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Sebastian Funck n4n0lix

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n4n0lix /
Created February 25, 2023 11:44 — forked from Demiu/
How to properly move AppData in Windows 10

Moving AppData folder on Windows 10

  1. Create a new user with administrator permissions
  2. Sign out of the current user and sign in as the newly created user
  3. Navigate to C:\Users in File Explorer
  4. Click into the account you want move AppData from
    • There could be a popup telling you that you need to allow yourself to access that user's data, do so
  5. Cut the AppData folder
    • If invisible, go to View and check Hidden Items
  6. Paste in the desired location
n4n0lix / Google Play Api - Apk
Created May 13, 2019 11:53 — forked from machinekoder/Google Play Api - Apk
This python script uploads an apk file into Google Play Store using Android Play Publisher API

In Google Developer Console inside your app project, on the Credentials section, you must create a new "Service Account" "Client ID", if you have not already. And download the p12 file. You need the service account key file, generated in the Google APIs Console into the same directory and rename it to key.p12.

On Google Play Developer Console you have to give permissions to "[email protected]" for uploading apks.


Download Google APIs Client Library for Python (google-api-python-client): or use pip:

$ pip install google-api-python-client