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Created October 29, 2019 17:08
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digitakt usb audio driver on RaspberryPi

building the linux digitakt usb driver

needed to install

sudo apt install flex bison libssl-dev libncurses5-dev bc

clone kernel sources

mkdir kernel
cd kernel/
git clone --depty=1 --branch raspberrypi-kernel_1.20190819-1
    # branch number needs to match installed version of raspberrypi-kernel

config & prepare

cd ~/kernel/linux
make bcm2709_defconfig
    # default for RPi3+ 
    # for other models, see
vi .config
    # find the CONFIG_SND_USB section
    # add a line: CONFIG_SND_USB_DIGITAKT=m
make prepare
make scripts

get and copy things from snd-digitakt repo

git clone
cd ~/kernel/linux/sound/usb/
cp ~/snd-digitakt/sound/usb/Kconfig .
cd misc
cp ~/snd-digitakt/sound/usb/misc/Makefile .
cp ~/snd-digitakt/sound/usb/misc/digitakt.c .


cd ~/kernel/linus/sound/usb/misc
make -C ~/kernel/linux  M=$(pwd) modules
# after this there should be a snd-digitakt.ko file in this directory


sudo make -C ~/kernel/linux  M=$(pwd) modules_install
sudo depmod

load into Kernel

sudo modprobe snd-digitakt


# connect Digitakt
# put it in Overbridge mode
#       Settings (gear button) > System > USB Config
#       select Overbridge, press Yes
#       select Int to Main, set to Off
aplay -l
arecord -l
    # both commands should list the Digitakt as a card

# start jack
/usr/bin/jackd -R -P 75 -d alsa -d hw:Digitakt -r 48000 -n 2 -p 256 -s &

play through Supercollider

# following commands are to sclang, not the shell
s.options.numInputBusChannels = 12
{[0, 1]); }.play

load it into the kernel

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yuncam commented Apr 20, 2020

I had some issues with make -C ~/kernel/linux M=$(pwd) modules because the header files "usbaudio.h" and "midi.h" couldn't be found.
Solution: I just copied these two header files from /kernel/linux/sound/usb/usbaudio.h and /kernel/linux/sound/usb/midi.h to the folder /kernel/linux/sound/usb/misc/.

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