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Created July 3, 2015 21:22
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Generate MD file for tasks due within +/- 7d of current date
File: OmniFocus_Due_List.scpt
Revision: 1.0
Revised: 2015-07-01
Summary: Create taskpaper list of tasks due +/- 7d from current date.
Script based on Justin Lancy (@veritrope) from
--Set Date Functions
set CurrDate to date (short date string of (current date))
set CurrDatetxt to short date string of date (short date string of (current date))
set endDate to (current date) + (7 * days)
set endDatetxt to date (short date string of (endDate))
set dateYeartxt to year of (current date) as integer
set dateMonthtxt to month of (current date) as integer
set dateDaytxt to day of (current date) as integer
if dateMonthtxt < 10 then
set dateMonthtxt to "0" & dateMonthtxt
end if
if dateDaytxt < 10 then
set dateDaytxt to "0" & dateDaytxt
end if
--Set File/Path name of MD file
set theFilePath to choose file name default name "To Do List for " & dateYeartxt & "-" & dateMonthtxt & "-" & dateDaytxt & ".md"
--Get OmniFocus task list
set due_Tasks to my OmniFocus_task_list()
--Output .MD text file
my write_File(theFilePath, due_Tasks)
--Set OmniFocus Due Task List
on OmniFocus_task_list()
set endDate to (current date) + (7 * days)
set startDate to (current date) - (7 * days)
set CurrDate to date (short date string of (startDate))
set CurrDatetxt to short date string of date (short date string of (current date))
set endDatetxt to date (short date string of (endDate))
tell application id "com.omnigroup.OmniFocus2"
tell default document
set refDueTaskList to a reference to (flattened tasks where (due date ≥ CurrDate and due date < endDatetxt))
set {lstName, lstContext, lstProject} to {name, name of its context, name of its containing project} of refDueTaskList
set strText to "To Do List for " & CurrDatetxt & ":" & return & return
repeat with iTask from 1 to count of lstName
set {strName, varContext, varProject} to {item iTask of lstName, item iTask of lstContext, item iTask of lstProject}
set strText to strText & "▢ " & strName
if varContext is not missing value then set strText to strText & " @" & varContext
if varProject is not missing value then set strText to strText & " (" & varProject & ")"
set strText to strText & return
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end OmniFocus_task_list
--Export Task list to .MD file
on write_File(theFilePath, due_Tasks)
set theText to due_Tasks
set theFileReference to open for access theFilePath with write permission
write theText to theFileReference as «class utf8»
close access theFileReference
end write_File
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when i try to run this i get an error:

Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. /Users/Mike/Library/Application Scripts/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus2/OmniFocus_Due_List.scpt:632:654: script error: Can’t get year of (current date). Access not allowed. (-1723)

does s.o. know what to do?

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There's some sort of permissions issue with the file if you just download this gist and install it. Copy and paste the script into a new file, save it to the scripts folder and it will work just fine.

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