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Forked from alexspeller/source_maps.rb
Last active December 14, 2015 13:48
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Monkey patch for Coffee Script v.1.6.2 Source Maps for Rails.
# config/initializers/source_maps.rb
if Rails.env.development?
module CoffeeScript
class SourceMapError < StandardError; end;
class << self
def compile script, options
script = if script.respond_to?(:read)
if options.key?(:no_wrap) and !options.key?(:bare)
options[:bare] = options[:no_wrap]
options[:bare] = false
# adding source mapss option. (source maps option requires filename option.)
options[:sourceMap] = true
options[:filename] = options[:pathname].basename.to_s
ret ="CoffeeScript.compile", script, options)
map_dir = Rails.root.join("public/source_maps")
basename = options[:pathname].basename('.coffee')
map_file = map_dir.join "#{basename}.map"
coffee_file = map_dir.join "#{basename}.coffee"
# workaround for missing filename
source_map = JSON.load(ret["v3SourceMap"])
source_map["sources"][0] = options[:filename]'w') {|f| f.puts script }'w') {|f| f.puts source_map.to_json}
comment = "\n/*\n//@ sourceMappingURL=/source_maps/#{map_file.basename}\n*/\n"
return ret["js"] + comment
# Monkeypatch this method to include the scripts' pathname
require 'tilt/template'
module Tilt
class CoffeeScriptTemplate < Template
def evaluate(scope, locals, &block)
@output ||= CoffeeScript.compile(data, options.merge(:pathname => scope.pathname))
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You should really make a patch for this in the coffee-rails gem.

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turadg commented Mar 7, 2013

@naan beautiful! thanks!

@markbates it's coming: rails/coffee-rails#40

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bsodmike commented Mar 8, 2013

@naan guess what! @markbates just turned this into a gem for rails


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turadg commented Mar 27, 2013

anyone having trouble with this: it stopped working for me recently, until I upgraded from sprockets 2.2.2 to 2.2.2.backport1.

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naan commented Mar 28, 2013

Updated for fixing issues of un-match line number and missing map file.

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@bsomike @naan, @markbates Why is the gem of @markbates saying DO NOT USE THIS? Is there another repository which I should use?

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tsikov commented Sep 6, 2015

I also want to know what is the status of the project. All tutorials I read on source mapping coffeescript used the gem. Is it deprecated due to updated functionality in rails/sprockets/etc...? The repo doesn't give us any information.

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dawez commented Nov 28, 2015

also would like to know the status of this far with rails 4..2.4 and ruby 2.2.0 but never seen the maps generated.

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