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Created December 2, 2015 01:43
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Migration of Ansible Tower 2.1.2 to 2.4.1 with large database
# This orchestration will perform a backup of a Tower machine and pull the
# backup files down to a bastion server for use with a later restore.
- name: Pull Ansible Tower backup
hosts: tower
gather_facts: true
sudo: true
- command: "service supervisord stop"
- command: "service httpd stop"
- name: create backup directory
sudo: false
path: "backup"
state: directory
mode: 0755
- command: "tar -zcf backup/tower_etc.tar.gz /etc/tower/"
- command: "tar -zcf backup/tower_var.tar.gz /var/lib/awx/"
- name: dump database
become: yes
become_user: postgres
shell: "pg_dumpall > tower_db.dump"
chdir: "/var/lib/pgsql/9.3"
- command: "tar -zcf backup/tower_db.tar.gz /var/lib/pgsql/9.3/tower_db.dump"
- command: "rm /var/lib/pgsql/9.3/tower_db.dump"
- command: "service supervisord start"
- command: "service httpd start"
- name: pull down backup files to bastion01
delegate_to: bastion01
sudo: false
mode: pull
src: "backup/"
dest: "{{ ansible_hostname }}_backup"
# This orchestration will push up the Tower backup files created using the
# `ansible-tower-backup-pull` orchestration to re-provisioned Tower machine.
- name: Push Ansible Tower backup
hosts: tower
gather_facts: true
sudo: true
- name: create backup directory
sudo: false
path: "backup"
state: directory
mode: 0755
- name: push up backup files
delegate_to: bastion01
sudo: false
mode: push
src: "{{ ansible_hostname }}_backup/"
dest: "backup"
- debug:
msg: "Remember to remove {{ ansible_hostname }}_backup after restore"
- name: download the Tower Installation Program
url: ""
dest: /tmp/ansible-tower-setup-latest.tar.gz
http_proxy: "http://{{ http_proxy_host }}:{{ http_proxy_port }}"
https_proxy: "http://{{ http_proxy_host }}:{{ http_proxy_port }}"
- name: Unpack Tower
command: "tar xvzf ansible-tower-setup-latest.tar.gz"
chdir: '/tmp'
- name: Upload setup conf file
src: "setup.yml.j2"
dest: "/tmp/ansible-tower-setup-{{ tower_version }}/tower_setup_conf.yml"
- name: Configure Tower install
command: "./configure -o tower_setup_conf.yml"
chdir: "/tmp/ansible-tower-setup-{{ tower_version }}"
- name: Install Tower
sudo: true
shell: "./"
chdir: "/tmp/ansible-tower-setup-{{ tower_version }}"
- name: check if Tower installed
path: "/etc/tower"
register: tower_installed
- name: check if backup present
path: "backup"
register: backup_present
- include: install.yml
when: not tower_installed.stat.exists
- include: restore.yml
when: backup_present.stat.exists
- name: remove old jobs, project and inventory updates from the database
command: "tower-manage cleanup_jobs --days {{ tower_keep_days }}"
- name: remove old jobs, project and inventory updates from the database
command: "tower-manage cleanup_deleted --days {{ tower_keep_days }}"
- name: remove old activity stream events from the database
command: "tower-manage cleanup_activitystream --days {{ tower_keep_days }}"
- command: "service supervisord stop"
- command: "service httpd stop"
- name: create backup directory
sudo: false
path: "tower_files"
state: directory
mode: 0755
- command: "tar -xvf backup/tower_etc.tar.gz -C tower_files/"
- command: "tar -xvf backup/tower_var.tar.gz -C tower_files/"
- command: "tar -xvf backup/tower_db.tar.gz -C tower_files/"
- command: "rm -rf backup"
- shell: "cp -R tower_files/etc/tower/* /etc/tower"
- shell: "cp -R tower_files/var/lib/awx/* /var/lib/awx"
- command: "mv tower_files/var/lib/pgsql/{{ postgres_previous_version }}/tower_db.dump /var/lib/pgsql/{{ postgres_current_version }}/tower_db.dump"
- command: "rm -rf tower_files"
- name: drop existing database
become_user: postgres
shell: "psql -c \"DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS awx;\""
- name: restore database from database dump
become: yes
become_user: postgres
shell: "psql -f tower_db.dump postgres > /dev/null 2>&1"
chdir: "/var/lib/pgsql/{{ postgres_current_version }}"
- command: "rm /var/lib/pgsql/{{ postgres_current_version }}/tower_db.dump"
- name: vacuum database
become_user: postgres
shell: "vacuumdb -a -z"
- name: remove stdout text so migrations do not get killed my out of memory killer
become_user: postgres
command: "psql awx -c \"UPDATE main_unifiedjob SET result_stdout_text = ''\";"
- name: create tables haven not already been created except those with migrations
command: "tower-manage syncdb"
- name: run database migrations
command: "tower-manage migrate"
- command: "service supervisord start"
- command: "service httpd start"
admin_password: {{ ansible_tower_admin_password }}
configure_private_vars: {}
database: internal
munin_password: {{ ansible_tower_munin_password }}
pg_password: {{ ansible_tower_pg_password }}
primary_machine: localhost
redis_password: {{ ansible_tower_redis_password }}
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