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Nathan Henrie n8henrie

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n8henrie / exportSshPassphrases.js
Created February 17, 2025 23:37
JXA script to export SSH passphrases saved in macOS's Keychain Access
#!/usr/bin/osascript -l JavaScript
// 1. Open Keychain
// 2. Filter by `SSH:`
// 3. Set pw and outfile in this script
// 4. Run
// 5. Transfer the file to the new device
// 5. Use the sloppy script below to then read that file and add to Keychain Access on the new device
n8henrie / iphone_cannot_be_played.js
Last active October 17, 2023 22:50
Automatically click "ok" on the dozens of error notifications I get when syncing with MacOS
#!/usr/bin/osascript -l JavaScript
function click_ok() {
const sys = Application('System Events')
const finder = sys.processes["Finder"]
try {
let sheets ={name: "NatePhone"}).sheets().flat()
let message = "cannot be played on this iPhone."
let error_sheet = sheets.filter(sheet => {
n8henrie / nix-darwin-linux-builder-example.nix
Created September 25, 2023 21:33
How to use darwin-builder to build linux nix packages on darwin
description = "Example use of nixpkgs#darwin-builder";
# First, read through
# and add yourself to `extra-trusted-users`, verify with `nix show-config | grep -i trusted-users`
# Copy this flake somewhere and run:
# ```console
# $ nix build --builders '' .#packages.aarch64-darwin.default
n8henrie / pbcopy
Created September 13, 2023 18:35
pbopy: copy over ssh to a MacOS host's clipboard
set -Eeuf -o pipefail
readonly SSH_PORT=1234
readonly USERNAME=me
readonly SSH_KEY=/home/"${USERNAME}"/.ssh/my_key_id_rsa
readonly DEST=my_machine_name
main() {
#!/usr/bin/osascript -l JavaScript
'use strict'
const Safari = Application("Safari")
const Chrome = Application("Google Chrome")
const Brave = Application("Brave Browser")
const SystemEvents = Application("System Events")
const Firefox = Application("firefox")
const DefaultBrowser = Firefox
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" :: Compares a LastPass export to your Bitwarden vault.
Python >=3.10, no third party Python libraries / dependencies.
Outputs BW logins that may have been compromised in the recent LastPass hack
based on matching domain and password.
It would probably make sense to cast an even wider net by using something like
n8henrie / OpenTerminalToFinderWindow.js
Last active March 9, 2025 02:19
JXA to open a Terminal window to the frontmost Finder window
#!/usr/bin/osascript -l JavaScript
'use strict';
const DEBUG = false;
function launchTerminal(path) {
const terminalApp = Application("")
terminalApp.includeStandardAdditions = true
let cmd = `cd ${path}; clear;`