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Created October 28, 2017 14:16
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Can generate the sitemap and also get the links on any specific depth (layer).
import requests
from urllib.parse import urlparse,urljoin
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
all_urls = set()
class url_tree():
def __init__(self, base_url,page_no=1 ,children=None):
self.url = base_url
self.page_no =page_no
self.children = []
if children is not None :
# print(self.url,children)
for child in children:
if child not in all_urls:
if to_level >= self.page_no:
# print(self.url,self.children)
def add_child(self, node):
''' adds children to the its parent node '''
assert isinstance(node, url_tree)
def get_layer(self,no):
''' Returns the urls at certain depth of the root url '''
if self.page_no != no:
for child in self.children:
yield child.get_layer(no)
# return child.get_layer(no)
yield self.url
def get_children(self):
# url_tree[page_no][url] = list()
try :
page = requests.get(self.url)
except Exception as e:
print (e) # when the url has got some problem
print('scraped -> ',self.url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'lxml')
for link in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
llink = self.true_url(self.url, link['href'])
# print(llink, link['href'])
if llink and llink not in all_urls:
def true_url(self,url,x,extensive_check=False):
''' returns url if it matches some basic validations else None'''
result = urlparse(x)
if all([result.scheme, result.netloc, result.path]) :
return x
elif any([result.scheme, result.netloc, result.path]) :
if extensive_check:
_ = requests.get(urljoin(url,x))
return urljoin(url,x) if _.status_code == 200 else False
return urljoin(url,x)
return False
return False
def all_urls(self,send=False):
for url in all_urls:
print (url)
if send: return all_urls
def sitemap(self,depth):
if self.page_no <= depth:
for child in self.children:
print(self.url,'->' ,child)
for child in self.children:
return ""
def __str__(self):
return self.url
def __repr__(self):
return self.url
if __name__ == '__main__':
url_ = "" # Enter the base url over here
to_level = 1 # no of layers deep the site has to be scraped ; \\ to_level = layer + 1 \\, so , we can get two layer depth
url_tree = url_tree(url_) # initiating the url_tree with the url
print([''.join(i) for i in url.get_layer(2)]) # get the links at depth 2
print(url_tree.sitemap(depth=2)) # sitemap till depth = 2
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