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  • Save myfonj/8a4606d1a5161e6c543e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save myfonj/8a4606d1a5161e6c543e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Single page self-contained browser 'boorkamark apps' or keyword commands / bookmarklets
1) bookmark above URI
2) invoke to navigate to most recent snapshot
Tip: set some keyword to it, so you could just prefix current (broken) url with it to get
The trick
- some `//some/jsonp/api` accepts `callback` param
-- `callback` param is just plain string, expecting name of some function that is declared before
--- then the content of
will be
foo('some data')
-- but the string can as well be '(function(data){alert(data)})'
--- so resulting content of
will be
(function(data){alert(data)})('some data')
what is anonmous function expression with immediate invocation (aka "closure")
- so the only thing that is up to bookmarklet is to create script, assign it SRC wit prpper parameter and append it to current pages body
<script src="//some/jsonp/api?callback=(function(data){alert(data)})&query=some+query"> with some encoding
// bookmarklet
{ var callback_name = 'google_define_callback'
; function callback
( responseObject
, statusCode
, message
){ // todo
; console.log( responseObject )
; function trigger( text )
{ c = window[callback_name]
; console.log(c)
; c.script = c.script || document.createElement('script')
; var text = window.getSelection().toString();
; c.script.src = '' + callback_name + '&sl=en&tl=en&q=' + encodeURIComponent(text)
; document.body.appendChild( c.script )
; window.google_define_trigger = window.google_define_trigger || trigger
; window[callback_name] = window[callback_name] || callback
{ "query": "example"
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[ { "type": "text"
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, "labels":
[ { "text": "Noun"
, "title": "Part-of-speech"
, { "type": "phonetic"
, "text": "/igˈzampəl/"
, "language": "und"
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, "text": ""
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, "entries":
[ { "type": "related"
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[ { "type": "text"
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, "language": "und"
, "labels":
[ { "text": "plural"
, { "type": "meaning"
, "terms":
[ { "type": "text"
, "text": "A thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule"
, "language": "en"
, "entries":
[ { "type": "example"
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[ { "type": "text"
, "text": "it\x27s a good \x3cem\x3eexample\x3c/em\x3e of how European action can produce results"
, "language": "en"
, { "type": "example"
, "terms":
[ { "type": "text"
, "text": "some of these carpets are among the finest \x3cem\x3eexamples\x3c/em\x3e of the period"
, "language": "en"
, { "type": "meaning"
, "terms":
[ { "type": "text"
, "text": "A printed or written problem or exercise designed to illustrate a rule"
, "language": "en"
, { "type": "meaning"
, "terms":
[ { "type": "text"
, "text": "A person or thing regarded in terms of their fitness to be imitated or the likelihood of their being imitated"
, "language": "en"
, "entries":
[ { "type": "example"
, "terms":
[ { "type": "text"
, "text": "it is vitally important that parents should \x3cb\x3eset an \x3cem\x3eexample\x3c/em\x3e\x3c/b\x3e"
, "language": "en"
, { "type": "example"
, "terms":
[ { "type": "text"
, "text": "she \x3cb\x3efollowed\x3c/b\x3e her brother\x27s \x3cb\x3e\x3cem\x3eexample\x3c/em\x3e\x3c/b\x3e and deserted her family"
, "language": "en"
, { "type": "headword"
, "terms":
[ { "type": "text"
, "text": "ex·am·ple"
, "language": "en"
, "labels":
[ { "text": "Verb"
, "title": "Part-of-speech"
, { "type": "phonetic"
, "text": "/igˈzampəl/"
, "language": "und"
, { "type": "sound"
, "text": ""
, "language": "und"
, "entries":
[ { "type": "meaning"
, "terms":
[ { "type": "text"
, "text": "Be illustrated or exemplified"
, "language": "en"
, "entries":
[ { "type": "example"
, "terms":
[ { "type": "text"
, "text": "the extent of Allied naval support is exampled by the navigational specialists provided"
, "language": "en"
}, 200, null)
data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<title>img to base64 datauri</title><body contenteditable onmouseleave=r=(b=document.body).innerHTML.match(/data:[^"]+/gm);if(r)b.innerHTML=r.join('\n') style=white-space:pre>DROP IMAGES HERE
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