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Forked from pudquick/
Last active February 27, 2020 23:04
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# As written, this requires the following:
# - OS X 10.6+ (tested on 10.12.6 and 10.14.3)
# - python 2.6 or 2.7 (for collections.namedtuple usage, should be fine as default python in 10.6 is 2.6)
# - pyObjC (as such, recommended to be used with native OS X python install)
# Run with root
import objc, ctypes.util, os.path, collections
from Foundation import NSOrderedSet
from time import sleep
# List of preferred SSIDs in priority order - edit/add/delete as needed
PreferredSSIDs = ["RIT","eduroam"]
RemoveSSIDs = ["ritwpa2","rit","rit_guest","RIT-Legacy","RIT-Guest"]
def load_objc_framework(framework_name):
# Utility function that loads a Framework bundle and creates a namedtuple where the attributes are the loaded classes from the Framework bundle
loaded_classes = dict()
framework_bundle = objc.loadBundle(framework_name, bundle_path=os.path.dirname(ctypes.util.find_library(framework_name)), module_globals=loaded_classes)
return collections.namedtuple('AttributedFramework', loaded_classes.keys())(**loaded_classes)
# Load the CoreWLAN.framework (10.6+)
CoreWLAN = load_objc_framework('CoreWLAN')
# Load all available wifi interfaces
interfaces = dict()
for i in CoreWLAN.CWInterface.interfaceNames():
interfaces[i] = CoreWLAN.CWInterface.interfaceWithName_(i)
# Repeat the configuration with every wifi interface
for i in interfaces.keys():
# Turn off the Wi-Fi interface while we reconfigure it
power_off_result = interfaces[i].setPower_error_(False, None)
# Grab a mutable copy of this interface's configuration
configuration_copy = CoreWLAN.CWMutableConfiguration.alloc().initWithConfiguration_(interfaces[i].configuration())
# Find all the preferred/remembered network profiles
profiles = list(configuration_copy.networkProfiles())
# Grab all the SSIDs, in order
SSIDs = [x.ssid() for x in profiles]
# Remove profiles that match the RemoveSSIDs list.
profiles = [x for x in profiles if x.ssid() not in RemoveSSIDs]
# Loop through PreferredSSIDs list in reverse order sorting each entry to the front of profiles array so it
# ends up sorted with PreferredSSIDs as the first items.
# Order is preserved for other SSIDs, example where PreferredSSIDs is [ssid3, ssid4]:
# Original: [ssid1, ssid2, ssid3, ssid4]
# New order: [ssid3, ssid4, ssid1, ssid2]
for aSSID in reversed(PreferredSSIDs):
profiles.sort(key=lambda x: x.ssid() == aSSID, reverse=True)
# Now we have to update the mutable configuration
# First convert it back to a NSOrderedSet
profile_set = NSOrderedSet.orderedSetWithArray_(profiles)
# Then set/overwrite the configuration copy's networkProfiles
# Then update the network interface configuration
result = interfaces[i].commitConfiguration_authorization_error_(configuration_copy, None, None)
# Turn the Wi-Fi interface on again
while not interfaces[i].powerOn():
power_on_result = interfaces[i].setPower_error_(True, None)
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