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Created July 23, 2020 05:51
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import random, pickle
import config as cfg
class QLearningAgent:
def __init__(self, name, epsilon = cfg.epsilon, alpha = cfg.alpha, gamma = cfg.gamma): = name
self.epsilon = epsilon # exploration-exploiataion trade-off factor
self.alpha = alpha # learning-rate
self.gamma = gamma # discount-factor
self.Q = {} # Q-Table
self.last_board = None
self.state_action_last = None
self.q_last = 0.0
def reset(self):
resets the last_board, state_action_last and q_last
self.last_board = None
self.state_action_last = None
self.q_last = 0.0
def epsilon_greedy(self, state, possible_actions):
returns action by using epsilon-greedy algorithm
state = tuple(state) # because state is going to be a part of the key of Q-dict and dictionaries can not have lists as the keys
self.last_board = state #
if random.random() < self.epsilon:
# random action selection
action = random.choice(possible_actions)
# greedy action selection
q_list = []
# we will store q-values for all the possiblle actions available for the current state
for action in possible_actions:
q_list.append(self.getQ(state, action))
maxQ = max(q_list)
# we need to handle the cases where more than 1 action has the same maxQ
if q_list.count(maxQ) > 1:
# in case when we have more than 1 action having the same maxQ, we randomly pick one of those actions
maxQ_actions = [i for i in range(len(possible_actions)) if q_list[i] == maxQ]
action_idx = random.choice(maxQ_actions)
# in case when we have only 1 action having the same maxQ, simply pick that action
action_idx = q_list.index(maxQ)
action = possible_actions[action_idx]
# update state_action_last and q_last
self.state_action_last = (state, action)
self.q_last = self.getQ(state, action)
return action
def getQ(self, state, action):
return q-value for a given state-action pair
return self.Q.get((state, action), 1.0)
def updateQ(self, reward, state, possible_actions):
performs Q-Learning update
q_list = []
for action in possible_actions:
q_list.append(self.getQ(tuple(state), action))
if q_list:
maxQ_next = max(q_list)
maxQ_next = 0
# Q-Table update
self.Q[self.state_action_last] = self.q_last + self.alpha*((reward + self.gamma*maxQ_next) - self.q_last)
def saveQtable(self):
saves the Q-Table as a pickle file
save_name = + '_QTable'
with open(save_name, 'wb') as handle:
pickle.dump(self.Q, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
print(f'\nQ-Table for {} saved as >{save_name}<\n')
def loadQtable(self): # load table
loads the Q-Table from a pickle file
load_name = + '_QTable'
with open(load_name, 'rb') as handle:
self.Q = pickle.load(handle)
print(f'\nQ-Table for {} loaded as >{load_name}< B)\n')
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