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Created October 1, 2012 17:59
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CasperJS test cli hooks example

Put test1.js and test2.js into a tests/ directory, then run the suite:

$ casperjs test tests/ --pre=pre.js --includes=inc.js --post=post.js
Test file: /Users/nperriault/tmp/pre-inc/pre.js                                 
Hey, I'm executed before the suite.
Test file: /Users/nperriault/tmp/pre-inc/tests/test1.js                         
# this is test 1
Hi, I've been included.
PASS Subject is strictly true
Test file: /Users/nperriault/tmp/pre-inc/tests/test2.js                         
# this is test 2
Hi, I've been included.
PASS Subject is strictly true
Test file: /Users/nperriault/tmp/pre-inc/post.js                                
Hey, I'm executed after the suite.
PASS 2 tests executed, 2 passed, 0 failed.                                      

A more colorful output:

casper.sayHi = function sayHi() {
this.echo("Hi, I've been included.");
casper.echo("Hey, I'm executed after the suite.");
casper.echo("Hey, I'm executed before the suite.");
casper.test.comment('this is test 1');
casper.test.comment('this is test 2');
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If it helps anyone else who ends up here, this is what I felt was missing on this page - an example with casper.start and in it.

pre.js (which I was using for login purposes)

var url = casper.cli.options.url;
casper.start(url, function() {
  // do things

// casper.then do other things {


// variables do not carry over from one file to the next
var url = casper.cli.options.url;

casper.start(url, function() {
  // pretty much like pre.js

// casper.waitFor, etc... {


// nothing else to see here;

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ddeath commented Apr 11, 2015

Be aware that --post will run only once after all test, all files are do. Not after the suite() function

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You may change line one to:

casperjs test --pre=pre.js --includes=inc.js --post=post.js test*.js

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erichaus commented Jun 1, 2016

if anyone else runs into this, what fixed it for me was setting this.test.done() at the end of each test instead of this.exit() as someone else pointed out above...

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Thanks for the sample, guys.

I try to use --includes option and it does not act as expected: "will include the foo.js and bar.js files before each test file execution". One only include is performed, before pre scripts. Here is the sample code with customized inc.js:

casper.echo("Hey, I should be included before each test file.");
casper.sayHi = function sayHi() {
    this.echo("Hi, I've been included.");

Echo phrase is shown only once in output:

Hey, I should be included before each test file.
Test file: /home/alex/work/github/tmp_casperjs_includes/pre.js                  
Hey, I'm executed before the suite.
Test file: /home/alex/work/github/tmp_casperjs_includes/tests/test1.js          
# this is test 1
Hi, I've been included.
PASS Subject is strictly true
Test file: /home/alex/work/github/tmp_casperjs_includes/tests/test2.js          
# this is test 2
Hi, I've been included.
PASS Subject is strictly true
Test file: /home/alex/work/github/tmp_casperjs_includes/post.js                 
Hey, I'm executed after the suite.
PASS 2 tests executed in 0.061s, 2 passed, 0 failed, 0 dubious, 0 skipped.   

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Doing this with --engine=slimejs fails to open multiple tests, it only runs one test. Any way we can run multiple tests using SlimerJS?

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Anyway we can open multiple test cases in the SlimerJS ?

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