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Created December 16, 2015 18:06
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module Prettify
char, double, text,
(<>), hcat, fsep, punctuate,
compact, pretty
) where
data Doc = Empty
| Char Char
| Text String
| Line -- line break
| Concat Doc Doc -- two docs concatenated
| Union Doc Doc -- second doc will be <spaces>
deriving Show
double :: Double -> Doc
double = Text . show
char :: Char -> Doc
char = Char
text :: String -> Doc
text "" = Empty
text t = Text t
(<>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
Empty <> x = x
x <> Empty = x
x <> y = Concat x y
(</>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
x </> y = x <> softLine <> y
-- flattens new line to a space
flatten :: Doc -> Doc
flatten (Concat x y) = flatten x <> flatten y
flatten Line = Char ' '
flatten (Union x _) = flatten x
flatten other = other
union :: Doc -> Doc
union x = flatten x `Union` x
softLine :: Doc
softLine = union Line
fold :: (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
fold f = foldr f Empty
hcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
hcat = fold (<>)
fsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
fsep = fold (</>)
punctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuate p [] = []
punctuate p [d] = [d]
punctuate p (d:ds) = (d<>p) : punctuate p ds
compact :: Doc -> String
compact x = transform [x]
where transform [] = ""
transform (d:ds) = case d of
Empty -> transform ds
Line -> '\n' : transform ds
Char c -> c : transform ds
Text t -> t ++ transform ds
Concat x y -> transform (x:y:ds)
Union _ y -> transform ( y:ds)
pretty :: Int -> Doc -> String
pretty width x = best 0 [x]
where best col (d:ds) = case d of
Empty -> best col ds
Line -> '\n' : best 0 ds
Char c -> c : best (col+1) ds
Text t -> t ++ best (col + length t) ds
Concat x y -> best col (x:y:ds)
Union x y -> nicest col (best col (x:ds))
(best col (y:ds))
best _ _ = ""
nicest col a b | (width - least) `fits` a = a
| otherwise = b
where least = min width col
w `fits` _ | w<0 = False
w `fits` "" = True
w `fits` ('\n':_) = True
w `fits` (c:cs) = (w-1) `fits` cs
module PrettyJSON
) where
import Prettify (Doc, (<>), char, double, fsep, hcat, punctuate, text
,compact, pretty)
import SimpleJSON (JValue(..))
import Numeric (showHex)
import Data.Bits (shiftR, (.&.))
import Data.Char (ord)
value :: Doc
value = renderJValue (JObject [("f", JNumber 1), ("q", JBool True)])
renderJValue :: JValue -> Doc
renderJValue (JString s) = string s
renderJValue (JNumber n) = double n
renderJValue (JBool True) = text "true"
renderJValue (JBool False) = text "false"
renderJValue JNull = text "null"
renderJValue (JArray a) = series '[' ']' renderJValue a
renderJValue (JObject o) = series '{' '}' renderJField o
where renderJField (k,v) = string k
<> text ": "
<> renderJValue v
-- --------------------------------------------------------
string :: String -> Doc
string = enclose '"' '"' . hcat . map oneChar
enclose :: Char -> Char -> Doc -> Doc
enclose l r x = char l <> x <> char r
-- ********************************************************
-- CHAR ---------------------------------------------------
-- ********************************************************
smallHex :: Int -> Doc
smallHex i = text "\\u"
<> text (replicate (4-length h) '0')
<> text h
where h = showHex i ""
astral :: Int -> Doc
astral n = smallHex (a + 0xd800) <> smallHex (b + 0xdc00)
where a = (n `shiftR` 10) .&. 0x3ff
b = n .&. 0x3ff
hexEscape :: Char -> Doc
hexEscape c | d < 0x10000 = smallHex d
| otherwise = astral (d - 0x10000)
where d = ord c
oneChar :: Char -> Doc
oneChar c = case lookup c simpleEscapes of
Just r -> text r
Nothing | mustEscape c -> hexEscape c
| otherwise -> char c
where mustEscape c = c<' ' || c=='\x7f' || c>'\xff'
simpleEscapes :: [(Char, String)]
simpleEscapes = zipWith ch "\b\n\f\r\t\\\"/" "bnfrt\\\"/"
where ch a b = (a, ['\\',b])
-- ********************************************************
-- OBJECTS AND ARRAYS -------------------------------------
-- ********************************************************
series :: Char -> Char -> (a -> Doc) -> [a] -> Doc
series open close fItem = enclose open close . fsep
. punctuate (char ',') . map fItem
-- pojednostavljeno
module PutJSON
) where
import Data.List (intercalate)
import SimpleJSON
renderJValue :: JValue -> String
renderJValue (JString s) = s
renderJValue (JNumber n) = show n
renderJValue (JBool True) = "true"
renderJValue (JBool False) = "false"
renderJValue JNull = "null"
renderJValue (JObject o) = "{" ++ pairs o ++ "}"
where pairs [] = ""
pairs ps = intercalate "," . map renderPair $ ps
renderPair (k, v) = k ++ ": " ++ renderJValue v
renderJValue (JArray a) = "[" ++ values a ++ "]"
where values [] = ""
values js = intercalate ", " . map renderJValue $ js
putValue :: JValue -> IO ()
putValue = putStrLn . renderJValue
module SimpleJSON
, getString
, getInt
, getDouble
, getBool
, getObject
, getArray
, isNull
) where
data JValue = JString String
| JNumber Double
| JBool Bool
| JNull
| JObject [(String, JValue)]
| JArray [JValue]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
getString :: JValue -> Maybe String
getString (JString s) = Just s
getString _ = Nothing
getInt (JNumber n) = Just $ truncate n
getInt _ = Nothing
getDouble (JNumber n) = Just n
getDouble _ = Nothing
getBool (JBool b) = Just b
getBool _ = Nothing
getObject (JObject o) = Just o
getObject _ = Nothing
getArray (JArray a) = Just a
getArray _ = Nothing
isNull JNull = True
isNull _ = False
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