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Created November 23, 2011 08:11
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monadic ants
module Ant
import Prelude hiding (log)
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.List ((\\))
-- | A Simple logging Monad that logs items of type e
data Logging e a = Logging { unLog :: [e] -> ([e], a) }
instance Monad (Logging e) where
return a = Logging $ \w -> (w, a)
l >>= f = Logging $ \w -> let (w', a) = unLog l w in unLog (f a) w'
l >> m = Logging $ \w -> let (w', _) = unLog l w in unLog m w'
-- | Log an item in the Logging monad
log :: e -> Logging e ()
log e = logs [e]
-- | Log items in the Logging monad
logs :: [e] -> Logging e ()
logs es = Logging $ \w -> (w ++ es, ())
-- | Run a Logging, and return both the result and the accumulated log.
-- Note: In the pair, the log is returned first.
runLogging :: Logging e a -> ([e], a)
runLogging l = unLog l []
data Ant = Ant { antName :: String }
deriving (Eq)
data Order = Order { ordAnt :: Ant, ordVerb :: String }
-- | Given a function to generate orders, turn it into a function taking
-- [Ant] and returning remaining [Ant] in the Logging Order monad (thus
-- logging the Orders). Note that arguments are flipped from the original
-- ~>> function.
doOrders :: ([Ant] -> [Order]) -> [Ant] -> Logging Order [Ant]
doOrders fao as = logs applied >> return remaining
applied = fao as
remaining = as \\ map ordAnt applied
-- written perhaps more idomatically in do notation
doOrders' :: ([Ant] -> [Order]) -> [Ant] -> Logging Order [Ant]
doOrders' fao as = do
let applied = fao as
logs applied
return $ as \\ map ordAnt applied
-- | Some Order generating functions...
phase1 :: [Ant] -> [Order]
phase1 = undefined
phase2 :: [Ant] -> [Order]
phase2 = undefined
phase3 :: [Ant] -> [Order]
phase3 = undefined
-- | Compose doing some of these together. This is where the monadic machinery
-- comes into play. Note the use of >>= to chain the [Ant] results along, while
-- the Logging Order monad accumulates the Orders "in the background". This
-- code is the reason that doOrders's arguments are flipped from ~>>'s.
commandChain :: [Ant] -> Logging Order [Ant]
commandChain as = doOrders phase1 as >>= doOrders phase2 >>= doOrders phase3
-- | A somewhat nicer version using >=>
commandChain' :: [Ant] -> Logging Order [Ant]
commandChain' = doOrders phase1 >=> doOrders phase2 >=> doOrders phase3
-- | Applying the commandChain to some [Ant] to get the [Orders] and remaining
-- [Ant]
runCommandChain :: [Ant] -> ([Order], [Ant])
runCommandChain = runLogging . commandChain
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