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Last active June 28, 2016 16:16
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  • Save mynameisfiber/a6ca0218892a1260038f22c9ff38a19f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mynameisfiber/a6ca0218892a1260038f22c9ff38a19f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
from lxml import html
import requests
import ujson as json
from tqdm import tqdm
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import re
import string
def total_strip(text):
return re.sub("\s\s+", " ", text).strip()
def parse_section(element, url, result=None):
result = result or []
if element is None:
return {i['subsection']: i['content'] for i in result}
tag = element.tag.lower()
if not tag or (tag == 'h2' and result):
return {i['subsection']: i['content'] for i in result}
elif tag == 'p':
result.append({'subsection': total_strip(element.text_content()
elif tag == 'dl':
text = element.text_content()
result[-1]['content'] = total_strip(text)
except IndexError:
# special case for comments section
return total_strip(text)
elif tag == 'ul':
items = []
for item in element.xpath('.//li/a'):
items.append({'item': total_strip(item.text),
'url': urljoin(url, item.attrib['href'])})
except TypeError:
result[-1]['content'] = items
elif tag == 'blockquote':
items = {}
for row in element.xpath('.//tr'):
children = row.getchildren()
heading = (total_strip(children[0].text_content())
value = [total_strip(v.text) for v in children[1].xpath('.//a')]
items[heading] = value
return items
return parse_section(element.getnext(), url, result)
def parse_exercise(url):
request = requests.get(url)
dom = html.fromstring(request.content)
data = {}
for section in dom.xpath('.//h2'):
section_name = total_strip(section.text_content()).lower()
if section_name:
data[section_name] = parse_section(section, url)
except KeyError:
data['images'] = []
for image in dom.xpath('.//img[contains(@src, "AnimatedEx")]'):
data['images'].append(urljoin(url, image.attrib['src']))
data['videos'] = []
for video in dom.xpath('.//iframe[contains(@src, "vimeo")]'):
data['videos'].append(urljoin(url, video.attrib['src']))
return data
def process_page(url):
request = requests.get(url)
dom = html.fromstring(request.content)
general_area = total_strip(dom.find('.//h1').text_content()
.replace('Exercises', '').lower())
for block in tqdm(dom.xpath('.//td/ul/li'), 'types'):
resistance_type = total_strip(block.text)
except TypeError:
for exercise in tqdm(block.xpath('.//a'), 'exercises'):
name = total_strip(exercise.text_content())
exercise_url = urljoin(url, exercise.attrib['href'])
data = {
'name': name,
'resistance': resistance_type,
'area': general_area,
'url': exercise_url,
yield data
def process_exercise_list(url):
request = requests.get(url)
dom = html.fromstring(request.content)
paths = {e.attrib['href'].split("#", 1)[0]
for e in dom.xpath('.//a[contains(@href, "ExList")]')}
exercises = []
for path in tqdm(paths, 'paths'):
url = urljoin(url, path.strip())
data = process_page(url)
return exercises
if __name__ == "__main__":
base_url = ''
exercises = process_exercise_list(base_url)
with open("exercises.json", 'w+') as fd:
json.dump(exercises, fd)
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Behind Neck Press",
"resistance": "Barbell",
"comments": "Exercise may be performed on shoulder press apparatus with rack or off of power rack with seat or without back support. Also see mount and dismount off of special articulating rack.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press bar upward until arms are extended overhead. Return behind neck and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp barbell with overhand grip from rack or clean from floor. Position bar behind neck."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Front Raise",
"resistance": "Barbell",
"comments": "Absolute height of movement may depend on range of motion. Raise should be limited to height achieved just before tightness is felt in shoulder capsule. Alternatively, height just above horizontal may be considered adequate. Elbows may be kept straight or slightly bent throughout movement.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise barbell forward and upward until upper arms are above horizontal. Lower and repeat",
"preparation": "Grasp barbell with overhand grip with elbows straight or slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Incline",
"resistance": "Barbell",
"comments": "Movement can also be performed on old fashioned incline bench without seat.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "With elbows straight or slightly bent, raise barbell up and over shoulders until uppers arm are vertical. Lower barbell to upper thigh and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp barbell with shoulder width overhand grip. Lie supine on upper portion of 45 degree incline bench with legs straight. Position barbell on top of upper thighs."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii, Short Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Military Press",
"resistance": "Barbell",
"comments": "See unrack and rack technique. Feet may be positioned shoulder width apart or one foot in front of other with forward leg slightly bent (as shown). Upper chest assists (instead of side delts) since grip is slightly narrower and chest is high with low back arched back slightly. Also known as Overhead Press. Also see Push Press and Press Strength Standards.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press bar upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower to front of neck and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp barbell from rack or clean barbell from floor with overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width. Position bar in front of neck."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Seated",
"resistance": "Barbell",
"comments": "Set barbell on forward rack slightly below shoulder height so bar may be more easily unracked and racked. Position seat so bar does not hit uprights but close enough to easily mount and rack. Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide. Grip is slightly narrower than shoulder press. Torso is postured more upright than traditional Military Press.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press bar upward until arms are extended overhead. Return to upper chest and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp barbell with slightly wider than shoulder width overhand grip from rack. Position bar near upper chest."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Shoulder Press",
"resistance": "Barbell",
"comments": "Set barbell on forward rack slightly below shoulder height so bar may be more easily mounted and racked. Position seat so bar does not hit uprights but close enough to easily mount and rack. Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press bar upward until arms are extended overhead. Return to upper chest and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp barbell with slightly wider than shoulder width overhand grip from rack. Position bar near upper chest."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target c": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"name": "Behind Neck Press",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Exercise may also be performed seated, straddling bench or on weight chair with back support.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press cable bar upward until arms are extended overhead. Return behind neck and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand facing cable bar, mounted on each side to upper waist height narrow double pulley cables. Grasp cable bar with wide overhand grip upper chest height. Stand directly between both cable pulleys with one foot forward and other foot back. Push cable bar over head and position cable bar behind neck or rest on shoulders."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii, Short Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Military Press",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Feet may be positioned shoulder width apart or one foot in front of other with forward leg slightly bent (as shown). Upper chest assists (instead of side delts) since grip is slightly narrower and chest is high with low back arched back slightly.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press cable bar upward until arms are extended overhead. Return to upper chest and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand facing cable bar, mounted on each side to upper waist height narrow double pulley cables. Grasp cable bar with overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width. Position cable bar upper chest height. Stand directly between both cable pulleys with one foot forward and other foot back."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Shoulder Press",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Exercise may also be performed seated, straddling bench or on weight chair with back support. Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press cable bar upward until arms are extended overhead. Return to upper chest and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand facing cable bar mounted on each side to upper waist height narrow double pulley cables. Grasp cable bar with wide overhand grip and position upper chest height. Stand directly between both cable pulleys with one foot forward and other foot back."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Front Raise",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Absolute height of movement may depend on range of motion or when stirrup or cable makes contact with underside of forearm. Raise should be limited to height achieved just before tightness is felt in shoulder capsule. Alternatively, height just above horizontal may be considered adequate. Elbows may be kept straight or slightly bent throughout movement.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise stirrups forward and upward until upper arms are well above horizontal. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on seat above twin cable pulleys. Grasp stirrups on each side. Sit upright with arms straight down to each side with palms facing back."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Alternating",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Absolute height of movement may depend on range of motion or when stirrup or cable makes contact with underside of forearm. Raise should be limited to height achieved just before tightness is felt in shoulder capsule. Alternatively, height just above horizontal may be considered adequate. Elbows may be kept straight or slightly bent throughout movement.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise one stirrup forward and upward until upper arm is well above horizontal. Lower and repeat with opposite arm, alternating between arms.",
"preparation": "Stand with low double pulleys behind. Grasp stirrup attachments, one in each hand. Stand away from pulley slightly with arms back somewhat at side and elbows straight or slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Seated",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Absolute height of movement may depend on range of motion or when stirrup or cable makes contact with underside of forearm. Raise should be limited to height achieved just before tightness is felt in shoulder capsule. Alternatively, height just above horizontal may be considered adequate. Elbows may be kept straight or slightly bent throughout movement.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise one stirrup forward and upward until upper arm is well above horizontal. Lower and repeat with opposite arm. Continue by alternating raises between sides.",
"preparation": "Sit on seat above twin cable pulleys. Grasp stirrups on each side. Sit upright with arms straight down to each side with palms facing back."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "One Arm",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Absolute height of movement may depend on range of motion or when stirrup or cable makes contact with underside of forearm. Raise should be limited to height achieved just before tightness is felt in shoulder capsule. Alternatively, height just above horizontal may be considered adequate. Elbows may be kept straight or slightly bent throughout movement.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise stirrup forward and upward until upper arm is well above horizontal. Lower and repeat. Repeat with opposite arm.",
"preparation": "Grasp stirrup attachment. Stand away from pulley slightly with arm back somewhat at side and elbow straight or slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "with rope",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Absolute height of movement may depend on range of motion or when cable makes contact with underside of forearm. Raise should be limited to height achieved just before tightness is felt in shoulder capsule. Alternatively, height just above horizontal may be considered adequate.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise stirrup forward and upward until arm is well above horizontal or cable makes contact with underside of upper arm. Lower and repeat. Repeat with opposite arm.",
"preparation": "Grasp end of Triceps Rope Cable attachment with one hand so that protruding end is in contact with side of hand (thumb and index finger). Stand away from pulley with arm back at side and elbow straight."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Shoulder Press",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Wrists maintain their approximate position above each elbow throughout movement. Feet may be positioned apart to each side or one foot back as shown. Cable pulleys should be much closer together than what is typically found on standard cable cross over setup.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Push stirrups upward until arms are extended overhead. Return stirrups to sides of shoulders and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand between two low to medium height pulleys. Grasp cable stirrups from each side. Position stirrups to each side of shoulders with elbows down to sides and stirrups above or slightly narrower than elbows."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Seated",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Wrists maintain their approximate position above each elbow throughout movement.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Push stirrups upward until arms are extended overhead. Return stirrups to sides of shoulders and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on seat and grasp stirrups from low to medium low position from each side. Position stirrups to each side of shoulders with elbows down to sides and stirrups above or slightly narrower than elbows."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gastrocnemius"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"url": "",
"item": "Quadriceps"
"url": "",
"item": "Soleus"
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"url": "",
"item": "Psoas major"
"url": "",
"item": "Quadratus lumborum"
"url": "",
"item": "Iliocastalis lumborum"
"url": "",
"item": "Iliocastalis thoracis"
"url": "",
"item": "Tensor Fasciae Latae"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Medius"
"name": "Twisting Overhead Press",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Internal rotation of far hip (opposite side with resistance) is much greater than spinal rotation.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Rotate body away from pulley and straighten legs while pushing stirrup diagonally upward toward opposite side of body. Return to original position and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand beside low to medium height pulley. Grasp cable stirrup. Position stirrup to front of shoulder with elbow down to side. Place opposite hand on hip. With feet wide apart, squat down slightly."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Arnold Press",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Movement should emphasize shoulder abduction while minimizing forearm pronation as this exercise attempts to combine lateral raise like motion with shoulder press. Lean forward slightly when lifting Dumbbells.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Initiate movement by bringing elbows out to sides. Continue to raise elbows outward while pressing dumbbells overhead until arms are straight. Lower to front of shoulders in opposite pattern and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand with two dumbbells position in front of shoulders, palms facing body and elbows under wrists."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Front Raise",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Absolute height of movement may depend on range of motion. Raise should be limited to height achieved just before tightness is felt in shoulder capsule. Alternatively, height just above horizontal may be considered adequate. Elbows may be kept straight or slightly bent throughout movement. Also see Dumbbell Alternating Front Raise.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise dumbbells forward and upward until upper arms are above horizontal. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp dumbbells in both hands. Position dumbbells in front of upper legs with elbows straight or slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Alternating",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Absolute height of movement may depend on range of motion. Raise should be limited to height achieved just before tightness is felt in shoulder capsule. Alternatively, height just above horizontal may be considered adequate. Elbows may be kept straight or slightly bent throughout movement. Also see Dumbbell Front Raise.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise one dumbbell forward and upward with until upper arm is above horizontal. Lower and repeat with opposite arm, alternating between arms.",
"preparation": "Grasp dumbbells in both hands. Position dumbbells in front of upper legs with elbows straight or slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Incline",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Movement can also be performed on old fashion incline bench without seat.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "With elbows straight or slightly bent, raise one dumbbell forward, up and over shoulder until upper arm is vertical. Lower dumbbell down to starting position. Repeat raise with other arm, alternating between sides.",
"preparation": "Grasp dumbbells and lie supine on upper portion of 45 degree incline bench with legs straight. Position dumbbells downward below each shoulder."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"name": "Shoulder Press",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "See suggested mount and dismount when using heavy dumbbells.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press dumbbells upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower to sides of shoulders and repeat.",
"preparation": "Position dumbbells to each side of shoulders with elbows below wrists."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"url": "",
"item": "Psoas major"
"url": "",
"item": "Iliocastalis lumborum"
"url": "",
"item": "Iliocastalis thoracis"
"name": "One Arm",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Torso can lean away for balance as shown or torso can maintain upright posture. Also see Kettlebell Press.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press dumbbell upward until arm is extended overhead. Lower to side of shoulder and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand with dumbbells positioned near shoulder with elbow below wrists."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Behind Neck Press",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "Exercise can also be performed on certain lever shoulder presses by facing away from machine. Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press levers upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit back on seat. Grasp lever bars to each side with overhand grip."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Barbell Machine",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press bar upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower bar behind neck and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on bench with bar positioned behind shoulders, also facing away from fulcrum. Grasp bar with wide overhand grip. Disengage bar by rotating bar back."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Military Press",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide. Movement angle is arguably similar to lever incline press, for upper chest.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press lever until arms are extended upward. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Set and grasp lever handles to each side with overhand grip."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Reclined Shoulder Press",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press lever until arms are extended. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Lie on back pad facing up. Grasp lever handles on each side with overhand grip."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Shoulder Press",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press lever upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Set and grasp lever handles to each side with overhand grip."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Barbell Machine",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "Pull head back slightly so bar does not head. Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press bar upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower bar to front of shoulders and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on bench with bar positioned in front of shoulders. Grasp bar with wide overhand grip. Disengage bar by rotating bar back."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"url": "",
"item": "Psoas major"
"url": "",
"item": "Iliocastalis lumborum"
"url": "",
"item": "Iliocastalis thoracis"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"name": "One Arm",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "Keep back straight when lifting end of barbell from floor. Also see Lever One Arm Press for power.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press end of barbell upward and forward until arm is extended. Lower to shoulder and repeat. Repeat with opposite side.",
"preparation": "Stand to one side, near loaded end of barbell, opposite of landmine lever. Lift end of barbell and position near shoulder with underhand grip. Stand with feet far apart (leg on same side of loaded arm is back and opposite leg is forward and bent)."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Front Raise",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "Absolute height of movement may depend on individual range of motion. Raise should be limited to height achieved just before tightness is felt in shoulder capsule. Alternatively, height just above horizontal may be considered adequate. Elbows may be kept straight or slightly bent throughout movement. Exercise is performed on Lever Extended Arm Lateral Raise Machine featuring long lever arms and handles attached to secondary levers as shown.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise lever handle forward and upward until upper arm is well above horizontal. Lower and repeat. Repeat with opposite arm.",
"preparation": "Stand with lever to side, fulcrum approximately shoulder height and handle just below hip. Grasp lever handle with elbow straight or slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Reclined Shoulder Press",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press lever until arms are extended. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Lie on back pad facing up. Grasp lever handles to each side with overhand grip."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Parallel Grip",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press lever until arms are extended. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Lie on back pad facing up. Grasp parallel lever handles on each side."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Shoulder Press",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press lever upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Set and grasp lever handles to each side with overhand grip."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Parallel Grip",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "Parallel grip can be used for variety or when flexibility does not permit standard overhand grip further back.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press lever upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on seat and grasp parallel bar grips in front of shoulders on each side."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Alternating",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press one lever upward until arm is extended overhead. Lower to original position. Repeat with opposite arm. Continue by alternating movement between arms.",
"preparation": "Set and grasp lever handles to each side with overhand grip."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Shoulder Press",
"resistance": "Sled",
"comments": "Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press handles upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Set and grasp lever handles to each side with overhand grip."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Parallel Grip",
"resistance": "Sled",
"comments": "Parallel grip can be used for variety or when flexibility does not permit standard overhand grip further back.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press handles upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on seat and grasp parallel bar grips to front of shoulders on each side."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Behind Neck Press",
"resistance": "Smith",
"comments": "Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press bar upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower bar behind neck and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on bench with bar positioned behind shoulders. Grasp bar with wide overhand grip. Disengage bar by rotating bar back."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Shoulder Press",
"resistance": "Smith",
"comments": "Pull head back slightly so bar does not head. Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Press bar upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower bar to front of shoulders and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on bench with bar positioned in front of shoulders. Grasp bar with wide overhand grip. Disengage bar by rotating bar back."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii, Short Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Handstand Shoulder Press",
"resistance": "Body Weight",
"comments": "Benches must be secured to prevent sliding on floor. Also, each benches' base of support should be under edge of bench where hand is placed to prevent bench toppling under body weight. Falling from an inverted position may result in very serious injury. Also known as Elevated Handstand Push-up.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Lower head between ends of benches by bending arms. Push body back up to original position by extending arms. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand facing wall between two benches positioned side by side, slightly apart, and slightly away and perpendicular to wall. Place hands on ends of benches closest to wall. Place forefeet on bench and kick lower body up to handstand position with arms and legs straight. Maintain balance with lower body against wall."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii, Short Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Quadriceps"
"url": "",
"item": "Iliopsoas"
"url": "",
"item": "Tensor Fasciae Latae"
"url": "",
"item": "Sartorius"
"url": "",
"item": "Rectus Abdominis"
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Pike Press",
"resistance": "Body Weight",
"comments": "Pike Press (for front delts) differs from Pike Push-up (for upper chest) in that, feet are at closer distance to hands so body is more inverted in lowest position. Keep knees and back straight. A slight curve (spinal flexion) is acceptable if hamstrings are tight.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Lower head between ends of benches by bending arms. Push body back up to original position by extending arms. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Kneel on two benches positioned side by side slightly apart at end nearest head. Place hands on ends of benches. With forefeet on opposite ends of bench, raise rear end high up with arms, back, and knees straight. Adjust feet so they are somewhat close to hands while keeping back and legs straight."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps, Long Head"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii, Short Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Quadriceps"
"url": "",
"item": "Iliopsoas"
"url": "",
"item": "Tensor Fasciae Latae"
"url": "",
"item": "Sartorius"
"url": "",
"item": "Rectus Abdominis"
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Decline",
"resistance": "Body Weight",
"comments": "Keep knees and back straight. A slight curve (spinal flexion) is acceptable if hamstrings are tight.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Lower head between ends of benches by bending arms. Push body back up to original position by extending arms. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand between two incline benches positioned side by side slightly apart at end nearest head. Place hands on ends of benches and straighten arms. Position forefeet on opposite ends of bench. Raise rear end high up with arms, back, and knees straight."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"antagonist stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Rectus Abdominis"
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Front Raise",
"resistance": "Suspended",
"comments": "At higher angles, feet can be placed flat on floor. When angled further back, only heels may contact floor with forefeet raising upward. Dismounting can be achieved by walking backward until body is upright.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise arms upward over head by flexing shoulders with arms straight. Return and lower body back until arms are extended straight forward in original position. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp suspension handles and momentarily step back until arms are extended forward and straight. While keeping arms straight and shoulders back, step forward so body reclines back behind suspension handles. Position body and legs straight at desired angle, hanging from handles with arms straight and palms facing downward."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"other": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Sternal"
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"name": "Doorway",
"resistance": "Stretch",
"comments": "A stationary bar can also be used instead of wall.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Turn body away from positioned arm. Hold stretch. Repeat with opposite arm.",
"preparation": "Stand at end of wall or in doorway facing perpendicular to wall. Position palm on surface of wall slightly lower than shoulder. Bend elbow slightly."
"url": "",
"images": [],
"videos": []
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"other": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Sternal"
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"name": "Seated",
"resistance": "Stretch",
"comments": "Instead of scooting hips forward, hands can be eased backwards.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Scoot hips forward away from hands. Hold stretch.",
"preparation": "Sit on floor or mat. Lean back and place hands flat on floor behind body slightly wider than shoulder width with fingers positioned away from body."
"url": "",
"images": [],
"videos": []
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"other": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Sternal"
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"name": "PNF",
"resistance": "Stretch",
"comments": "See PNF stretch techniques. Also see Seated Front Deltoid Stretch for similar static stretch.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Continue to raise participant's arms upward behind their body, out to sides. Hold stretch.",
"preparation": "Instruct participant to sit on floor or bench and place arms to behind hips. From behind, grasp participant's wrists, positioning them wider than shoulder width."
"url": "",
"images": [],
"videos": []
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"other": [
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Sternal"
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Major, Clavicular"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"name": "Wall",
"resistance": "Stretch",
"comments": "A stationary bar can also be used instead of wall.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Bring rear end and back toward wall and squat down. Hold stretch for 20 seconds.",
"preparation": "Face away from wall. Bend over and place hands slightly wider than shoulder width as high as possible on wall with fingers positioned upward."
"url": "",
"images": [],
"videos": []
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "Upright Row",
"resistance": "Barbell",
"comments": "Bar can be recieved from barbell rack, standing behind bar mid-thigh height. See Upright Row Safety.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull bar to neck with elbows leading. Allow wrists to flex as bar rises. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp bar with shoulder width or slightly narrower overhand grip."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "Wide Grip",
"resistance": "Barbell",
"comments": "Bar can be recieved from barbell rack, standing behind bar mid-thigh height. See Upright Row Safety.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull bar to neck with elbows leading. Allow wrists to flex as bar rises. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp bar with wide overhand grip."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Maintain fixed slightly bent elbow position throughout exercise. Stirrup is raised by shoulder abduction, not external rotation. Also see Cable Lateral Raise performed with pulleys very close together.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "With elbows slightly bent, raise arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "With low pulleys to each side, grasp left stirrup with right hand and right stirrup with left hand. Stand upright."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "One Arm",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Maintain fixed elbow position (10° to 30° angle) throughout exercise. Stirrup is raised by shoulder abduction, not external rotation.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "With elbow slightly bent, raise arm to side away from low pulley until elbow is shoulder height. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp stirrup cable attachment. Stand facing with side of resting arm toward low pulley. Grasp ballet bar if available."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "with close pulleys",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Maintain fixed slightly bent elbow position throughout exercise. Stirrup is raised by shoulder abduction, not external rotation.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "With elbows slightly bent, raise arms to side until elbows are shoulder height. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand facing two low pulleys positioned side by side. Grasp stirrups with each hand. Stand upright with arms staight down to each side."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Seated",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Maintain fixed slightly bent elbow position throughout exercise. At top of movement, elbows (not necessarily dumbbells) should be directly lateral to shoulders since elbows are slightly bent forward. Stirrup is raised by shoulder abduction, not external rotation. If elbows drop lower than wrists, front deltoids become primary mover instead of lateral deltoids.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "With elbows slightly bent, raise arms to side until elbows are shoulder height. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on seat above twin cable pulleys. Grasp stirrups on each side. Sit upright with arms nearly straight down to each side."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "Upright Row",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "See Upright Row Safety.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull bar to neck with elbows leading. Allow wrists to flex as bar rises. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp cable bar with shoulder width or slightly narrower overhand grip. Stand close to pulley."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "Cable Bar",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "See Upright Row Safety.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull bar to neck with elbows leading. Allow wrists to flex as bar rises. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp cable bar with shoulder width or slightly narrower overhand grip. Stand close to cable bar."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "Dual Pulley",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Keeping one cable slightly in front of other cable may encourage slight asymmetrical movement. Therefore, alternating to opposite position every other set or workout can be practiced. See Upright Row Safety. Also see Cable Upright Row with two stirrup attachments attached to single pulley cable.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull handles up to front of shoulders with elbows leading and cables crossed. Allow wrists to flex as stirrups are lifted. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand between low dual pulleys. Grasp handles with opposite hands - right hand holds left stirrup and left hand holds right stirrup. Stand upright with arms straight and palms facing back (overhand grip), one stirrup in front of other."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "One Arm",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "See Upright Row Safety.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull stirup to front side of shoulder with elbow leading. Allow wrist to flex as stirrup is lifted. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp stirrup on low pulley with overhand grip. Stand with side of arm with stirup away from pulley machine, arm against front of body. Place other hand on ballet bar or side of pulley column for support."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "with rope",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "See Upright Row Safety.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull rope ends to front of shoulders with elbows leading. Allow wrists to flex as stirrups are lifted. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp each side of rope with overhand grip, just under rope ends. Stand close to pulley."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "with stirrups",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Setup requires attaching two stirrup attachments to single pulley cable. Also see Cable Upright Row with dual pulley. See Upright Row Safety.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull handles to front of shoulders with elbows leading. Allow wrists to flex as stirrups are lifted. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp handles of both stirrups with overhand grip. Stand close to pulley."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "Wide Grip",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "See Upright Row Safety. Also see side view.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull bar to neck with elbows leading. Allow wrists to flex as bar rises. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp cable bar with wide overhand grip. Stand close to pulley."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"name": "Y Raise",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Maintain fixed slightly bent elbow position throughout exercise. Stirrup is raised by combining shoulder abduction and flexion. Slight shoulder external rotation may occur with elbows bent. Front Deltoid assists shoulder flexion if upper arm angle is slightly high. Rear Deltoid assists shoulder horizontal abduction if upper arm angle is slightly low. Also see Cable Seated Y Raise on dual pulley Cable Row machine.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "With elbows slightly bent, raise arms upward and outward to sides in Y configuration until elbows are approximately lateral to each ear. Lower stirrups forward and downward in reverse pattern. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand facing between low pulleys medium width apart, grasp left stirrup with right hand and right stirrup with left hand. Step back slightly away from pulleys and stand upright with cables crossed in front of hips."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"name": "Seated",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Keep torso upright throughout exercise. Stirrup is raised by combining shoulder abduction and flexion. Slight shoulder external rotation may occur with elbows bent. Front Deltoid assists shoulder flexion if upper arm angle is slightly high. Rear Deltoid assists shoulder horizontal abduction if upper arm angle is slightly low. Also see Cable Seated Y Raise on single pulley machine with rope attachment.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise arms upward and outward to sides in Y configuration while allowing elbows to partially bend. Pull back until elbows are approximately lateral to each ear. Lower stirrups forward and downward until arms are extended straight in front of body. Repeat.",
"preparation": "On dual pulley seated row machine, sit slightly forward on seat or bench in order to grasp both cable attachments. Place feet on vertical platform. Position torso upright and slide hips back so knees are slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"name": "with Rope",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Keep torso upright while maintaining fixed slightly bent elbow position throughout exercise. Stirrup is raised by combining shoulder abduction and flexion with slight external rotation. Also see Cable Seated Y Raise on dual pulley machine with stirrup attachments.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "With torso upright pull rope upward over head until elbows are approximately lateral to each ear. Lower stirrups forward and downward until arms are extended straight in front of body. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit slightly forward on seat or bench and grasp ends of rope attachment with hand. Place feet on vertical platform. Slide hips back so knees are slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Incline Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "In order for lateral deltoid to be exercised, dumbbell must be raised by shoulder abduction, not external rotation. Also see exercise Dumbbell Incline Lateral Raise performed on preacher bench.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise dumbbell from until upper arm is perpendicular to torso. Maintain slight fixed bend in elbow throughout exercise. Lower dumbbell to front of upper leg and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp dumbbell in one hand. Lie on 30° to 45° incline bench with opposite side of body on incline, arm over top of bench, lower leg positioned on front side of seat, and upper leg on back side of seat. Position dumbbell inside of lower leg, just in front of upper leg."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Keep elbows pointed high while maintaining slight bend through elbows (10° to 30° angle) throughout movement. At top of movement, elbows (not necessarily dumbbells) should be directly lateral to shoulders since elbows are slightly bent forward. Dumbbells are raised by shoulder abduction, not external rotation. If elbows drop lower than wrists, front deltoids become primary mover instead of lateral deltoids. To keep resistance targeted to side delt, torso is bent over slightly. See other view and Lateral Raise Errors.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain elbows' height above or equal to wrists. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp dumbbells in front of thighs with elbows slightly bent. Bend over slightly with hips and knees bent slightly."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "One Arm",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Maintain fixed elbow position (10° to 30° angle) throughout exercise. At top of movement, elbow (not necessarily dumbbell) should be directly lateral to shoulder since elbow is slightly bent forward. Dumbbell is raised by shoulder abduction, not external rotation. As elbow drops lower than wrist, front deltoid become primary mover instead of lateral deltoid. See Lateral Raise Errors.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise upper arm to side until elbow is shoulder height. Maintain elbow's height above or equal to wrist. Lower and repeat. Continue with opposite arm.",
"preparation": "Position dumbbell in front of pelvis with elbow slightly bent. Grasp stationary object with other hand for support. Bend over with hips and knees bent slightly."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Seated",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Maintain fixed elbow position (10° to 30° angle) throughout exercise. At top of movement, elbow (not necessarily dumbbell) should be directly lateral to shoulder since elbow is slightly bent forward. Dumbbell is raised by shoulder abduction, not external rotation. As elbow drops lower than wrist, front deltoid becomes primary mover instead of lateral deltoid. See Lateral Raise Errors.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise upper arm to side until elbow is shoulder height. Maintain elbow's height above or equal to wrist. Lower and repeat. Continue with opposite arm.",
"preparation": "Sit on stool or end of bench with legs together. Position dumbbell to side with elbow slightly bent. Angle torso slightly forward and place free hand on end of thigh for support."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Lying Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Dumbbell is raised by shoulder abduction, not external rotation.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise dumbbell from floor until arm is vertical. Maintain fixed elbow position (10° to 30° angle) throughout exercise. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Lie on side with legs separated for support. Grasp dumbbell in front of thigh."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "Raise",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "When dumbbells are raised, wrist can be flexed, extended, or keep neutral.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull dumbbells up to sides of ribs with elbows out to sides. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand and grasp dumbbells with arms to side, palms facing sides of thighs."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "Upright Row",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "When dumbbells are raised, wrists should be in front or just below of shoulders; elbows should be to sides, not pointing forward. See Upright Row Safety.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull dumbbells to front of shoulder with elbows leading out to sides. Allow wrists to flex as dumbbells rise upward. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp dumbbells and stand with palms facing front of thighs."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "One Arm",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "See Upright Row Safety. Also see Seated Upright Row.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull dumbbell to front of shoulder with elbow leading. Allow wrist to flex as dumbbell rises upward. Lower and repeat. Continue with opposite arm.",
"preparation": "Grasp dumbbells with palms facing front of thighs. Position other hand for support."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "Seated",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "When dumbbell is raised, wrist should be in front or just below of shoulder; elbow should be to side, not too pointing forward. See Upright Row Safety. Also see Dumbbell One Arm Upright Row in standing position.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull dumbbell to front of shoulder with elbow leading out to side. Allow wrists to flex as dumbbell rises upward. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on end of bench with legs far apart. Grasp dumbbell between legs with arm vertical under shoulder. Position torso slightly forward with hand on knee for support."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "Barbell Machine Upright Row",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "See Upright Row Safety.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull bar to neck with elbows leading. Allow wrists to flex as bar rises. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand behind bar mid-thigh height, facing away from from fulcrum. Grasp bar with shoulder width or slightly narrower overhand grip. Disengage bar by rotating bar back and stand upright."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "None.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise arms to sides until upper arms are horizontal. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit in machine. Situate bent arms between padded lever and sides of body."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Kneeling",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "If elbows drop much lower than wrists, front deltoids become primary mover instead of lateral deltoids.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise lever handles to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain elbows' height above or equal to wrists. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Kneel on shin pads facing machine and grasp lever handles to each side with elbows straight or slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "If necessary, lean forward slightly to keep elbows directly lateral to body. Also see alternative machine.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise arms to sides until upper arms are horizontal. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit in machine. Situate bent arms between padded lever and sides of body. Grasp handles if available."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Extended Arm",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "If elbows drop much lower than wrists, front deltoids become primary mover instead of lateral deltoids. Torso can also lean forward slightly to keep resistance targeted to side delt.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise lever handles to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain elbows' height above or equal to wrists. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand facing machine and grasp lever handles to each side with elbows straight or slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "other machine",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "Also see alternative machine.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise arms to sides until upper arms are horizontal. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit in machine. Situate bent arms between padded lever and sides of body. Grasp handles if available."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "Upright Row",
"resistance": "Smith",
"comments": "See Upright Row Safety.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull bar to neck with elbows leading. Allow wrists to flex as bar rises. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand behind bar mid-thigh height. Grasp bar with shoulder width or slightly narrower overhand grip. Disengage bar by rotating bar back and stand upright."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"name": "Wide Grip",
"resistance": "Smith",
"comments": "See Upright Row Safety.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull bar to neck with elbows leading. Allow wrists to flex as bar rises. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand behind bar mid-thigh height. Grasp bar with wide grip overhand grip. Disengage bar by rotating bar back and stand upright."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"other": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"name": "Fixed Bar",
"resistance": "Stretch",
"comments": "None",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Turn body into upper arm. Hold stretch. Repeat with opposite arm.",
"preparation": "Face stationary bar. Grasp stationary bar with one hand approximately chest height. Rotate body so upper arm is positioned across chest."
"url": "",
"images": [],
"videos": []
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"other": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"name": "Side Deltoid",
"resistance": "Stretch",
"comments": "Positioning arm on upper chest stretches rear deltoid. See Rear Delt Stretch.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Push elbow toward chest. Hold stretch. Repeat with opposite arm.",
"preparation": "Position arm across chest. Place opposite hand on elbow."
"url": "",
"images": [],
"videos": []
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"antagonist stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Rectus Abdominis"
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"name": "Y Raise",
"resistance": "Suspended",
"comments": "At higher angles, feet can be placed flat on floor. When angled further back, only heels may contact forefeet floor with forefeet raising upward. Dismounting can be achieved by walking backward until body is upright.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise arms upward and outward in shape of a Y while keeping arms straight. Return and lower body back in opposite motion until arms are extended straight forward in original position. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp suspension handles and momentarily step back until arms are extended forward and straight. While keeping arms straight and shoulders back, step forward so body reclines back behind suspension handles. Position body and legs straight at desired angle hanging from handles with arms straight and palms angled inward."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii, Short Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper (part I)"
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Minor"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper (part II)"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Flexors"
"name": "Rear Delt Raise",
"resistance": "Barbell",
"comments": "Flexion of wrist can allow for slightly greater range of movement near top, but this movement optional.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull barbell behind hips and low back up as far as possible allowing elbows to travel up behind body to each side. Flex wrists near top of movement so bar can be raised higher. Lower until arms and wrists are straight. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand holding barbell behind thighs or hips with arms straight down to sides."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "Rear Delt Row",
"resistance": "Barbell",
"comments": "If upper arm travels closer than perpendicular to trunk, latissimus dorsi becomes involved. Elbows should be raised directly lateral to shoulders. Positioning torso at 45° is not sufficient angle to target rear deltoids. Keep torso bent over approximately horizontal. Knees are bent in effort to keep low back straight (See Hamstring Inflexibility). If low back becomes rounded due to tight hamstrings, either knees should be bent more or torso may not be positioned as low. If low back is rounded due to poor form, deadlift weight to standing position and lower torso into horizontal position with knees bent and back straight. Much lighter resistance is required as Barbell Bent-over Row.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Keeping upper arm perpendicular to torso, pull barbell up toward upper chest until upper arms are just beyond horizontal. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Bend knees slightly and bend over bar with back straight, approximately horizontal. Grasp bar with wide overhand grip."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "Lying Rear Delt Row",
"resistance": "Barbell",
"comments": "If upper arm travels closer than perpendicular to trunk, latissimus dorsi becomes involved. Elbows should be raised directly lateral to shoulders. Bench should be just high enough to prevent barbell from hitting floor and close to horizontal. Lying at 45° is not sufficient angle to target rear deltoids. Much lighter resistance is required as Cambered Bar Lying Row.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Keeping upper arm perpendicular to torso, pull barbell up toward upper chest until upper arms are just beyond parallel to floor. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Lie chest down on elevated bench. Grasp bar with wide overhand grip."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Reverse Fly",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Upper arms should travel in horizontal path at shoulder height (not downward) to minimize Latissimus Dorsi involvement.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull stirrups out to sides, maintaining stiff elbow position throughout exercise. Return to original position and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand facing twin pulley cables positioned close together and approximately shoulder height. Grasp stirrup cable attachment in each hand. Step back away from machine so cable is taut. Stand with feet staggered. Point elbows outward with arms straight or slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Seated",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Upper arms should travel in horizontal path at shoulder height (not downward) to minimize Latissimus Dorsi involvement.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Keeping elbows pointed high, pull stirrups out to sides, maintaining slightly bent elbow position throughout exercise. Return to original position and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on seat facing twin pulley cables positioned approximately shoulder height. Grasp stirrup cable attachment in each hand. Straighten lower back upright so cable is taut. Point elbows outward with arms slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "One Arm",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Upper arm should travel in horizontal path at shoulder height (not downward) to minimize Latissimus Dorsi involvement.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Keeping elbows pointed high, pull stirrup out to side, maintaining fixed elbow position throughout exercise. Return to original position and repeat. Repeat with other arm.",
"preparation": "Stand with side to shoulder height cable pulley. Grasp stirrup cable attachment with hand furthest from pulley. Position arm across neck with elbow bent 30° to 45° outward."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Supine",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Upper arm should travel perpendicular to torso to minimize latissimus dorsi involvement. Elbows may bend slightly at top of movement (as shown) or they may be kept fixed.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull upper arms down to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain upper arms perpendicular to torso and fixed elbow position (just slightly bent) as arms are pulled down to sides. Return arms to original position and repeat.",
"preparation": "With bench between two high pulleys to each side, grasp left stirrup with right hand and right stirrup with left hand. Lie on bench with pulleys to each side of shoulders. Arms should be crossed above upper chest with elbows slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "Rear Delt Row",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Elbow width is determined when elbows are raised at height of shoulders out to sides. The relatively powerful Latissimus Dorsi becomes involved:",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull cable attachment toward upper chest, just below neck, with elbows up out to sides until elbows travel slightly behind back. Keep upper arms horizontal, perpendicular to trunk. Return until arms are extended and shoulders are stretched forward. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit slightly forward on bench or platform in order to grasp cable bar attachment. With elbow width overhand grip, straighten torso upright and slide hips back until knees are only slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "One Arm",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "The relatively powerful Latissimus Dorsi becomes involved:",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull stirrup out to side, elbows up shoulder height until elbows travel slightly behind back. Allow wrist to follow elbow. Keep upper arm horizontal, perpendicular to trunk. Return until arm is extended and shoulder is stretched forward. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit slightly forward on bench or platform in order to grasp stirrup cable attachment with one hand. Straighten torso upright and slide hips back until knees are only slightly bent. Point elbow out to side."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "with rope",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "The relatively powerful Latissimus Dorsi becomes involved:",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull rope to upper chest or neck, keeping elbows at shoulder height until elbows travel slightly behind back. Keep upper arms perpendicular to trunk. Return until arms are extended forward. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand facing rope attachment on high pulley cable. Grasp each end of rope just above enlarged ends. Step back with one foot so arms and shoulders are positioned straight forward with cable taut. Point elbows outward."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Dual pulley cables should be positioned approximately shoulder height or not much lower. The relatively powerful Latissimus Dorsi becomes involved:",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull stirrups out to sides, keeping elbows at shoulder height until elbows travel slightly behind back. Allow wrists to follow elbows. Keep upper arms horizontal, perpendicular to trunk. Return until arms are extended and shoulders are stretched forward. Repeat.",
"preparation": "On dual pulley seated row machine, sit slightly forward on seat or bench in order to grasp both cable attachments. Place feet on vertical platform. Position torso upright and slide hips back until knees are only slightly bent and cable taut. Point elbows outward."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "Stirrups",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Dual pulley cables should be positioned approximately shoulder height or not much lower. The relatively powerful Latissimus Dorsi becomes involved:",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull stirrups out to sides, keeping elbows at shoulder height until elbows travel slightly behind back. Allow wrists to follow elbows. Keep upper arms horizontal, perpendicular to trunk. Return until arms are extended and shoulders are stretched forward. Repeat.",
"preparation": "On dual pulley seated row machine, sit slightly forward on seat or bench in order to grasp both cable attachments. Place feet on vertical platform. Position torso upright and slide hips back until knees are only slightly bent and cable taut. Point elbows outward."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "Seated",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "The relatively powerful Latissimus Dorsi becomes involved:",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull stirrups out to sides, keeping elbows at shoulder height until elbows travel slightly behind back. Allow wrists to follow elbows. Keep upper arms horizontal, perpendicular to trunk. Return until arms are extended and shoulders are stretched forward. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on seat facing twin pulley cables positioned shoulder height. Grasp stirrup cable attachment in each hand. Straighten lower back upright so arms and shoulders are positioned straight forward with cable taut. Point elbows outward."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "Standing",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "The relatively powerful Latissimus Dorsi becomes involved:",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull stirrups out to sides, keeping elbows at shoulder height until elbows travel slightly behind back. Allow wrists to follow elbows. Keep upper arms horizontal, perpendicular to trunk. Return until arms are extended and shoulders are stretched forward. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand facing twin pulley cables positioned shoulder height. Grasp stirrup cable attachment in each hand. Step back with one foot so arms and shoulders are positioned straight forward with cable taut. Point elbows outward."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Rear Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Upper arm should travel perpendicular to torso to minimize latissimus dorsi involvement. Elbows may bend slightly at bottom of movement (as shown) or they may be kept fixed. If low back cannot be kept straight due to inflexibility of hamstrings, try keeping knees bent more.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain upper arms perpendicular to torso and slight bend in elbows as arms are raised to sides. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand with cable columns to each side. Grasp left stirrup with right hand and right stirrup with left hand. Bend knees and bend over at hips, so torso is approximately horizontal with back straight. Point elbows outward with arms slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "One Arm",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Upper arm should travel in perpendicular path to torso to minimize Latissimus Dorsi involvement.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise arm to side until elbow is shoulder height. Maintain upper arm perpendicular to torso and fixed elbow position (10° to 30° angle) throughout exercise. Lower and repeat. Repeat with other arm.",
"preparation": "Stand with side to low pulley. Grasp stirrup attachment with hand furthest from pulley. Bend knees slightly and bend over with resting arm to side of low pulley."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Seated",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Upper arm should travel in perpendicular path to torso to minimize Latissimus Dorsi involvement. If stirrups are not within reach, training partner can hand exercises cable attachments. Alternatively, before sitting on bench, stirrups can be pulled in from each side and switched to opposite hands under legs by temporarily securing one stirrup with hooked thumb from behind, so released opposite hand can retrieve other stirrup from behind.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull stirrups out to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain upper arms perpendicular to torso and fixed elbow position (10° to 30° angle) throughout exercise. Lower until arms contact sides of legs. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit at edge of bench with feet of floor ahead of knees. Rest torso on thighs. Reach under legs and grasp stirrup cable attachments, right hand holding left stirrup, left hand holding right stirrup."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "Standing Cross Row",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Latissimus Dorsi becomes involved if elbows drop below shoulders.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull both cable attachments by moving elbows back to sides. Keep upper arms horizontal, perpendicular to trunk. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand between two shoulder-high cable pulleys (adjustable cross-over machine). Grasp right stirrup with left hand and left stirrup with right hand. Step back until cables are angled back 30° to 45°. Position both elbows at height of shoulders, one over other."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "One Arm",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "The relatively powerful Latissimus Dorsi becomes involved:",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull stirrup back with elbow up at shoulder height until elbow travels just behind shoulder. Keep upper arm horizontal, perpendicular to trunk. Return until arm is fully extended. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Facing shoulder height cable pulley, grasp stirrup cable attachment with one hand, palm orientated down. Step back and turn body inward about 30° to 45° to face extended arm about. Stand back just enough to allow arm to be fully extended with weight raised up slightly."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Lying Rear Delt Raise",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Maintain fixed elbow position straight or slightly bent and keep upper arm perpendicular to trunk throughout exercise.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise dumbbell from floor until it travels above shoulder. Return dumbbell to floor at original position. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Lie on side with legs separated for support. Grasp dumbbell in front of chest, palm facing down, arm extended forward with slight bend."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "Lying Rear Delt Row",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "If upper arm travels closer than perpendicular to trunk, latissimus dorsi becomes involved. Elbows should be raised directly lateral to shoulders. Bench should be just high enough to prevent dumbbells from hitting floor and close to horizontal. Also see exercise performed on Lying Rear Delt Apparatus. Lying at 45° is not sufficient angle to target rear deltoids. Much lighter resistance is required as Dumbbell Lying Row.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Keeping upper arm perpendicular to torso and dumbbells just below elbows, pull dumbbells up until elbows are just above shoulders. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Lie chest down on elevated bench. Grasp dumbbells below."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Lying Rear Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Dumbbells are raised by shoulder transverse abduction, not external rotation, nor extension. Upper arm should travel in perpendicular path to torso to minimize latissimus dorsi involvement. Upper arm should travel in perpendicular path to torso to minimize latissimus dorsi involvement. Bench should be high enough to prevent dumbbells from hitting floor and close to horizontal. Also see exercise performed on Lying Rear Delt Apparatus. Lying at 45° is not sufficient angle to target rear deltoids. Also see Rear Lateral Raise Errors.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain upper arms perpendicular to torso and fixed elbow position (10° to 30° angle) throughout exercise. Maintain height of elbows above wrists by raising \"pinkie\" side up. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Lie chest down on elevated bench. Grasp dumbbells below to each side."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Flexor Carpi Radialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Extensor Carpi Radialis"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "One Arm",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Bench should be horizontal and be high enough to prevent dumbbell from touching floor. Upper arm should travel in perpendicular path to torso to minimize latissimus dorsi involvement. Bench should be high enough to prevent dumbbells from hitting floor and close to horizontal. Lying at 45° is not sufficient angle to target rear deltoids. This exercise AKA \"prone full can\" has been suggested to exercise supraspinatus muscle in rehabilitation settings (Blackburn TA, et al. 1990; Reinold MM, et al. 2007).",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise upper arm to side until elbow is shoulder height. Maintain upper arms perpendicular to torso with elbow straight throughout exercise. Maintain palm forward position. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "With dumbbell in one hand, lie chest down on elevated bench. Position palm forward (thumb up) with elbow straight or slightly bent."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Rear Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Dumbbells are raised by shoulder transverse abduction, not external rotation, nor extension. Upper arm should travel in perpendicular path to torso to minimize relatively powerful latissimus dorsi involvement. In other words, at top of movement, elbows (not necessarily dumbbells) should be directly lateral to shoulders since elbows are slightly bent forward. To exercise posterior deltoid and not lateral deltoid, keep torso close to horizontal. Positioning torso at 45° is not sufficient angle to target rear deltoids. Knees are bent in effort to keep low back straight (See Hamstring Inflexibility). If low back becomes rounded due to tight hamstrings, either knees should be bent more or torso may not be positioned as low. If low back is rounded due to poor form, slowly lower torso into horizontal position with knees bent and back straight. Also see Rear Lateral Raise Errors.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain upper arms perpendicular to torso and fixed elbow position (10° to 30° angle) throughout exercise. Maintain height of elbows above wrists by raising \"pinkie finger\" side up. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp dumbbells to each side. Bend knees and bend over through hips with back flat, close to horizontal. Position elbows with slight bend and palms facing together."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Rear Delt Row",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "If upper arm travels closer than perpendicular to trunk, latissimus dorsi becomes involved. Elbow should be raised directly lateral to shoulder. Positioning torso at 45° is not sufficient angle to target rear deltoids. Keep torso bent over approximately horizontal. See side view of Dumbbell Rear Delt Row. Much lighter resistance is required as Dumbbell Bent-over Row.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull dumbbell up out to side with upper arm perpendicular to trunk until upper arm is just beyond horizontal. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Kneel over side of bench with arm and leg to side. Grasp dumbbell."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Seated Rear Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Dumbbells are raised by shoulder transverse abduction, not external rotation, nor extension. Upper arm should travel in perpendicular path to torso to minimize relatively powerful latissimus dorsi involvement. This mean at top of movement, elbows (not necessarily dumbbells) should be directly lateral to shoulders since elbows are slightly bent forward. To exercise posterior deltoid and not lateral deltoid, keep upper torso close to horizontal. Positioning upper torso at 45° is not sufficient angle to target rear deltoids. The spine can be flexed to achieve this positioning if thighs can provide sufficient support for torso. Some individuals may not be able to bend sufficiently at hip due to flexibility or girth constraints. Also see Rear Lateral Raise Errors and Low Back Alignment Exceptions.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain upper arms perpendicular to torso and fixed elbow position (10° to 30° angle) throughout exercise. Maintain elbows height above wrists by raising \"pinkie finger\" side up. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on edge of bench with feet placed beyond knees. Bend over and rest torso on thighs. Grasp dumbbells with each hand under legs. Position elbows with slight bend with palms facing together behind ankles (as shown) or just to sides of ankles."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Latissimus Dorsi"
"name": "Incline Rear Delt Row",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "If upper arm travels closer than perpendicular to trunk, latissimus dorsi becomes involved. Elbows should be kept on same movement plane as shoulders. Much lighter resistance is required as Lever Incline Row.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull lever with elbows forward out to sides until upper arms are just beyond parallel, keeping upper arm perpendicular to torso. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Lie chest low on inclined platform and grasp forward lever handles with wide overhand grip."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [],
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Lying Rear Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "Upper arm should travel in perpendicular path to torso. At lower portion of exercise, keep elbows pointed outward below shoulders. At upper portion of exercise, keep elbows pointed outward to sides of shoulders. Legs may be kept together, extending off end (as shown), or bent straddling.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull arms up until elbows are beyond back. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Lie on machine with chest against padding. Position arms between padded lever arms with elbows below shoulders."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii, Short Head"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper (part I)"
"url": "",
"item": "Pectoralis Minor"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper (part II)"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"name": "Rear Delt Raise",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "None.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull lever up as far as possible allowing elbows to travel up behind body to each side. Lower until arms are straight and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand between lever handles facing away from machine. Squat down and grasp lever handles to each side. Stand up with arms straight to sides."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Latissimus Dorsi"
"name": "Seated Rear Delt Row",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "If upper arm travels closer than perpendicular to trunk, latissimus dorsi becomes involved. Elbows should be kept same height as shoulders. Much lighter resistance is required as Lever Seated Row or even Wide Grip Lever Seated Row.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull lever with elbows up out to sides until upper arms are just beyond parallel, keeping upper arm horizontal, perpendicular to torso. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Place seat at low position. Sit on seat with chest against pad and grasp upper handles."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Seated Rear Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "Upper arm should travel in perpendicular path to torso to minimize Latissimus Dorsi involvement.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull lever handles out to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain upper arms perpendicular to torso and fixed elbow position (10° to 30° angle) throughout exercise. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on seat with feet placed on platform ahead of knees. Rest torso on thighs. Reach under legs and grasp lever handles on each side."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "T-Bar Rear Delt Row",
"resistance": "Lever (plate loaded)",
"comments": "If upper arm travels closer than perpendicular to trunk, latissimus dorsi becomes involved. Elbows should be raised directly lateral to shoulders. Keep torso bent over as far as possible allowing just enough height to fully extend arms. Knees are bent in effort to keep low back straight (See Hamstring Inflexibility). If low back becomes rounded due to tight hamstrings, either knees should be bent more or torso may not be positioned as low. If low back is rounded due to poor form, slowly lower torso into horizontal position with knees bent and back straight. Much lighter resistance is required as Lever T-Bar Row.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "With elbows out to sides, pull bar up toward upper chest until elbows are same height as shoulders or just beyond, keeping upper arm perpendicular to torso. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Straddle lever bar facing handles. Bend knees slightly and bend over handles with back straight. Grasp wide grip handles with overhand grip. With arms extended, position torso just high enough to allow weight to make contact with floor."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [],
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Lying Rear Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "Upper arm should travel in perpendicular path to torso. At lower portion of exercise, keep elbows pointed outward below shoulders. At upper portion of exercise, keep elbows pointed outward to sides of shoulders. Legs may be kept together, extending off end, or bent straddling bench as demonstrated.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull arms up until elbows are beyond back. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Lie on machine with chest against padding. Position arms between padded lever arms with elbows below shoulders."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "on Lateral Raise Machine",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "Platform height should allow pivot point of shoulders to be aligned with lever fulcrum. Upper arm should travel in perpendicular path to torso. At lower portion of exercise, keep elbows pointed outward below shoulders. At upper portion of exercise, keep elbows pointed outward to sides of shoulders. Knees are bent in effort to keep low back straight (See Hamstring Inflexibility).",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Maintaining torso position, raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand on platform facing lateral raise machine. Bend knees and bend over at hips with back flat close to horizontal. With elbows bent under shoulders, position back of upper arms against arm pads."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "on Extended Arm Kneeling Lateral Raise Machine",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "Platform height should allow pivot point of shoulders to be aligned with lever fulcrum. Upper arm should travel in perpendicular path to torso to minimize relatively powerful latissimus dorsi involvement. At top of movement, elbows (not necessarily dumbbells) should be directly lateral to shoulders since elbows are slightly bent forward. To exercise posterior deltoid and not lateral deltoid, keep torso close to horizontal. Positioning torso at 45° is not sufficient angle to target rear deltoids. Knees are bent in effort to keep low back straight (See Hamstring Inflexibility). Apparatus was originally designed to be used for Extended Arm Kneeling Lateral Raise. Also see Rear View Angle.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Maintaining torso position, raise handles to sides until upper arm is shoulder height. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand on platform facing lateral raise machine. Bend knees and bend over at hips with back flat close to horizontal. With arms straight or slightly bent, grasp lever handles with each hand."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Latissimus Dorsi"
"name": "Seated Rear Delt Row",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "If upper arm travels closer than perpendicular to trunk, latissimus dorsi becomes involved. Elbows should be kept same height as shoulders. Also see exercise performed on alternative lever row machine. Much lighter resistance is required as compared to Lever Seated Row.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull lever with elbows up out to sides until upper arms are just beyond parallel, keeping upper arm horizontal, perpendicular to torso. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Place seat at low position. Sit on seat with chest against pad and grasp upper handles."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Seated Reverse Fly",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "Keep elbows raised at same height of shoulders to minimize Latissimus Dorsi involvement. Thumbs down grip may be used so shoulders more naturally assume height of shoulders. Some machines allow for a more neutral overhand grip.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Keeping elbows pointed high, pull handles apart and to rear until elbows are just behind back. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on machine with chest against pad. Grasp parallel handles with thumbs up at shoulder height. Slightly bend elbows and internally rotate shoulders so elbows are also at height of shoulders."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Quadriceps"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "gripless",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "To maintain hips and back against pad during lift, legs must push into foot bar while keeping spine ridged. If apparatus is unavailable, a similar movement can be performed on certain pec deck machines with adequate ranges of motion.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull arms apart and back until elbows are slightly beyond back. Return to starting position and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on machine with back against vertical pad and roller pads in front of body. Place feet forward on foot bars. Cross both arms in front of body situated between roller pads. Position arms one on top of another, shoulder height."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [],
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "on pec deck",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "Can be performed on certain pec deck machines as shown if their range of motion and design are adequate, although Gripless Lever Seated Reverse Fly machine is typically better suited for this exercise.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull arms back until elbows are beyond back. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on machine with chest against vertical pad. Position arms against padded lever arms at height of shoulders."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "overhand grip",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "Keep elbows raised at same height of shoulders to minimize Latissimus Dorsi involvement. Exercise can also be performed with parallel grip, either with thumbs up or thumbs down positioning.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Keeping elbows pointed high, pull handles apart and to rear until elbows are just behind back Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on machine with chest against pad. Grasp horizontal handles with overhand grip at shoulder height. Internally rotate shoulders so elbows are also at height of shoulders."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Triceps Brachii"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "pronated grip",
"resistance": "Lever (selectorized)",
"comments": "Pronated grip will internally rotate shoulders so elbows are kept at height of shoulders. Preventing elbows from dropping below shoulders will minimize Latissimus Dorsi involvement. With thumbs down grip, shoulder must be deliberately internally rotated to keep elbow at proper height. Some machines allow for a more neutral overhand grip.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Keeping elbows pointed high, pull handles apart and to rear until elbows are just behind back. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit in machine with chest against pad. Grasp parallel handles from inside with thumbs down at shoulder height."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Adductor Magnus"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Rear Delt Row",
"resistance": "Smith",
"comments": "If upper arm travels closer than perpendicular to trunk, latissimus dorsi becomes involved. Elbows should be raised directly lateral to shoulders. Positioning torso at 45° is not sufficient angle to target rear deltoids. Keep torso bent over approximately horizontal. Knees are bent in effort to keep low back straight (See Hamstring Inflexibility). If low back becomes rounded due to tight hamstrings, either knees should be bent more or torso may not be positioned as low. If low back is rounded due to poor form, slowly lower torso into horizontal position with knees bent and back straight. Much lighter resistance is required as Smith Bent-over Row. Also see front angled view.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Keeping upper arm perpendicular to torso, pull bar up toward upper chest until upper arms are just beyond parallel to floor. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand near low smith bar. Bend knees and bend over bar with back straight. Grasp bar with wide overhand grip. Disengage bar by rotating bar back."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"antagonist stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Rectus Abdominis"
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "Inverted Row",
"resistance": "Body Weight",
"comments": "If elbows fall so upper arms no longer travels perpendicular to trunk, Latissimus Dorsi becomes involved. Elbows should be positioned directly lateral to shoulders at highest position. Pulling bar to lower chest is not sufficient angle to target rear deltoids. A higher bar (ie: lighter resistance) is required than what is required on Inverted Row. Bar height can be adjusted to vary resistance. See Gravity Vectors for greater understanding of how body angle influences resistance. Also known as Body Row or Supine Row.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Lower body downward until arms are extended straight while keeping body straight and elbows high (upper arm perpendicular to torso). Pull body toward bar until upper arms are just beyond parallel to one another. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand facing waist to lower chest height horizontal bar. Grasp bar with wide overhand grip. Turn elbows outward to sides. Walk forward under bar while pulling upper chest close to bar. With heels on floor, position body at angle under bar with legs, hips and spine straight. Position forearms perpendicular to body, orientated forward. Also, position upper arms perpendicular to body, orientated to each side."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"antagonist stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Rectus Abdominis"
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "high bar",
"resistance": "Body Weight",
"comments": "If elbows fall so upper arms no longer travels perpendicular to trunk, Latissimus Dorsi becomes involved. Elbows should be positioned directly lateral to shoulders at highest position. Pulling bar to lower chest is not sufficient angle to target rear deltoids. A higher bar (ie: lighter resistance) is required than what is required on Inverted Row. Bar height can be adjusted to vary resistance. See Gravity Vectors for greater understanding of how body angle influences resistance. Also known as Body Row or Supine Row.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Lower body back until arms are extended straight while keeping body straight and elbows high (upper arm perpendicular to torso). Pull body toward bar until upper arms are just beyond parallel to one another. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Stand facing lower to upper chest height horizontal bar. Step toward bar so chest makes contact. Grasp bar with wide overhand grip. Turn elbows outward to sides. Position feet forward on floor so body is reclined back with legs, hips and spine straight. Position forearms perpendicular to body, orientated forward. Also, position upper arms perpendicular to body, orientated to each side."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"antagonist stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Rectus Abdominis"
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "on hips",
"resistance": "Body Weight",
"comments": "If elbows fall so upper arms no longer travels perpendicular to trunk, Latissimus Dorsi becomes involved. Elbows should be positioned directly lateral to shoulders at highest position. Pulling bar to lower chest is not sufficient angle to target rear deltoids. Also known as Rear Delt Body Row on Hips or Rear Delt Supine Row on Hips.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Keeping hips on floor, low back straight, and elbow pointed out to sides; pull torso up to bar. Return when upper arms are just beyond parallel to one another. Lower body downward until arms are extended straight. Return and repeat.",
"preparation": "Lay on back with belly under fixed horizontal bar. Bend knees and position feet on floor. Grasp bar with wide overhand grip. Turn elbows outward to sides. Walk forward under bar while pulling upper chest close to bar. With heels on floor, position body at angle under bar with legs, hips and spine straight. Position forearms perpendicular to body, orientated forward. Also, position upper arms perpendicular to body, orientated to each side."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"dynamic stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Biceps Brachii"
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"antagonist stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Rectus Abdominis"
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachialis"
"url": "",
"item": "Brachioradialis"
"name": "Rear Delt Row",
"resistance": "Suspended",
"comments": "If elbows fall so upper arms no longer travels perpendicular to trunk, Latissimus Dorsi becomes involved. Elbows should be positioned directly lateral to shoulders at highest position throughout movement. Executing exercise with elbows dropping lower than shoulders is not sufficient position to target rear deltoids. A more upright position (ie: lighter resistance) is required than what is used on Suspended Row for General Back. Dismounting can be achieved by walking backward until body is upright. Also known as Suspended Rear Delt Body Row, Suspended Rear Delt Supine Row, or Suspended Rear Delt Inverted Row.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull body up while keeping elbows pointed directly out to each side and body and legs straight. Pull until elbows are directly lateral to each side without allowing elbows to drop. Return until arms are extended straight and shoulders are stretched forward, maintaining high elbow position. Repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp suspension handles and momentarily step back until arms are extended forward and straight. While keeping arms straight and shoulders back, step forward so body reclines back behind suspension handles. Position body and legs straight at desired angle hanging from handles with arms straight. Internally rotate shoulders so elbows are positioned directly outwards."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Erector Spinae"
"url": "",
"item": "Hamstrings"
"url": "",
"item": "Gluteus Maximus"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"antagonist stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Rectus Abdominis"
"url": "",
"item": "Obliques"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"name": "Reverse Fly",
"resistance": "Suspended",
"comments": "Upper arms should travel in transverse path at shoulder level without allowing elbows to drop to minimize Latissimus Dorsi involvement. A very upright position (ie: very light resistance) with one foot positioned slightly back (see 'Easier') is typically required for proper execution. Take care to maintain tension on suspension trainer near top of movement. Dismounting can be achieved by walking backward until body is upright or stepping out at top of movement.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Pull handles out to sides while keeping stiff elbow position and maintaining shoulder at 90° plane to torso throughout exercise. Raise up until upper arms are in-line to one another. Return to original position in same plane and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp suspension handles and momentarily step back until arms are extended forward and straight. While keeping arms straight and shoulders back, step forward so body reclines back behind suspension handles. Position body and legs straight at desired angle hanging from handles with arms straight. Internally rotate shoulders so elbows are positioned directly outwards with arms straight or slightly bent. Shoulder should be positioned approximately 90° relative to torso position."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"other": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"name": "Fixed Bar",
"resistance": "Stretch",
"comments": "None",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Turn body into upper arm. Hold stretch. Repeat with opposite arm.",
"preparation": "Face stationary bar. Grasp stationary bar with one hand approximately face height. Rotate body so upper arm is positioned across neck."
"url": "",
"images": [],
"videos": []
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"other": [
"url": "",
"item": "Infraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Teres Minor"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Rhomboids"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"name": "Rear Deltoid",
"resistance": "Stretch",
"comments": "Positioning arm on lower chest stretches side deltoid. See Side Delt Stretch.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Push elbow toward neck. Hold stretch. Repeat with opposite arm.",
"preparation": "Position arm across neck. Place opposite hand on elbow."
"url": "",
"images": [],
"videos": []
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior"
"name": "Front Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Maintain straight or nearly straight elbow position with elbows pointing outward throughout exercise. If low pulley is fixed, turn slightly away from low pulley. Also see comments under Dumbbell Front Lateral Raise.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "With elbow straight or slightly bent, raise upper arm away from low pulley to side, slightly to front (30°) until upper arm is shoulder height. Lower and repeat. Continue with opposite arm.",
"preparation": "Grasp dumbbell cable attachment. Stand facing side with resting arm toward low pulley. Grasp ballet bar if available for support. Internally rotate shoulders so elbows point out to sides."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior"
"name": "Seated",
"resistance": "Cable",
"comments": "Maintain straight or nearly straight elbow position with elbows pointing outward throughout exercise.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "With elbows straight or slightly bent, raise upper arm away from low pulley to side, slightly to front (30° to 45°) until upper arm is shoulder height or slightly higher. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Sit on seat above twin cable pulleys. Grasp stirrups on each side. Sit upright with arms nearly straight down to each side. Internally rotate shoulders so elbows point out to sides."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior"
"name": "Front Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Raise toward 10 o'clock with left arm and toward 2 o'clock with right arm. Maintain straight elbow position with elbow pointing outward throughout exercise. Jobe FW, Moynes DR (1982) describes this exercise to strengthen supraspinatus muscle with abduction in scapular plane (30° anteriorto the frontal plane) with glenohumeral internally rotated, AKA “empty can” exercise. Shoulders should be kept back since scapula protraction can decrease width of subacromical space, possibly increasing risk of subacromical impingement (Solem-Bertift E, et al. 1993). Also see Dumbbell Full Can Lateral Raise.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise arms to side, slightly to front until shoulder height or slightly higher. Lower and repeat. Continue with opposite arm.",
"preparation": "Grasp dumbbell and position in front of thigh with arm straight. Turn pinkie finger side outward."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior"
"name": "Seated",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Raise toward 10 o'clock with left arm and toward 2 o'clock with right arm. Maintain straight elbow position with elbow pointing outward throughout exercise. Jobe FW, Moynes DR (1982) describes this exercise to strengthen supraspinatus muscle with abduction in scapular plane (30° anterior to the frontal plane) with glenohumeral internally rotated, AKA “empty can” exercise. Shoulders should be kept back since scapula protraction can decrease width of subacromical space, possibly increasing risk of subacromical impingement (Solem-Bertift E, et al. 1993). Also see Dumbbell Full Can Lateral Raise.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise arms to side, slightly in front until shoulder height or slightly higher. Lower and repeat. Continue with opposite arm.",
"preparation": "Sit on stool or end of bench with dumbbell. Position dumbbell down to side with arm straight. Turn pinkie finger side outward."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Anterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior"
"name": "Full Can Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Maintain straight elbow position throughout exercise. Exercise may also be performed with shoulder traveling up to 30º forward, more inline with plane of scapular. Supraspinatus activity is similar between 'empty can' and 'full can' exercises. However, 'full can' results in less risk of subacromial impingement. Scapular internal rotation and scapular anterior tilt, both of which decrease subacromial space width and increase impingement risk, are greater when performing scaption with shoulder internal rotation (empty can) compared with scaption with external rotation (full can). (Escamilla 2009)",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise arms to side with thumb side up. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Grasp dumbbells with each hand with palms facing forward."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
"area": "shoulder",
"muscles": {
"stabilizers": [
"url": "",
"item": "Wrist Extensors"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Upper"
"url": "",
"item": "Levator Scapulae"
"target": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Lateral"
"synergists": [
"url": "",
"item": "Deltoid, Posterior"
"url": "",
"item": "Supraspinatus"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Middle"
"url": "",
"item": "Trapezius, Lower"
"url": "",
"item": "Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations"
"name": "Lying Lateral Raise",
"resistance": "Dumbbell",
"comments": "Dumbbell is raised by shoulder abduction, not external rotation.",
"instructions": {
"execution": "Raise dumbbell from floor until arm is vertical. Maintain fixed elbow position (10° to 30° angle) throughout exercise. Lower and repeat.",
"preparation": "Lie on side with legs separated for support. Grasp dumbbell in front of thigh."
"url": "",
"classification": {
"mechanics": [
"force": [
"utility": [
"images": [
"videos": [
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