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Last active January 2, 2018 08:31
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Reads PowerShell environment variables file to upload to AWS Lambda
Reads PowerShell environment variables file to upload to AWS Lambda
The .env_lambda script is made of the following steps:
1. Skips the first three lines of the .env file
2. Retrieves the contents of each line after the first ":"
3. Joins all variables into a comma-separated string
4. Uploads variables up to AWS Lambda
File containing PowerShell environment variable to upload to AWS Lambda.
See example for file format.
Number of lines to skip from the start of the file.
Defaults to 0.
.PARAMETER LambdaFunction
Name of AWS Lambda Function to upload environment variables to.
Example source .env.ps1 file:
PS C:\Users\naaman> .\.env_lambda.ps1 -EnvVars .env.ps1 -SkipLines 3 -LambdaFunction pythagoras-app-dev
aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name=pythagoras-app-dev --environment Variables='{DEV_S3_BUCKET_NAME="", DEV_STATIC_PATH=""}'
Param (
# Read from supplied environment variables filename
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[String] $EnvVars,
# Skip number of lines from top of environment variables file
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[String] $SkipLines = 0,
# Skip number of lines from top of environment variables file
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[String] $LambdaFunction
$lines = Get-Content $EnvVars | Select-Object -skip $SkipLines | %{$_.Split(':', 2)[1]}
$variables = @{}
foreach($line in $lines) {
$key_val = $line.Split('=')
Update-LMFunctionConfiguration -FunctionName $LambdaFunction -Environment_Variable $variables
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