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Created April 29, 2013 09:15
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Proof System on Haskell (incomplete)


example = do
  axiom (p : Prop)
  apply init
  apply ...
  qed $ p /\ q -> p

みたいな感じで証明を作っておき, これをrunProofしたら証明を組み立てて, どこかに間違いがあればエラーを吐くProof System. 函数のEqualityは与えられた論理式とそのdomainで値が等しいこと $\forall x. f(x) = \forall x. g(x) <=> f = g$ でとりあえずはよしとしたい.


  • axiom (p : Prop) とする前にpを束縛する必要がある(美しくない)
  • Propの束縛を回避するために式を (\p -> ~~~) の形にしておくと, そもそもこれが函数になるので Formula a b と型が合わないためrunProofできない.
  • そもそもλ式つかったらProof Systemの意味があまりない.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, TypeOperators #-}
import Prelude hiding (True, False, init, id)
import Control.Category
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.Free
newtype Atom a b = Atom { runAtom :: a -> b }
data Formula a b = True
| False
| Or (Formula a b) (Formula a b)
| And (Formula a b) (Formula a b)
| Then (Formula a b) (Formula a b)
| Forall a (Formula a b)
| Exists a (Formula a b)
| Atomic (Atom a b)
type Prop a b = Formula a b
data Proof a next = Axiom a next | Qed a next | Apply a next
deriving Functor
type State a b = Free (Proof (Formula a b)) ()
(/\) :: Formula a b -> Formula a b -> Formula a b
(/\) = And
(.->) :: Formula a b -> Formula a b -> Formula a b
(.->) = Then
qed :: Formula a b -> State a b
qed f = liftF $ Qed f ()
axiom :: Formula a b -> State a b
axiom f = liftF $ Axiom f ()
apply :: State a b -> State a b
apply (Free (Qed f _)) = liftF $ Apply f ()
apply (Free (Apply _ next)) = apply next
apply (Free (Axiom _ next)) = apply next
init :: State a b
-- init = qed $ \p -> p .-> p
init = undefined
example :: State a b
example = do
apply init
-- qed $ \p -> p .-> p
runProof = undefined
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