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Created July 29, 2017 13:30
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判断年龄,星座, 属相
char *sign[] = { // 星座
char *animal[] = { // 属相
"鼠", "牛", "虎", "兔", "龙", "蛇", "马", "羊", "猴", "鸡", "狗", "猪"
* 判断某个日期是否在一个区间内
* @month,day 待判断的日期
* @month_down, day_down 日期区间的下界
* @month_up, day_up 日期区间的上界
bool betweenTwoDate(int month, int day, int month_down, int day_down, int month_up, int day_up) {
if(month_up == month_down) {
if(month == month_up && day >= day_down && day <= day_up)
return true;
return false;
} else {
if(month > month_down && month < month_up)
return true;
else if(month == month_down && day >= day_down)
return true;
else if(month == month_up && day <= day_up)
return true;
return false;
* 根据出生月日判断星座
* @month 出生月
* @day 出生日
char *getSign(int month, int day) {
if(betweenTwoDate(month, day, 3, 21, 4, 20))
return sign[0];
else if(betweenTwoDate(month, day, 4, 21, 5, 20))
return sign[1];
else if(betweenTwoDate(month, day, 5, 21, 6, 21))
return sign[2];
else if(betweenTwoDate(month, day, 6, 22, 7, 22))
return sign[3];
else if(betweenTwoDate(month, day, 7, 23, 8, 22))
return sign[4];
else if(betweenTwoDate(month, day, 8, 23, 9, 22))
return sign[5];
else if(betweenTwoDate(month, day, 9, 23, 10, 22))
return sign[6];
else if(betweenTwoDate(month, day, 10, 23, 11, 21))
return sign[7];
else if(betweenTwoDate(month, day, 11, 22, 12, 21))
return sign[8];
else if(betweenTwoDate(month, day, 12, 22, 1, 19))
return sign[9];
else if(betweenTwoDate(month, day, 1, 20, 2, 18))
return sign[10];
else if(betweenTwoDate(month, day, 2, 19, 3, 20))
return sign[11];
* 根据出生年判断属相
* @year 出生年
char *getAnimal(int year) {
return animal[(year - 1900) % 12];
int main() {
int birth_year, birth_month, birth_day; // 出生年月日
int now_year, now_month, now_day; // 现在年月日
scanf("%d %d %d", &birth_year, &birth_month, &birth_day);
scanf("%d %d %d", &now_year, &now_month, &now_day);
int age = now_year - birth_year; // 计算年龄
if(betweenTwoDate(now_month, now_day, 1, 1, birth_month, birth_day)) // 如果未到生日
age -= 1; // 减一岁
printf("年龄:%d\n", age);
printf("星座:%s\n", getSign(birth_month, birth_day));
printf("属相:%s\n", getAnimal(birth_year));
return 0;
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