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Last active February 25, 2021 11:18
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Find compromised NoSQL & Docker systems from Shodan JSON export
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Last update: 1/13/2020
# Added:
# CassandraDB support
# Additional DBs
# Docker XMR mining flags (Thanks Unit42!)
# Dependencies:
# - shodan
# Installation:
# sudo easy_install shodan
# Usage:
# 1. Download a json.gz file from Shodan; either for specific DB solutions or "tag:database"
# Example:
# shodan download --limit -1 USA_DB country:US tag:database
# OR
# shodan download --limit -1 USA_DB country:US product:MongoDB
# 2. Run the tool on the file:
# ./ USA_DB.json.gz
from sys import argv
import json
from shodan.helpers import iterate_files, get_ip
pwnedDBs = ['university_cybersec_experiment', 'alpine', 'How_to_restore', 'pocosow/centos:7.6.1810', '', 'hacked_by_unistellar', 'RECOVERY', 'timonmat/xmr-stak-cpu', 'arayan/monero-miner',
'abafaeeee/monero-miner', '', 'gakeaws/nginx:v2.0', '', 'gakeaws/mysql:5.6', '', 'gakeaws/nginx:v8.9',
'kannix/monero-miner', 'Warn', 'Backup1', 'Backup2', 'Backup3', 'crackit', 'trojan1', 'trojan2', 'trojan3', 'trojan4', 'Readme', 'WARNING', 'RECOVER',
'PLEASE_READ_ME_XYZ', 'jacpos', 'jackpos', 'jackposv1', 'jackposv2', 'jackposprivate12', 'alina', 'topkek112', 'README', 'WRITE_ME', 'HACKED_BY_MARSHY', 'PLEASE_README',
'WE_HAVE_YOUR_DATA', 'your_data_has_been_backed_up', 'REQUEST_YOUR_DATA', 'DB_HAS_BEEN_DROPPED', 'Warning', 'Attention', 'Aa1_Where_is_my_data',
'send_bitcoin_to_retrieve_the_data', 'DATA_HAS_BEEN_BACKED_UP', 'REQUEST_ME', 'CONTACTME', 'BACKUP_DB', 'db_has_been_backed_up',
'PLEASE_READ', 'please_read', 'warning', 'DB_H4CK3D', 'CONTACTME', 'PLEASE_READ_ME', 'DB_DELETED', 'DB_DROPPED', 'PLEASEREAD', 'How_to_restore',
'NODATA4U_SECUREYOURSHIT', 'SECUREYOURSHIT', 'pleasereadthis', 'readme', 'PLEASE_SECURE_THIS_INSTALLATION', 'ReadmePlease', 'how_to_recover',
for banner in iterate_files(argv[1:]):
ip = get_ip(banner)
org = banner['org']
product = banner['product']
if product == "MongoDB":
data = banner['data'].replace('MongoDB Server Information\n', '').split('\n},\n')[2]
data = json.loads(data + '}')
for db in data['databases']:
if db['name'] in pwnedDBs:
print('{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(ip, org, db['name'], product))
elif product == "Elastic":
data = banner['elastic']
for db in data['indices']:
if db in pwnedDBs:
print('{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(ip, org, db, product))
elif product == "Cassandra":
data = banner['cassandra']
for db in data['keyspaces']:
if db in pwnedDBs:
print('{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(ip, org, db, product))
elif product == "HDFS NameNode":
data = banner['opts']['hdfs-namenode']
for db in data['Files']:
if db['pathSuffix'] in pwnedDBs:
print('{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(ip, org, db['pathSuffix'], product))
elif product == "CouchDB":
data = banner['opts']['couchdb']
for db in data['dbs']:
if db in pwnedDBs:
print('{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(ip, org, db, product))
elif product == "Redis key-value store":
data = banner['redis']['keys']
for db in data['data']:
if db in pwnedDBs:
print('{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(ip, org, db, product))
elif product == "Docker":
data = banner['docker']['Containers']
for db in data:
if db['Image'] in pwnedDBs:
print('{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(ip, org, db['Image'], product))
data = banner['product']
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