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Created July 23, 2020 05:58
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def display_board(board, action, playerID, player1, player2, reward, done, possible_actions, training = True, episode_reward_player1=None, episode_reward_player2=None):
prints out the Tic-Tac-Toe board in the terminal.
prints the action taken by the players, the reward they recieved and the status of the game (Done -> True or False)
prints if either of the players have won or lost the game or if it is a tied between the players
prints all the possible next actions if the training argument is set to True
for i in range(3):
print(' '.join(board[i*3:(i+1)*3]))
player = if playerID else
print(f'{player} takes action {action}, gets reward {reward}. Done -> {done}')
if episode_reward_player1 is not None:
print(f'episode_reward_player1 -> {episode_reward_player1}')
print(f'episode_reward_player2 -> {episode_reward_player2}')
if reward < 0:
if playerID:
print(f'\n{} wins !')
print(f'\n{} wins !')
elif reward == 1:
if playerID:
print(f'\n{} wins !')
print(f'\n{} wins !')
elif reward == 0.5:
print(f'\nit is a draw !')
if training:
print(f'\npossible_actions: {possible_actions}\n')
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