First of all, make sure that your Treasure Data cluster is HDP2, not CDH4. Matrix Factorization is only supported in the up-to-date HDP2 cluster. HDP2 is allocated for users who signed Treasure Data after Feb 2015. CDH4 is allcoated for the others.
NOTE: please ask our customer support to use HDP2 if you get an error.
Download and unzip it.
Create database and importing raw rating data into TreasureData from CSV.
Note: --time-value
is used to add a dummy time column, that is required in Treasure Data, for each row.
td db:create movielens20
td table:create movielens20m ratings
td import:auto --format csv --column-header --time-value `date +%s` --auto-create movielens20m.ratings ./ratings.csv
Preparation for making training/testing data from the original table.
td table:create movielens20m ratings2
td query -w -x \
-d movielens20m \
select \
rand(31) as rnd, \
userid, \
movieid, \
rating \
from \
Made 80% for training and 20% for testing.
td table:create movielens20m training
td query -x \
--type hive \
-d movielens20m \
select * from ratings2 \
order by rnd DESC \
limit 16000000"
Note: Please set v
columns off for ratings2
through Web console to use SELECT *
td table:create movielens20m testing
td query -x \
--type hive \
-d movielens20m \
select * from ratings2 \
order by rnd ASC \
limit 4000263"
Calculate the mean rating in the training dataset.
td query -w \
--type presto \
-d movielens20m \
"select avg(rating) from training"
The above average value used in the following queries.
Run training of Matrix Factorization.
Note: TD result output (--result
) is not recommended for issuing the following query. Use INSERT INTO table
statement instead.
td table:create movielens20m sgd_model_f20
td query -x \
--type hive \
-d movielens20m \
"WITH training_amplified as ( \
select \
amplify(3, cast(userid as int), cast(movieid as int), rating) as (userid, movieid, rating) \
from \
training \
) \
select \
idx, \
array_avg(u_rank) as Pu, \
array_avg(m_rank) as Qi, \
avg(u_bias) as Bu, \
avg(m_bias) as Bi \
from ( \
select train_mf_sgd(cast(userid as int), cast(movieid as int), rating, '-factor 20 -mu 3.52560165625 -iter 50') as (idx, u_rank, m_rank, u_bias, m_bias) \
from \
training_amplified \
) t \
group by idx"
Note: Currently, the signature of train_mf_sgd is train_mf_sgd(int userid, int itemid, numeric rating [, string options])
. We will accept any numeric types in the next version (v0.3.2) of Hivemall.
Note: Please avoid
ERROR metastore.RetryingHMSHandler: MetaException(message:NoSuchObjectException(message:Function xxxxx.train_mf_sgd does not exist))
in logs. Its not a logging issue (Hive 0.13 bug) and not a problem.
td table:create movielens20m sgd_predict_f20
td query -x \
--type hive \
-d movielens20m \
"INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE sgd_predict_f20 \
select \
t2.actual, \
mf_predict(if(size(t2.Pu)=0,null,t2.Pu),if(size(p2.Qi)=0,null,Qi), t2.Bu, p2.Bi, 3.52560165625) as predicted \
from ( \
select \
t1.userid, \
t1.movieid, \
t1.rating as actual, \
p1.Pu, \
p1.Bu \
from \
testing t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN sgd_model_f20 p1 \
ON (t1.userid = p1.idx) \
) t2 \
LEFT OUTER JOIN sgd_model_f20 p2 \
ON (t2.movieid = p2.idx)"
Note: if(size(xxx)=0,null,xxx)
is just a workaround and will be fixed to avoid it.
td query -w \
--type hive \
-d movielens20m \
"select \
mae(predicted, actual) as mae, \
rmse(predicted, actual) as rmse \
from \
| mae | rmse |
| 0.6123907679836259 | 0.8027164481776642 |