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Forked from randphu/
Created September 22, 2013 13:42
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Layout of buka manga archives
Whole archive
| b"buka" | unknown (16 bytes) | manga title (c string) | entry table | file 1 | file 2 | ...
Entry table
| table size (uint32) | entry 1 | entry 2 | ... |
| offset (uint32) | size (uint32) | name (c string) |
c string: null terminated, encoded in utf8.
unit32: 32 bit, unsigned, little endian.
table size contains the size of itself.
import sys, os, struct
def readuint32(src):
buf =
return struct.unpack('<I', buf)[0]
def readcstring(src):
buf = b""
while True:
ch =
if ch[0] == 0:
return buf.decode('utf8'), len(buf) + 1
buf += ch
def readtable(src):
table = []
tsize = readuint32(src)
total = 4
while total < tsize:
offset = readuint32(src)
size = readuint32(src)
name, n = readcstring(src)
if name not in ["index2.dat", "chaporder.dat", "logo"]:
table.append((offset, size, name))
total += n + 8
return table
def copysection(dst, src, offset, size):
def fmtsize(size):
for i in "kmgt":
size /= 1024
if size < 1024:
return "%.2f"%size + i
def extract(srcfile):
dstdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(srcfile), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(srcfile))[0])
if not os.path.exists(dstdir):
with open(srcfile, 'rb') as src:
if != b'buka':
print("%s: not a buka manga archive" % srcfile)
title, _ = readcstring(src)
table = readtable(src)
print("extract %s (%s) to %s/" % (srcfile, title, dstdir))
for offset, size, name in table:
dstfile = os.path.join(dstdir, name)
with open(dstfile, 'wb') as dst:
copysection(dst, src, offset, size)
print(" %s (%s)" % (name, fmtsize(size)))
for srcfile in sys.argv[1:]:
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