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Christian Meter n2o

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n2o /
Last active January 24, 2025 09:23
Convert wav file to 16 kHz for Whisper in Rust

Convert wav file to 16 kHz for Whisper in Rust

If you want to convert a wav file to 16 kHz for whisper in Rust, you can use the following script. It uses the hound crate to read and write wav files and rubato to resample the audio.

Reads a file as input.wav and returns a converted wav as output.wav.

use rubato::{
    Resampler, SincFixedIn, SincInterpolationParameters, SincInterpolationType, WindowFunction,
n2o /
Last active December 3, 2024 10:12
Wordpress Shortcode: Get posts by category and sort them in a grid or slider

Let's assume we have a post type employee and some categories. We want to get all employees, who are assigned to a specific category to add them via a shortcode. The shortcode should have two attributes: category and layout. The category attribute should accept a comma-separated list of category slugs or IDs. The layout attribute should define the output layout: grid or slider.

Here is an example of how to create a shortcode to list employees by category:

 * Listing of employees by category
 * Example: [employee category="Physiotherapie" layout="grid"]
 * - layout="grid": Displays the employees in a grid (default)
n2o /
Created October 23, 2024 12:13
Automatic sitemap.xml for NextJS with Internationalization

This script creates a sitemap based on the page.tsx-files found in your app-directory.

Create a file called sitemap.ts inside of your app/ directory of your NextJS application.

Then fill it with this script:

import { globby } from "globby"
import type { MetadataRoute } from "next"
n2o /
Created July 14, 2024 21:10
Raspberry Pi Pico W as Wifi Access Point

Pico W as Wifi Access Point

This script spins up the Pico W as a Wifi Access Point. It assigns itself the IP and assigns new Clients some IP starting at or so.

import network
from machine import Pin

led = Pin("LED", Pin.OUT)
n2o /
Created May 4, 2023 13:50
Strapi: The missing Docs

Strapi: The missing Docs

Strapi is a great project, but lacks of a good documentation concerning customization. This gist presents some of my findings / experiments to customize strapi.

users-permissions plugin

Add policies to existing routes

My use-case: find and findOne need to be active to keep nested queries on other user-relations. But if I allow authenticated users to access these routes, they can access all users. So I customize these routes with my own policies:

n2o /
Created February 16, 2023 16:06
Grant Privileges to a Role in Strapi (e.g. for testing)

To give access to a role from the users-permissions model in Strapi v4, you need to create a permission and add it to the role.

Useful for testing. Gives authenticated users access to the provided routes.

import request from "supertest";
import { setupStrapi, stopStrapi } from "../../../../tests/helpers/strapi";
import { createUser } from "../../../../tests/user/factory";

let user;
n2o / strapi.ts
Created December 8, 2022 11:41
Strapi v4 Testing: setup and tearDown in TypeScript
// Taken from
// Thanks, you helped me a lot!
import strapi, { Strapi } from "@strapi/strapi";
import { compile } from "@strapi/typescript-utils";
import * as fs from "fs";
let instance: Strapi;
export const setupStrapi = async (): Promise<Strapi> => {
n2o /
Last active February 17, 2025 19:26
Compiling x86_64 assembly program on M1 Mac

If you have an M1 Mac and want to compile and execute x86_64 assembly code, make sure you install Rosetta 2 and nasm (brew install nasm).

Than, take a 64 Bit assembly program, e.g. from this tutorial page ( in Section "Your First Program" for macOS, save it to a file called hello.asm.

Compile, link and execute the program:

nasm -f macho64 hello.asm
ld hello.o -o hello -macosx_version_min 11.0 -L /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib -lSystem


n2o /
Last active August 24, 2024 12:09
Fix mattermost permissions when deployed with helm

Fix Mattermost Permission Problem

This solution is based the code snippet provided @nsteinmetz in this issue.

If you deployed mattermost via the helm chart, you might experience the same problem as we at @schnaq did: the mounted volumes belong to root but not to the mattermost user. This is a problem if you want to install settings, or new plugins (e.g. the playbook or the focalboard).

To fix this, we checked the id of the mattermost user in our running pod: