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Created May 13, 2018 22:43
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens hiding (op)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char
import System.IO
import System.Random
data Game = Game { _values :: [Int], _right :: Int, _rounds :: Int }
makeLenses ''Game
gameLoop :: StateT Game IO ()
gameLoop = do
flushPut "Would you like to play? y/n: "
keepPlaying <- ("y" ==) . map toLower <$> liftIO getLine
when keepPlaying $ do
(x:y:r:_) <- values <<%= drop 3
numRounds <- rounds <+= 1
let (solution, opStr) = [(x + y, "+"), (x - y, "-")] !! (r `mod` 2)
flushPut $ unwords ["What is", show x, opStr, show y, "? "]
correct <- (solution ==) <$> liftIO readLn
numRight <- right <+= if correct then 1 else 0
liftIO . putStrLn $
unwords [message solution correct,
"\nYou have solved", show numRight, "out of", show numRounds]
flushPut = liftIO . (>> hFlush stdout) . putStr
message _ True = "Correct!"
message solution _ = unwords ["Sorry! the correct answer is:", show solution]
main :: IO ()
main = do
randomValues <- randomRs (1, 100) <$> getStdGen
evalStateT gameLoop (Game randomValues 0 0)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens hiding (op)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char
import System.IO
import System.Random
data Game = Game { _values :: [Int], _right :: Int, _rounds :: Int }
makeLenses ''Game
updateGame :: Bool -> Game -> Game
updateGame correct =
(values %~ drop 3) .
(rounds +~ 1) .
(right +~ if correct then 1 else 0)
gameLoop :: StateT Game IO ()
gameLoop = do
flushPut "Would you like to play? y/n: "
keepPlaying <- ("y" ==) . map toLower <$> liftIO getLine
when keepPlaying $ do
(x:y:r:_) <- use values
let (solution, opStr) = [(x + y, "+"), (x - y, "-")] !! (r `mod` 2)
flushPut $ unwords ["What is", show x, opStr, show y, "? "]
correct <- (solution ==) <$> liftIO readLn
game <- modify (updateGame correct) >> get
liftIO . putStrLn $
unwords [message solution correct,
"\nYou have solved", show $ game ^. right, "out of", show $ game ^. rounds]
flushPut = liftIO . (>> hFlush stdout) . putStr
message _ True = "Correct!"
message solution _ = unwords ["Sorry! the correct answer is:", show solution]
main :: IO ()
main = do
randomValues <- randomRs (1, 100) <$> getStdGen
evalStateT gameLoop (Game randomValues 0 0)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char
import System.IO
import System.Random
data Game = Game { values :: [Int], right :: Int, rounds :: Int }
updateGame :: Bool -> Game -> Game
updateGame correct Game { values = (_:_:_:remaining)
, right = score
, rounds = total } =
Game { values = remaining
, right = if correct then score + 1 else score
, rounds = total + 1 }
gameLoop :: StateT Game IO ()
gameLoop = do
flushPut "Would you like to play? y/n: "
keepPlaying <- ("y" ==) . map toLower <$> liftIO getLine
when keepPlaying $ do
(x:y:r:_) <- gets values
let (solution, opStr) = [(x + y, "+"), (x - y, "-")] !! (r `mod` 2)
flushPut $ unwords ["What is", show x, opStr, show y, "? "]
correct <- (solution ==) <$> liftIO readLn
game <- modify (updateGame correct) >> get
liftIO . putStrLn $
unwords [message solution correct,
"\nYou have solved", show $ right game, "out of", show $ rounds game]
flushPut = liftIO . (>> hFlush stdout) . putStr
message _ True = "Correct!"
message solution _ = unwords ["Sorry! the correct answer is:", show solution]
main :: IO ()
main = do
randomValues <- randomRs (1, 100) <$> getStdGen
evalStateT gameLoop (Game randomValues 0 0)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char
import System.IO
import System.Random
data Game = Game { values :: [Int], right :: Int, rounds :: Int }
updateGame :: Bool -> Game -> Game
updateGame correct Game { values = (_:_:_:remaining)
, right = score
, rounds = total } =
Game { values = remaining
, right = if correct then score + 1 else score
, rounds = total + 1 }
gameLoop :: StateT Game IO ()
gameLoop = do
flushPut "Would you like to play? y/n: "
keepPlaying <- ("y" ==) . map toLower <$> liftIO getLine
when keepPlaying $ do
(x:y:r:_) <- gets values
let (solution, opStr) = [(x + y, "+"), (x - y, "-")] !! (r `mod` 2)
flushPut $ unwords ["What is", show x, opStr, show y, "? "]
correct <- (solution ==) <$> liftIO readLn
modify (updateGame correct)
gameState' <- get
liftIO . putStrLn $ if correct
then "Correct!"
else unwords ["Sorry! the correct answer is:", show solution]
liftIO . putStrLn $ unwords
[ "You have solved"
, show $ right gameState', "out of"
, show $ rounds gameState', "\n"
flushPut = liftIO . (>> hFlush stdout) . putStr
main :: IO ()
main = do
randomValues <- randomRs (1, 100) <$> getStdGen
evalStateT gameLoop (Game randomValues 0 0)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import System.IO
import System.Random
data Game = Game { values :: [Int], right :: Int, rounds :: Int }
updateGame :: Bool -> Game -> Game
updateGame correct Game { values = (_:_:_:remaining)
, right = score
, rounds = total } =
Game { values = remaining
, right = if correct then score + 1 else score
, rounds = total + 1 }
gameLoop :: Game -> IO ()
gameLoop gameState = do
flushPut "Would you like to play? y/n: "
keepPlaying <- ("y" ==) . map toLower <$> getLine
when keepPlaying $ do
let (x:y:r:_) = values gameState
let (solution, opStr) = [(x + y, "+"), (x - y, "-")] !! (r `mod` 2)
flushPut $ unwords ["What is", show x, opStr, show y, "? "]
correct <- (solution ==) <$> readLn
let gameState' = updateGame correct gameState
putStrLn $ if correct
then "Correct!"
else unwords ["Sorry! the correct answer is:", show solution]
putStrLn $ unwords
[ "You have solved"
, show $ right gameState', "out of"
, show $ rounds gameState', "\n"
gameLoop gameState'
flushPut = (>> hFlush stdout) . putStr
main :: IO ()
main = do
randomValues <- randomRs (1, 100) <$> getStdGen
gameLoop Game { values = randomValues, right = 0, rounds = 0 }
gameLoop :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
gameLoop (x:y:r:values) right rounds = do
flushPut "Would you like to play? y/n: "
keepPlaying <- ("y" ==) . map toLower <$> getLine
when keepPlaying $ do
let (solution, opStr) = [(x + y, "+"), (x - y, "-")] !! (r `mod` 2)
flushPut $ unwords ["What is", show x, opStr, show y, "? "]
correct <- (solution ==) <$> readLn
let (total, message) = if correct
then (right + 1, "Correct!")
else (right, unwords ["Sorry! the correct answer is:", show solution])
putStrLn $ unwords
[message, "\nYou have solved", show total, "out of", show (rounds + 1)]
gameLoop values total (rounds + 1)
flushPut = (>> hFlush stdout) . putStr
main :: IO ()
main = do
randomValues <- randomRs (1, 100) <$> getStdGen
gameLoop randomValues 0 0
gameLoop :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
gameLoop (x:y:r:values) right rounds = do
flushPut "Would you like to play? y/n: "
keepPlaying <- getLine
when (map toLower keepPlaying == "y") $ do
let (solution, opStr) = [(x + y, "+"), (x - y, "-")] !! (r `mod` 2)
flushPut $ unwords ["What is", show x, opStr, show y, "? "]
response <- readLn
let (total, message) = if solution == response
then (right + 1, "Correct!")
else (right, unwords ["Sorry! the correct answer is:", show solution])
putStrLn $ unwords
[message, "\nYou have solved", show total, "out of", show (rounds + 1)]
gameLoop values total (rounds + 1)
flushPut s = putStr s >> hFlush stdout
main :: IO ()
main = do
gen <- getStdGen
gameLoop (randomRs (1, 100) gen) 0 0
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