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Last active November 8, 2019 17:16
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Vector;
// args [0],[1] : index[row][col] for start postion !! value must be -1
// args [2],[3] : index[row][col] for goal postion !! value must be > 0
// but in test case, sometimes its not work for best minimum , see mark TODO
public class FindMinimumPath {
static int []pos;
static int []searchPath;
static HashMap<String,Integer> path;
static ArrayList<String> paths;
static String pathw;
static int arrayHistory[][] = {
static boolean found=false;
public static void main(String args[]) {
// fill visited array
// paths = new ArrayList<>();
path = new HashMap<>();
paths = new ArrayList<>();
pos=new int[]{Integer.parseInt(args[0]),Integer.parseInt(args[1])};
searchPath=new int[]{Integer.parseInt(args[2]),Integer.parseInt(args[3])};
System.out.println(" pos "+Arrays.toString(pos) + " val "+arrayHistory[pos[0]][pos[1]]);
System.out.println("search : "+Arrays.toString(searchPath)+ " val "+arrayHistory[searchPath[0]][searchPath[1]]);
System.out.println("map s: "+arrayHistory.length+" : "+arrayHistory[0].length );
.replace("[[", "[\n\t[")
.replace("],", "],\n")
.replace(" ", "\t")
.replace("]]", "]\n]")
System.out.println(pathMove(pos[0], pos[1],1));
private static String pathMove(int row, int col,int counter) {
return "";
if (!isInBound(row, col) || path.containsKey(row+" "+col))
return "";
// we want to make a path , that mean no index repeated
// here we use hashmap for handling , its work perfectly
path.put(row+" "+col,counter);
if (row==searchPath[0] && col==searchPath[1]) {
System.out.println("Found at " + row + " " + col);
return row+","+col+" ";
} else if (arrayHistory[row][col] == -1) {
String val="";
Vector<String> step=new Vector<>();
HashMap<String,Integer[]> stepc=new HashMap<>();
// direction just : left, up, rigth, down
int[][] lookUp=new int[][]{{0,-1},{-1,0},{0,1},{1,0}};
for (int[] is : lookUp) {
// cost have 2 value cost for row and cost for col
Integer[] cost=new Integer[]{Math.abs(searchPath[0]-(row+is[0])),Math.abs(searchPath[1]-(col+is[1]))};
// TODO - someday
// we need to choice minimum or closer index
// the problem cost value not uniq, in this algo cost is a key of hash where the value is the next index to move,
// the best way to improve is , make new function to get a cost value
Integer row1=stepc.get(cost[0]+","+cost[1])[0];
Integer row2=row;
stepc.put(cost[0]+","+(cost[1]-0.5), new Integer[]{row+is[0],col+is[1]});
stepc.put(cost[0]+","+(cost[1]+0.5), new Integer[]{row+is[0],col+is[1]});
stepc.put(cost[0]+","+cost[1], new Integer[]{row+is[0],col+is[1]});
// order list
// using order list to get hash value that contain index for searching
for (String string : step) {
// System.out.println(shift+" string "+string);
// System.out.println(shift+" index "+Arrays.toString(index));
val=pathMove(index[0], index[1],counter+1);
if (!val.equals("")){
return row+","+col+" "+val;
return "";
private static boolean isInBound(int row, int col) {
boolean bol = false;
if (row < arrayHistory.length && col < arrayHistory[0].length && col >= 0 && row >= 0) {
bol = true;
return bol;
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