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Nikita Sviridenko n-sviridenko

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zanona / sentry-serverless-firebase.ts
Last active September 4, 2024 19:51
Missing Sentry's firebase serverless wrappers
* Temporary wrapper for firebase functions until @sentry/serverless support is implemented
* It currently supports wrapping https, pubsub and firestore handlers.
* usage: https.onRequest(wrap((req, res) => {...}))
import type {Event} from '@sentry/types';
import type {https} from 'firebase-functions';
import type {onRequest, onCall} from 'firebase-functions/lib/providers/https';
import type {ScheduleBuilder} from 'firebase-functions/lib/providers/pubsub';
import type {DocumentBuilder} from 'firebase-functions/lib/providers/firestore';
rdump /
Last active April 4, 2024 15:20
kubectl multi-version brews (kubernetes-cli formula)

kubectl multi-version brews


The instructions below apply to older versions of Homebrew which still provide switch capability.

For current Homebrew, you'll likely need to keep Versions around, and build locally. Here's my versions repository

MacPorts is now keeping versioned installations available as well, by default.

brandonroberts / async-ng-module-loader.ts
Last active April 26, 2019 12:40
Webpack Async NgModule Loader
import {Injectable, NgModuleFactory, NgModuleFactoryLoader, Compiler, Type} from '@angular/core';
class LoaderCallback {
constructor(public callback) {}
export let load: Type = (callback: Function) => {
return new LoaderCallback(callback);
softwarespot / .jsbeautifyrc
Last active January 8, 2023 10:42
JS Beautifier configuration
// Documentation:
// Example URL:
// Based on Airbnb's JavaScript Style Guide, URL:
// Collapse curly brackets
"brace_style": "collapse",
// Break chained method calls across subsequent lines
"break_chained_methods": true,