- Super SloMo: High Quality Estimation of Multiple Intermediate Frames for Video Interpolation [Paper]
- Huaizu Jiang, Deqing Sun, Varun Jampani, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Erik Learned-Miller, Jan Kautz
- CVPR 2018 (splotlight)
- Video frame synthesis using deep voxel flow [Paper] [Code]
- Z. Liu, R. Yeh, X. Tang, Y. Liu, and A. Agarwala.
- ICCV 2017
- Video frame interpolation via adaptive separable convolution. [Paper] [Code]
- S. Niklaus, L. Mai, and F. Liu.
- ICCV 2017
- Video frame interpolation via adaptive convolution [Paper]
- S. Niklaus, L. Mai, and F. Liu.
- CVPR 2017
- Learning image matching by simply watching video. [Paper]
- G. Long, L. Kneip, J. M. Alvarez, H. Li, X. Zhang, and Q. Yu.
- ECCV, 2016.
- Phase-based frame interpolation for video. [Paper]
- S. Meyer, O. Wang, H. Zimmer, M. Grosse, and A. SorkineHornung.
- CVPR 2015
- Moving gradients: a path-based method for plausible image interpolation.
- D. Mahajan, F.-C. Huang, W. Matusik, R. Ramamoorthi, and P. Belhumeur.
- ToG 2009
- MEMC-Net: Motion Estimation and Motion Compensation Driven Neural Network for Video Interpolation and Enhancement [Paper] [Project Page]
- Wenbo Bao, Wei-Sheng Lai, Xiaoyun Zhang, Zhiyong Gao, and Ming-Hsuan Yang
- Context-aware Synthesis for Video Frame Interpolation [Paper] [Project Page]
- S. Niklaus and F. Liu, CVPR 2018
- Deep Video Generation, Prediction and Completion of Human Action Sequences [Paper]
- Haoye Cai, Chunyan Bai, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang (HKUST, Tencent)
- Frame Interpolation with Multi-Scale Deep Loss Functions and Generative Adversarial Networks [Paper]
- Joost van Amersfoort, Wenzhe Shi, Alejandro Acosta, Francisco Massa, Johannes Totz, Zehan Wang, Jose Caballero (Twitter)
- Multi-Scale Video Frame-Synthesis Network with Transitive Consistency Loss [Paper]
- Zhe Hu (Hikvision), Yinglan Ma (Adobe), Lizhuang Ma (East China Normal University)
- Video Enhancement with Task-Oriented Flow [Paper] [Project Page (+ Vimeo-90k Dataset)] [Code]
- Tianfan Xue (Google), Baian Chen (MIT), Jiajun Wu (MIT), Donglai Wei (Harvard), William T. Freeman (MIT)
- A Temporally-Aware Interpolation Network for Video Frame Inpainting [Paper]
- Ximeng Sun, Ryan Szeto, and Jason J. Corso (U. Michigan Ann Arbor)
- Long-Term Video Interpolation with Bidirectional Predictive Network [Paper]
- Xiongtao Chen,Wenmin Wang,Jinzhuo Wang,Weimian Li,Baoyang Chen (Peking Univ.)
- FlowNet2.0 [Paper] [Code]
- Video Propagation Networks [Project page]
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This might help: Nvidia NGX released the Slo Mo code in their 2019 NGX toollbox https://developer.nvidia.com/rtx/ngx
avinashpaliwal made a port on PyTorch: