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Created November 28, 2020 19:34
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#include <Arduino.h>
class DebouncedSwitch {
DebouncedSwitch(int p, int mode=INPUT_PULLDOWN) : pin(p), nextValidAt(0) {
pinMode(pin, mode);
state = nextState = digitalRead(pin);
bool update() {
// returns true if state has changed
unsigned long now = millis();
int currentState = digitalRead(pin);
if (currentState != nextState) {
nextState = currentState;
nextValidAt = now + settleTime;
else {
if (nextValidAt && now >= nextValidAt) {
state = nextState;
nextValidAt = 0;
return true;
return false;
int read() const { return state; }
// return the current state (after debouncing)
const int pin;
int state;
int nextState;
unsigned long nextValidAt;
const unsigned long settleTime = 50; // in milliseconds
DebouncedSwitch btnA(4); // or whatever pin number you need
DebouncedSwitch btnB(5);
void setup() {
while (!Serial);
Serial.println("I'm ready!");
void loop() {
if (btnA.update()) {
Serial.print("switch A just changed to ");
Serial.println( ? "HIGH" : "LOW");
if (btnB.update()) {
Serial.print("switch B just changed to ");
Serial.println( ? "HIGH" : "LOW");
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