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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
For cXML license agreement information, please see
$Id: //ariba/specs/cXML/Common.mod#16 $
A few character entities the XML recommendation says should be defined
"for interoperability" with existing SGML parsers. By default, these
are not included to avoid warnings (about entity redefinition) from
many XML parsers.
<!ENTITY lt "&#38;#60;">
<!ENTITY gt "&#62;">
<!ENTITY amp "&#38;#38;">
<!ENTITY apos "&#39;">
<!ENTITY quot "&#34;">
Common types used throughout the cXML definition.
The types try to follow the XML DATA definition submitted to the W3C. See
the following for more information,
<!-- Atomic-level Types -->
<!ENTITY % bin.base64 "CDATA">
<!ENTITY % bin.hex "CDATA">
<!ENTITY % boolean "(0 | 1)"> <!-- 0 is false, 1 is true -->
<!ENTITY % char "CDATA">
<!ENTITY % date "CDATA">
<!ENTITY % "CDATA"> <!-- Time zone is required -->
<!ENTITY % fixed.14.4 "CDATA">
<!ENTITY % i8 "CDATA">
<!ENTITY % int "%i8;">
<!ENTITY % r8 "CDATA">
<!ENTITY % number "CDATA"> <!-- No limit on number of digits, unlike
%r8; -->
<!ENTITY % string "CDATA">
<!ENTITY % "CDATA"> <!-- Time zone is required -->
<!ENTITY % ui8 "CDATA">
<!ENTITY % uint "%ui8;"> <!-- Unique to this specification -->
<!ENTITY % uri "CDATA">
<!ENTITY % uuid "CDATA">
<!-- Higher-level Types -->
NOTE: The following is a temporary *hack* to allow empty values for
some attributes with these types. The nmtoken entity should resolve to
<!ENTITY % nmtoken "CDATA"> <!-- Any combination of XML name chars. -->
<!ENTITY % isoLangCode "%nmtoken;"> <!-- ISO 639 Language Code -->
<!ENTITY % isoCountryCode "%nmtoken;"> <!-- ISO 3166 Country Code -->
<!ENTITY % isoCurrencyCode "%nmtoken;"> <!-- ISO 4217 Currency Code -->
<!ENTITY % xmlLangCode "%nmtoken;"> <!-- Language code as defined by XML
recommendation: Language and
country. -->
<!ENTITY % URL "%uri;">
For cXML license agreement information, please see
$Id: //ariba/specs/cXML/Base.mod#24 $
This file defines the basic elements used to build higher level
constructs in cXML.
<!-- Basic Name/Data Elements -->
Name is used to provide an identifier for other elements.
The language in which the name is written.
<!ELEMENT Name (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
xml:lang %xmlLangCode; #REQUIRED
An Extrinsic is an element which can be used to extend the data
associated with known elements.
Since this Element is of type ANY, it could contain any arbitrary XML
document within itself, or a binary ![CDATA[]] document.
Name used to identify this extrinsic.
<!ELEMENT Extrinsic ANY>
<!ATTLIST Extrinsic
name %string; #REQUIRED
Description is a string which describes something.
Though text may be interspersed with ShortName elements in this content
model, placing the ShortName at the beginning or end of the element is
much preferred. At most one ShortName element is allowed per
Description. The intended content model would be more like
(( ShortName, #PCDATA ) | ( #PCDATA | ShortName? )) if DTD syntax
supported it.
The language in which the description is written.
<!ELEMENT Description ( #PCDATA | ShortName )* > <!-- mixed: string and
ShortName -->
<!ATTLIST Description
xml:lang %xmlLangCode; #REQUIRED
A short string which describes something in fewer characters than the
entire Description. This should be used when limited space is available.
For example, a table of elements might show the ShortName's of each. A
linked "details" view would show the entire Description (including the
ShortName). Without a ShortName, the user interface must default to a
truncation of the Description.
This element does not require an xml:lang attribute since it appears only
within a Description element. The language of the ShortName must match
that of the surrounding Description.
<!ELEMENT ShortName (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
<!-- Telephone Number Elements -->
International ITU dial code for the country code in question.
The ISO 3166 country code for the dial code in question
<!ELEMENT CountryCode (#PCDATA)> <!-- uint -->
<!ATTLIST CountryCode
isoCountryCode %isoCountryCode; #REQUIRED
The areacode or city code within a CountryCode.
<!ELEMENT AreaOrCityCode (#PCDATA)> <!-- uint -->
The local number part of a telephone number.
<!ELEMENT Number (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
An extension within relative to the Number element. This element has no
meaning without an associated Number element.
<!ELEMENT Extension (#PCDATA)> <!-- uint -->
TelephoneNumber represents international telephone numbers.
<!ELEMENT TelephoneNumber (CountryCode, AreaOrCityCode, Number, Extension?)>
Phone is a "named" TelephoneNumber.
specifies an identifier which indicates the type of phone number.
US examples would include "work","home", etc.
<!ELEMENT Phone (TelephoneNumber)>
name %string; #IMPLIED
Fax number.
<!ELEMENT Fax (TelephoneNumber | URL | Email)>
name %string; #IMPLIED
<!-- Addressing Elements -->
URL. A string which represents a URL
name %string; #IMPLIED
An email address. Address must conform to RFC 821 (SMTP Standard).
<!ELEMENT Email (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
name %string; #IMPLIED
Contact represents an entity at a location. The nature of this
element is that it represents a communication "end point" for a
Position this person or group plays in the procurement process.
<!ELEMENT Contact (Name, PostalAddress*, Email*, Phone*, Fax*, URL*)>
<!ATTLIST Contact
role (endUser | administrator | purchasingAgent | technicalSupport |
customerService | sales) #IMPLIED
The DeliverTo part of an Address. This would be internal to the actual
address know to the outside world. Similar to what an extension is to a
<!ELEMENT DeliverTo (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
Street is a single line of an Address' location.
<!ELEMENT Street (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
City is the name of the city in an Address' location.
<!ELEMENT City (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
State is an optional state identifier in an Address' location.
<!ELEMENT State (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
PostalCode (I have no idea how to describe it)
<!ELEMENT PostalCode (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
Country is the name of the country in an Address' location
The ISO 3166 2-letter country code.
<!ELEMENT Country (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
<!ATTLIST Country
isoCountryCode %isoCountryCode; #REQUIRED
PostalAddress is a real-world location for a business or person.
<!ELEMENT PostalAddress (DeliverTo*, Street+, City, State?,
PostalCode?, Country)>
<!ATTLIST PostalAddress
name %string; #IMPLIED
Address is the association of a Contact and an Location.
The ISO 3166 country code for the dial code in question
An id for the address. Needed to support address codes for
relationships that require id references.
<!ELEMENT Address (Name, PostalAddress?, Email?, Phone?, Fax?, URL?)>
<!ATTLIST Address
isoCountryCode %isoCountryCode; #IMPLIED
addressID %string; #IMPLIED
<!-- Financial Elements -->
Money is the representation of the object used to pay for items.
specifies the currency in which amount is stated, must conform to ISO
4217 currency codes.
the amount of money in the alternateCurrency. Optional and used to
support dual-currency requirements such as the Euro.
specifies the currency in which the alternateAmount is stated, must
conform to ISO 4217 currency codes.
<!ELEMENT Money (#PCDATA)> <!-- number -->
currency %isoCurrencyCode; #REQUIRED
alternateAmount %number; #IMPLIED
alternateCurrency %isoCurrencyCode; #IMPLIED
Optional textual child for communicating arbitrary comments or
description along with the parent.
Though text may be interspersed with Attachment elements in this content
model, grouping the Attachment list at the begging or end of the element
is much preferred. The intended content model would be more like
(( Attachment+, #PCDATA ) | ( #PCDATA | Attachment* )) if the DTD syntax
supported it.
The language in which the Comments are written. This attribute
will be required in a future version of cXML. (Leaving it out is
<!ELEMENT Comments ( #PCDATA | Attachment )* > <!-- mixed: string and
opt. Attachment list -->
<!ATTLIST Comments
xml:lang %xmlLangCode; #IMPLIED
Optional child of Comments element referencing a part in a multipart MIME
The contained URL must use the scheme "cid:". This is the identifier for
the referenced attachment within the larger transmission. Must match the
Content-ID header of one (and only one) part of the MIME transmission
containing this cXML document. May also be used to retrieve the
attachment file separately.
<!ELEMENT Attachment (URL)>
Price per unit of item.
<!ELEMENT UnitPrice (Money)>
For cXML license agreement information, please see
$Id: //ariba/specs/cXML/Version.mod#1 $
Another top-level entity used in Transport.mod. Defined here to allow
easy updates to the release version of cXML without opening
Transport.mod. This should also provide an easy file to search for
the current release version string.
<!-- cxml.version
Current default string for the cXML@version attribute. Corresponds to
the final directory of the SYSTEM identifier used in all up-to-date
cXML documents.
For easy parsing of this file, do not remove whitespace surrounding the
actual version string.
<!ENTITY cxml.version "1.1.008" >
For cXML license agreement information, please see
$Id: //ariba/specs/cXML/Entities.mod#2 $
Top-level entities used in Transport.mod. Defined here to allow easy
extention of the cXML specification (using additional DTDs) without
redefining these entities.
<!-- cxml.messages
Possible elements (for particular situations) within Message. These
are all of the messages defined in the base cXML protocol.
<!ENTITY % cxml.messages "(PunchOutOrderMessage |
SubscriptionChangeMessage |
<!-- cxml.requests
Possible elements (for particular situations) within Request. These
are all of the requests defined in the base cXML protocol.
<!ENTITY % cxml.requests "(ProfileRequest |
OrderRequest |
PunchOutSetupRequest |
StatusUpdateRequest |
GetPendingRequest |
SubscriptionListRequest |
SubscriptionContentRequest |
SupplierListRequest |
<!-- cxml.responses
Possible elements (for particular situations) within Response. These
are all of the responses (corresponding to a subset of the possible
requests) defined in the base cXML protocol.
<!ENTITY % cxml.responses "(ProfileResponse |
PunchOutSetupResponse |
GetPendingResponse |
SubscriptionListResponse |
SubscriptionContentResponse |
SupplierListResponse |
For cXML license agreement information, please see
$Id: //ariba/specs/cXML/Profile.mod#5 $
Request for the latest profile from the server. May also be used as
a 'ping' transaction (to check if the server is available).
<!ELEMENT ProfileRequest EMPTY >
Static profile response describing the transactions supported by this
server. The content should not change frequently.
When these services were first available. Should not be in the
future since new clients may need to interact with a server.
Datatype enumeration for the attributes of this element. May be
ignored by most XML parsers (used for documentation purposes).
<!ELEMENT ProfileResponse ( Option*, Transaction+ )>
<!ATTLIST ProfileResponse
effectiveDate; #REQUIRED
a-dtype NMTOKENS #FIXED 'effectiveDate dateTime'
Value for a defined option (either for the overall service or a
specific transaction. At this time, no options are defined at either
The name of this option. Future versions of cXML will define
values for this attribute. This is not intended to be viewed
directly (the profile is intended mostly for machine consumption).
Datatype enumeration for the attributes of this element. May be
ignored by most XML parsers (used for documentation purposes).
<!ELEMENT Option ( #PCDATA )> <!-- string -->
<!ATTLIST Option
name %string; #REQUIRED
a-dtype NMTOKENS #FIXED 'name string'
A transaction supported by this server.
A specific request this server accepts at the given URL. The
%cxml.requests entity (defined in transport.mod) contains the
possible values for this attribute.
Datatype enumeration for the attributes of this element. May be
ignored by most XML parsers (used for documentation purposes).
<!ELEMENT Transaction ( URL, Option* )>
<!ATTLIST Transaction
requestName %nmtoken; #REQUIRED
a-dtype NMTOKENS #FIXED 'requestName NMTOKEN'
For cXML license agreement information, please see
$Id: //ariba/specs/cXML/Supplier.mod#13 $
Supplier of goods and services. Includes a list of SupplierIDs which
identify the Supplier.
URL to web site about the supplier
URL to web site where a user can shop or browse
<!ELEMENT Supplier (Name, Comments?, SupplierID+, SupplierLocation*)>
<!ATTLIST Supplier
corporateURL %URL; #IMPLIED
storeFrontURL %URL; #IMPLIED
One of the locations for a supplier. Supplier location is
generally a physical location.
<!ELEMENT SupplierLocation (Address, OrderMethods)>
OrderMethods is the list of methods by which one can order
from a supplier. The contact element is the technical contact
who should be able to assist with order processing issues.
The list is to be ordered by supplier preference, the first
element having the highest degree of preference.
<!ELEMENT OrderMethods (OrderMethod+, Contact?)>
OrderMethod is a method for ordering. It is comprised of a
target address for the order and the protocol expected by
the address.
<!ELEMENT OrderMethod (OrderTarget, OrderProtocol?)>
OrderTarget represents an address to which orders can be
<!ELEMENT OrderTarget (Phone | Email | Fax | URL | OtherOrderTarget)>
OrderProtocol is the communication method to be used when
communicating an order to a supplier. An example would be "cXML".
<!ELEMENT OrderProtocol (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
OtherOrderTarget represents an address which is not enumerated by
default in the OrderTarget Element. This may contain address targets
beyond the ability of this document to describe.
Optional name for target.
<!ELEMENT OtherOrderTarget ANY>
<!ATTLIST OtherOrderTarget
name %string; #IMPLIED
Definition of a supplier id. A supplier id is a (domain, value)
pair so that suppliers have the flexibility to define their id's
according to an arbitrary convention (e.g., (DUNS, 12345),
(TaxID, 88888888)).
the domain of the id
<!ELEMENT SupplierID (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
<!ATTLIST SupplierID
domain %string; #REQUIRED
For cXML license agreement information, please see
$Id: //ariba/specs/cXML/Item.mod#18 $
Must be a UN/CEFACT (Recommendation 20) unit of measure code.
<!ELEMENT UnitOfMeasure (#PCDATA)> <!-- nmtoken -->
ID with which the item's manufacturer identifies the item.
<!ELEMENT ManufacturerPartID (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
Name of the item's manufacturer.
The language in which the ManufacturerName is written. This
attribute will be required in a future version of cXML. (Leaving it
out is deprecated.)
<!ELEMENT ManufacturerName (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
<!ATTLIST ManufacturerName
xml:lang %xmlLangCode; #IMPLIED
Classification is used to group items into similar categories.
"name" of classification, ie., SPSC
<!ELEMENT Classification (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
<!ATTLIST Classification
domain %string; #REQUIRED
How the supplier identifies an item they sell.
If SupplierPartID does not provide a unique key to identify the item,
then the supplier should generate a key which identifies the part
uniquely when combined with the SupplierID and SupplierPartID. The
key is called SupplierPartAuxiliaryID.
An example is where a Supplier would use the same PartID for an
item but have a different price for units of "EA" versus "BOX".
In this case, the ItemIDs should be:
<foo>well formed XML here</foo>
In this case, the "foo" element must be defined in an internal subset
sent with the cXML document. Otherwise, parsers will not be able to
validate that document.
In a preferred approach, the sending application may escape the contained
XML using CDATA sections. This would appear as:
<![CDATA[<foo>well formed XML here</foo>]]>
Finally, the angle brackets could be escaped using XML character
entities. This might be a bit harder for humans to read. For example:
&lt;foo&gt;well formed XML here&lt;/foo&gt;
<!ELEMENT SupplierPartID (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
<!ELEMENT SupplierPartAuxiliaryID ANY>
A unique identification of an item. SupplierID is not required since
ItemIDs never travel alone.
<!ELEMENT ItemID (SupplierPartID, SupplierPartAuxiliaryID?)>
ItemDetail contains detailed information about an item. All the data that
a user would want to see about an item instead of the bare essentials
that are represented in the ItemID.
<!ELEMENT ItemDetail (UnitPrice, Description+, UnitOfMeasure,
Classification+, ManufacturerPartID?,
ManufacturerName?, URL?, Extrinsic*)>
For cXML license agreement information, please see
$Id: //ariba/specs/cXML/Transaction.mod#28 $
For better definitions of these Elements/Entities, refer to the cXML
Transaction Specification documents.
<!-- Basic transactional elements used throughout -->
The total for something.
<!ELEMENT Total (Money)>
The bill to for an item.
<!ELEMENT BillTo (Address)>
The ship to for a item.
<!ELEMENT ShipTo (Address)>
Definition of a cXML Shipping item. Represents a shipping cost in the
shopping basket (PunchOutOrderMessage) or an order to the supplier
(OrderRequest). There could be one of these for the entire order, or one
per lineitem.
represents the logistics supplier, I.E., "FedEx", "UPS", etc.
an optional element value that represents the logistics supplier
tracking number
Deprecated - Do Not Use
<!ELEMENT Shipping (Money, Description)>
<!ATTLIST Shipping
trackingDomain %string; #IMPLIED
trackingId %string; #IMPLIED
tracking %string; #IMPLIED
Defines a Purchasing Card element used for payment
<!ELEMENT PCard (PostalAddress?)>
number %number; #REQUIRED
expiration %date; #REQUIRED
name %string; #IMPLIED
The list of valid payment types.
<!ENTITY % cxml.payment "PCard">
<!ELEMENT Payment (%cxml.payment;)>
Defines an accounting segment. Segment is an older, deprecated way to
transport this information.
The accounting type of this segment.
The unique key of this Segment against the type.
Textual description of the Segment. For human readability.
<!ATTLIST Segment
type %string; #REQUIRED
id %string; #REQUIRED
description %string; #REQUIRED
Defines an accounting segment. AccountingSegment is the newer, better
way to transport this information. Name corresponds to the type
attribute of Segment; Description corresponds to description. Both add
required locale attributes to the strings.
The unique key of this Segment against the type.
<!ELEMENT AccountingSegment ( Name, Description )>
<!ATTLIST AccountingSegment
id %string; #REQUIRED
An accounting object. Use of the Segment element here is deprecated.
The name of the object containing the specified accounting segments.
<!ENTITY % cxml.accounting "( Segment+ | AccountingSegment+ )">
<!ELEMENT Accounting (%cxml.accounting;)>
<!ATTLIST Accounting
name %string; #REQUIRED
A charge against an Accounting element.
<!ELEMENT Charge (Money)>
The combination of a Charge against an Accounting Element. A distribution
represents the breakdown of one overall amount into sub-amounts.
<!ELEMENT Distribution (Accounting, Charge)>
Definition of a cXML Tax item. This represents what a Tax element should
be in the classic notion of a line on a PO or Invoice. It can also
represent a per-lineitem tax element depending on where it appears
(inside of a item ELEMENT or inside of a something like a supplierOrder
Represents a tax item in the shopping basket. There could be one of these
for the entire order, or one per lineitem.
<!ELEMENT Tax (Money, Description)>
<!-- Item Elements -->
The representation of a line item as it needs to be for sending to a
How many items are desired.
Position (counting from 1) of this item in an order. Used to
maintain a reference between items in create and update OrderRequest
The buyers system requisition id for this line item. It might be the
same as orderID, and it might not be included at all. Must not be
included if requisitionID is specified in the OrderRequestHeader.
The date this item was requested for delivery.
<!ELEMENT ItemOut (ItemID, ItemDetail?, SupplierID?, ShipTo?, Shipping?,
Tax?, Distribution*, Contact*, Comments?)>
quantity %r8; #REQUIRED
lineNumber %uint; #IMPLIED
requisitionID %string; #IMPLIED
requestedDeliveryDate %date; #IMPLIED
The representation of a line item as it needs to be for sending to a
How many items are desired.
Position (counting from 1) of this item in an order. Used to
maintain a reference between items in create and update OrderRequest
<!ELEMENT ItemIn (ItemID, ItemDetail, SupplierID?, ShipTo?, Shipping?, Tax?)>
quantity %r8; #REQUIRED
lineNumber %uint; #IMPLIED
<!-- OrderRequest* Elements -->
Definition of an order. This is the data that is sent to the supplier
to have them place an order in their order management system. The new
world order equivalent of a PO.
<!ELEMENT OrderRequest (OrderRequestHeader, ItemOut+)>
Header of an order. This is the data that is sent to the supplier
to have them place an order in their order management system. Money
represents the total amount of this order.
The buyer system orderID for this request. Basically, what the PO
number is today.
The date and time the order request was created.
The type of the order request. Defaults to "new".
The buyers system requisition id for this entire order. It might be
the same as orderID, and it might not be included at all. Must not
be included if requisitionID is specified in any ItemOut elements.
Optional preference for "hold until complete" processing. Defaults
to shipping when available if not specified. Future versions of the
protocol may extend the datatype of this attribute to include
additional possible values (such as "unlessGreatlyBackOrdered"?).
<!ELEMENT OrderRequestHeader (Total, ShipTo?, BillTo, Shipping?, Tax?,
Payment?, Contact*, Comments?, Followup?,
<!ATTLIST OrderRequestHeader
orderID %string; #REQUIRED
orderDate; #REQUIRED
type (new | update | delete) "new"
requisitionID %string; #IMPLIED
shipComplete (yes) #IMPLIED
<!-- Followup
Location to which future StatusUpdateRequest documents should be
posted. In general, this is the input location for any later
documents which reference the current OrderRequest document.
<!ELEMENT Followup (URL)>
<!-- PunchOut* Elements -->
Definition of a PunchOut Setup Request. This is the data that is sent
to the external system that the Ariba ORMS is going to extract catalog
data from.
The BrowserFormPost element contains the URL we would like the browser
re-directed to when the PunchOut shopping experience is finished (where
the PunchOutOrder message should be returned).
<!ELEMENT PunchOutSetupRequest (BuyerCookie, Extrinsic*, BrowserFormPost?,
Contact*, SupplierSetup?, ShipTo?,
SelectedItem?, ItemOut*)>
<!ATTLIST PunchOutSetupRequest
operation (create | inspect | edit) #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT BuyerCookie ANY> <!-- any valid XML data -->
<!ELEMENT BrowserFormPost (URL)>
<!ELEMENT SelectedItem (ItemID)>
<!ELEMENT SupplierSetup (URL)>
<!ELEMENT PunchOutSetupResponse (StartPage)>
<!ELEMENT StartPage (URL)>
Definition of a PunchOut Order Message. This is the data that is sent
back to the Ariba ORMS system from the external system that the PunchOut
Request was targeted at.
<!ELEMENT PunchOutOrderMessage (BuyerCookie, PunchOutOrderMessageHeader,
Header of a PunchOut Order Request. This is the data that is sent from
the supplier to transfer the supplier acquired shopping basket back to
the buyer system.
Highest operation allowed on the PunchOut shopping basket.
"create" allows only later OrderRequest operations on these items.
"inspect" adds a PunchOutSetupRequest with operation="inspect".
And, "edit" allows operation="edit" in that later Setup request.
<!ELEMENT PunchOutOrderMessageHeader (Total, ShipTo?, Shipping?, Tax?)>
<!ATTLIST PunchOutOrderMessageHeader
operationAllowed (create | inspect | edit) #REQUIRED
For cXML license agreement information, please see
$Id: //ariba/specs/cXML/Transport.mod#34 $
For better definitions of these Elements/Entities, refer to the cXML
Protocol Specification documents.
cXML envelope
Version of this cXML transmission. Should be less than or equal
to the version portion of the SYSTEM identifier for this document.
A unique identifier for this document.
The date and time at which this document was originally created.
The default locale for all strings (not formatted items such as
dates, times and numbers) in this document. This attribute will be
required in a future version of cXML. (Leaving it out is
<!ELEMENT cXML (( Header, (Message | Request)) | Response)>
version %string; "&cxml.version;"
payloadID %string; #REQUIRED
timestamp; #REQUIRED
xml:lang %xmlLangCode; #IMPLIED
<!-- header -->
<!ELEMENT Header (From, To, Sender)>
<!ELEMENT From (Credential+)>
<!ELEMENT To (Credential+)>
<!ELEMENT Sender (Credential+, UserAgent)>
A textual string representing who the UserAgent is conducting the cXML
conversation. Analogous to UserAgent for HTTP conversations.
<!ELEMENT UserAgent (#PCDATA)>
A digital signature. The recommended format is self-contained PK7. The
exact signed content is not that significant but current timestamp would
be used just as a convention.
The type of digital signature used.
How is the signature encoded in the XML stream.
<!ELEMENT DigitalSignature ANY>
<!ATTLIST DigitalSignature
type %string; "PK7 self-contained"
encoding %string; "Base64"
A shared secret. Typically, this is a username/password type of secret
exchanged through a secure transport before communication takes place.
<!ELEMENT SharedSecret ANY>
Represents an identity for a credential.
<!ELEMENT Identity ANY>
A combination of an Identity and authentication element. If the
authentication element is present, it strongly authenticates who/what
someone is. The authentication element should not be sent within Message
documents transported via an end user's browser. One-way communication
must be authenticated in the transport layer.
In what domain is this Credential represented?
Does this Credential identify a marketplace or one of its member
companies? A Credential without this attribute describes a member
company or unaffiliated buying organization.
<!ENTITY % cxml.authentication "SharedSecret |
<!ELEMENT Credential (Identity, (%cxml.authentication;)?)>
<!ATTLIST Credential
domain %string; #REQUIRED
type (marketplace) #IMPLIED
Status of a Response or Message. If present, the element content
describes specifics of a problem.
HTTP or cXML-specific status code.
Textual version of the status code (not specific issue).
The language in which the text attribute and element content are
written. This attribute will be required in a future version of
cXML. (Leaving it out is deprecated.)
<!ATTLIST Status
code %uint; #REQUIRED
text %string; #REQUIRED
xml:lang %xmlLangCode; #IMPLIED
When Status not present, '<Status code="200" text="OK" />' is implied.
<!ELEMENT Message (Status?, %cxml.messages;)>
<!ATTLIST Message
deploymentMode (production | test) "production"
inReplyTo %string; #IMPLIED
<!-- request -->
<!ELEMENT Request (%cxml.requests;)>
<!ATTLIST Request
deploymentMode (production | test) "production"
<!-- response -->
<!ELEMENT Response (Status, (%cxml.responses;)?)>
For cXML license agreement information, please see
$Id: //ariba/specs/cXML/Status.mod#8 $
Request to update the status of an earlier order.
<!ELEMENT StatusUpdateRequest (DocumentReference, Status)>
Reference to an earlier document (for example, OrderRequest). In a
StatusUpdateRequest, this element identifies the purchase order to be
A unique identifier for the document. Copied directly from the
cXML element of the original document.
<!ELEMENT DocumentReference EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST DocumentReference
payloadID %string; #REQUIRED
For cXML license agreement information, please see
$Id: //ariba/specs/cXML/Contract.mod#14 $
<!ELEMENT Contract (SupplierID+, Comments?, ItemSegment+)>
<!ATTLIST Contract
effectiveDate; #REQUIRED
expirationDate; #REQUIRED
Defines an item segment for the index. An item segment is an
overlay for index items, allowing suppliers to override certain
item attributes on a per-contract basis.
Items may be segmented by some agreed-upon user-specific key that
is used to determine who is eligible for these particular overlaid
attributes (such as reduced or different prices). Omitting the
segmentKey indicates that the supplier wishes to set the given
contract price system wide (for all users).
segmentKey - optional agreed-upon string used to segment
custom prices
<!ELEMENT ItemSegment (ContractItem+)>
<!ATTLIST ItemSegment
segmentKey %string; #IMPLIED
A particular (custom) item overlay for a index item. The item is
referenced by the supplierPartID.
ItemID - ID for the part to be overlaid.
UnitPrice - Contract price for item
Extrinsic - Named overlay. The Extrinsic should be named with the
item field name it is to overlay. The Extrinsic must contain a
<value> element which supplies the replacement value for the item
For example:
<Extrinsic name="URL"></Extrinsic>
<!ELEMENT ContractItem (ItemID, UnitPrice?, Extrinsic*)>
For cXML license agreement information, please see
$Id: //ariba/specs/cXML/Index.mod#13 $
IndexItemAdd is the element used to insert an item in an index.
ItemID - uniquely identifies the item
ItemDetail - general information about the item
IndexItemDetail - Index specific item detail
<!ELEMENT IndexItemAdd (ItemID, ItemDetail, IndexItemDetail)>
IndexItemDelete is the element used to remove an item from the
ItemID - uniquely identifies the item
<!ELEMENT IndexItemDelete (ItemID) >
IndexItemPunchout is the element used to dynamically connect an
index item to the supplier's resource for that item.
ItemID - uniquely identifies the item
PunchoutDetail - Describes the item being accessed
<!ELEMENT IndexItemPunchout (ItemID, PunchoutDetail)>
IndexItem is the general ELEMENT for the list of items in an
IndexItemAdd - Item(s) to be added to the index
IndexItemDelete - Item(s) to be removed from the index
IndexItemPunchout - PunchOut Item(s) to be added to the index
<!ELEMENT IndexItem (IndexItemAdd+ | IndexItemDelete+ | IndexItemPunchout+)>
PunchoutDetail is the description of an item which is referenced
in the index.
<!ELEMENT PunchoutDetail (Description+, URL, Classification+,
ManufacturerName?, ManufacturerPartID?,
ExpirationDate?, EffectiveDate?,
SearchGroupData*, TerritoryAvailable*)>
Index is the element used to update the list of goods and/or
services which are being handled by the system.
SupplierID - One or more identities by which this supplier is
known. NOTE: These are to be considered synonyms
for the same Supplier.
SearchGroup - Description(s) of parametric search(es) for this
IndexItem - The list of items with which to modify the index
<!ELEMENT Index (SupplierID+, Comments?, SearchGroup*, IndexItem+)>
SearchGroup is a grouping of attributes which constitute a search
which can be performed against an index.
Name - Name of the search
SearchAttribute - List of searchable index fields.
<!ELEMENT SearchGroup (Name, SearchAttribute+)>
An attribute that can searched parametrically.
name - name of the attribute.
type - the type of the attribute
<!ELEMENT SearchAttribute EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST SearchAttribute
name %string; #REQUIRED
type %string; #IMPLIED
LeadTime specifies, in days, the amount of time required to
receive the item.
<!ELEMENT LeadTime (#PCDATA)> <!-- uint -->
ExpirationDate is the date and time after which the element is no longer
valid. Must be specified in ISO 8601 format.
<!ELEMENT ExpirationDate (#PCDATA)> <!-- -->
EffectiveDate date and time at which the element becomes valid.
Must be specified in ISO 8601 format.
<!ELEMENT EffectiveDate (#PCDATA)> <!-- -->
IndexItemDetail contains various index specific elements which
help to define an index item.
LeadTime - time in days to receive the item
ExpirationDate - Expiration date and time for the item in this index
EffectiveDate - Effective date and time for the item in this index
SearchGroupData - Parametric search data
TerritoryAvailable - Country codes
<!ELEMENT IndexItemDetail (LeadTime, ExpirationDate?, EffectiveDate?,
SearchGroupData*, TerritoryAvailable*)>
Specification of a territory (using ISO country and/or region codes)
in which the particular index item is available.
<!ELEMENT TerritoryAvailable (#PCDATA)>
SearchGroupData specifies the data which should be used to identify
this item in a search.
<!ELEMENT SearchGroupData (Name, SearchDataElement+)>
SearchDataElement is a field and value which are used to provide the
parametric data to a search.
<!ELEMENT SearchDataElement EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST SearchDataElement
name %string; #REQUIRED
value %string; #REQUIRED
For cXML license agreement information, please see
$Id: //ariba/specs/cXML/Pending.mod#7 $
For better definitions of these Elements/Entities, refer to the cXML
Specification documents.
A request used for polling for waiting messages. A waiting message, if
any, will be included in the returned stream. The lastReceivedTimestamp
attribute, if present, provides the timestamp of the last received
message. When the Receiver sees this, it can remove messages with earlier
timestamps from the pending queue.
The maxMessages attribute is used to indicate the maximum number of
pending messages that can be included in the response.
<!ELEMENT GetPendingRequest (MessageType+)>
<!ATTLIST GetPendingRequest
maxMessages %uint; #IMPLIED
lastReceivedTimestamp; #IMPLIED
Indicates the type of message(s) being polled for. The valid values are
the corresponding element names e.g. SubscriptionChangeMessage.
<!ELEMENT MessageType (#PCDATA)> <!-- nmtoken -->
The data elements being carried back in the response. These are fully
formed cXML messages being carried through the Request/Response channel.
<!ELEMENT GetPendingResponse (cXML+)>
For cXML license agreement information, please see
$Id: //ariba/specs/cXML/subscription.mod#9 $
Indicates that something changed in a buyer's content subscription.
Since this is a Message, it can come at any time - no explicit Request
needs to be sent first.
<!ELEMENT SubscriptionChangeMessage (Subscription+)>
<!ATTLIST SubscriptionChangeMessage
type (new | update | delete) #REQUIRED
A content subscription.
<!ELEMENT Subscription (InternalID, Name, Changetime, SupplierID+, Format?,
<!ELEMENT InternalID (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
<!ELEMENT Changetime (#PCDATA)> <!-- -->
<!ELEMENT Format (#PCDATA)> <!-- string -->
<!ATTLIST Format
version %string; #REQUIRED
Requests a complete list of catalog subscriptions for a buyer.
<!ELEMENT SubscriptionListRequest EMPTY>
The list of Subscriptions for the given buyer.
<!ELEMENT SubscriptionListResponse (Subscription+)>
Requests the contents of a catalog that the buyer is subscribed to.
<!ELEMENT SubscriptionContentRequest (InternalID, SupplierID+)>
The data associated with a particular subscription.
<!ELEMENT SubscriptionContentResponse (Subscription, SubscriptionContent+)>
The actual content associated with a particular subscription.
<!ELEMENT SubscriptionContent (CIFContent | Index | Contract)>
<!ATTLIST SubscriptionContent
filename %string; #IMPLIED
Contents of CIF file in base64 encoding.
<!ELEMENT CIFContent (#PCDATA)> <!-- bin.base64 -->
Indicates that something has changed in the supplier data for
a supplier the buyer has a relationship with. Since this is a message, no
Request needs to be sent to receive this Message.
<!ELEMENT SupplierChangeMessage (Supplier+)>
<!ATTLIST SupplierChangeMessage
type (new | update | delete) #REQUIRED
Requests for a complete list of suppliers the buyer currently has
relationships with.
<!ELEMENT SupplierListRequest EMPTY>
The list of suppliers requested by SupplierListRequest.
<!ELEMENT SupplierListResponse (Supplier+)>
Requests for a data associated with a particular supplier identified by
<!ELEMENT SupplierDataRequest (SupplierID+)>
The data associated with the desired supplier.
<!ELEMENT SupplierDataResponse (Supplier)>
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