,170, 27,170, 26,170, 26,169, 28,169"></area>
<area class="California" shape="polygon" coords="29,169, 29,169, 31,170, 33,170, 32,171, 30,171, 29,170, 29,169"></area>
<area class="California" shape="polygon" coords="39,179, 40,180, 40,181, 41,181, 41,180, 41,179, 40,178, 39,178, 39,179"></area>
<area class="California" shape="polygon" coords="38,183, 39,185, 40,186, 39,186, 39,185, 39,185, 38,185, 38,184, 38,184, 38,183, 38,183, 38,183"></area>
<area class="Michigan" shape="polygon" coords="349,88, 347,84, 346,80, 345,78, 344,77, 343,78, 341,79, 340,81, 338,83, 338,83, 337,83, 337,83, 336,82, 336,82, 336,82, 336,79, 336,79, 338,79, 338,77, 339,76, 340,75, 340,70, 339,69, 338,68, 338,67, 338,67, 339,67, 339,66, 338,65, 337,64, 336,64, 334,63, 331,61, 330,61, 329,62, 329,61, 327,60, 326,61, 324,62, 324,64, 325,64, 326,65, 326,65, 325,65, 324,66, 323,66, 323,67, 323,68, 323,71, 321,72, 321,72, 321,70, 322,69, 322,67, 322,67, 321,67, 320,70, 319,70, 318,71, 318,72, 318,72, 318,73, 317,74, 317,74, 317,75, 316,78, 316,80, 316,83, 316,83, 316,85, 316,85, 315,86, 317,89, 319,93, 319,95, 319,97, 319,100, 317,103, 317,104, 316,106, 318,106, 328,105, 332,104, 332,105, 336,104, 341,104, 343,103, 343,103, 343,102, 344,100, 345,100, 345,97, 346,96, 346,96, 346,94, 347,93, 347,93, 348,93, 348,94, 349,93, 349,88"></area>
<area class="Michigan" shape="polygon" coords="291,41, 292,40, 293,39, 295,37, 296,37, 297,37, 294,40, 292,41, 291,41, 291,41"></area>
<area class="Michigan" shape="polygon" coords="334,57, 334,58, 336,58, 336,57, 336,57, 336,57, 336,57, 336,57, 335,56, 335,56, 334,56, 333,56, 333,56, 334,57"></area>
<area class="Michigan" shape="polygon" coords="284,55, 284,55, 285,55, 287,53, 287,53, 287,53, 290,52, 292,51, 294,50, 294,49, 295,48, 296,48, 296,47, 297,46, 300,44, 302,44, 303,45, 302,45, 301,46, 300,47, 299,48, 298,49, 297,50, 297,52, 297,52, 298,51, 300,50, 300,51, 302,51, 303,51, 304,52, 305,53, 306,55, 308,54, 309,54, 309,55, 310,55, 311,54, 311,54, 312,54, 314,52, 316,52, 319,51, 322,50, 323,50, 324,50, 324,53, 324,53, 325,53, 326,53, 329,52, 330,52, 331,52, 331,55, 332,57, 333,57, 334,58, 333,58, 333,58, 331,58, 330,58, 328,58, 327,58, 326,58, 323,58, 320,58, 320,59, 316,60, 315,60, 314,61, 314,62, 313,62, 313,61, 310,62, 310,62, 309,62, 309,62, 308,64, 308,66, 306,69, 305,69, 305,68, 304,63, 302,62, 301,61, 295,60, 293,59, 289,58, 285,58, 284,55"></area>
<table id="legend">
<caption>Gini index of income inequality</caption>
<td class="legend_color legend_1" style="color:#444;"><strong>MOST EQUAL</strong> <br>&le; 43.3 </td>
<td class="legend_color legend_2">43.4-44.3</td>
<td class="legend_color legend_3">44.4-45.7</td>
<td class="legend_color legend_4">45.8 to 46.5</td>
<td class="legend_color legend_5"><strong>LEAST EQUAL</strong><br>&gt; 46.5</td>
<p class="attribution">Source: <a href="" target="_blank">U.S. Census Bureau, "U.S. Neighborhood Income Inequality in the 2005&ndash;2009 Period"</a></p>
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